Tuesday, February 27, 2007

China (CN) Hunan Province Changsha Region

Changsha Region (长沙市 Chángshā-shì)


Changsha is a major city with a population of 2 400 000. The major towns of Liuyang (90 000), Ningxiang (75 000), and Wangcheng (45 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Changsha Region contains the Changsha metropolitan area, Liuyang Metropolitan County, and 3 ordinary counties. Its area is 11 819 km² and its population is 6 138 719.

The Changsha metropolitan area has an area of 556 km² and a population of 2 122 873. The city of Changsha has a population of 1 788 429 in 476 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 2 042 128 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 1 076 413 in 352 km² for the Changsha metropolitan area, suggesting about 950 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 4.3% and a 2004 estimated population of 2 400 000 corresponding to the measured area of 150 km².

Furong District (芙蓉区 Fúróng-qū) 42 km²

12 street committees of Changsha, 1 rural township (390 074): 文艺路街道 39449 朝阳街街道 46363 韭菜园街道 43357 浏正街街道 13580 解放路街道 14596 府后街街道 12838 都正街街道 13629 五里牌街道 15742 火星街道 24544 马王堆街道 47893 东屯渡街道 33393 湘湖街道 14951 东岸乡 69739

Dong'an (
东岸 Dōng'àn) is a suburb of Changsha.

Kaifu District (
开福区 Kāi-qū) 187 km²

12 street committees of Changsha, 1 urban township, 1 rural township, 1 special rural township (423 645):
金霞路街道 4141 上大垅街道 31839 清水塘街道 13344 望麓园街道 28198 北站路街道 48614 伍家岭街道 43816 民主东街街道 24395 黑石渡街道 38876 新河街道 41483 通泰街街道 16679 西长街街道 17923 如意街街道 9037 四方坪街道 11193 捞刀河镇 50345 霞凝乡 16869 综合农场虚拟乡 26893

Tianqin District (
天心区 Tiānxīn-qū) 74 km²

7 street committees of Changsha, 1 rural township (396 827):
书院路街道 36229 坡子街街道 21022 学院街街道 21275 城南路街道 41352 裕南街街道 67413 金盆岭街道 79875 新开铺街道 88027 大托乡 41634

Datuo (
大托 tuō) is a suburb of Changsha.

Yuelu District (岳麓区 Yuè-qū) 139 km²

8 street committees of Changsha, 1 urban township, 2 rural townships (409 939): 望月湖街道 32240 岳麓街道 64824 桔子洲街道 93666 银盆岭街道 42303 观沙岭街道 33917 望城坡街道 30836 西湖街道 40177 成嘉湖街道 3649 东方红镇 14315 望岳乡 20494 天顶乡 33518

Yuhua District (
雨花区 huā-qū) 114 km²

7 street committees of Changsha, 1 urban township, 1 rural township (502 388):
侯家塘街道 53679 左家塘街道 102766 奎塘街道 34345 砂子塘街道 57762 东塘街道 42690 雨花亭街道 111933 高桥街道 38576 洞井镇 32373 黎托乡 28264

Dongjing (
洞井 Dòngjǐng) and Lituo (黎托 tuō) are suburbs of Changsha.

Liuyang Metropolitan County (
浏阳市 Liúyáng-shì) 4 999 km²

4 street committees of Liuying, 23 urban townships, 13 rural townships (1 307 572):
淮川街道 55275 集里街道 39664 荷花街道 37384 关口街道 22287 沙市镇 49522 淳口镇 42934 社港镇 42452 大围山镇 16925 官渡镇 28390 张坊镇 30410 达浒镇 23841 沿溪镇 27770 古港镇 35190 永和镇 23217 大瑶镇 55539 金刚镇 54105 文家市镇 46007 太平桥镇 20129 枨冲镇 41135 镇头镇 54740 普迹镇 40301 永安镇 58842 北盛镇 51038 赤马镇 14248 龙伏镇 44093 澄潭江镇 56042 中和镇 21010 白沙乡 8272 小河乡 13352 七宝山乡 14746 三口乡 20990 高坪乡 33694 溪江乡 19952 杨花乡 22471 葛家乡 19817 官桥乡 26217 柏加乡 20488 洞阳乡 35526 蕉溪乡 23407 山田乡 16150

Liuyang (154 610)
has an area of 7.6 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.

Guanqiao (
官桥 Guānqiáo) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Yonghe (
永和 Yǒng) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Changsha County (
长沙县 Chángshā-xiàn) 1 997 km²

15 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special urban township (774 707):
星沙镇 81689 暮云镇 48732 黄兴镇 43892 榔梨镇 30279 江背镇 53997 黄花镇 74219 春华镇 41639 果园镇 22101 路口镇 26959 高桥镇 28970 金井镇 40425 福临镇 27215 青山铺镇 18244 安沙镇 48555 北山镇 49650 跳马乡 55224 干杉乡 22097 双江乡 19093 白沙乡 17900 开慧乡 19553 长沙航空职业技术学院虚拟镇 4274

Changshaxian is in Xingsha urban township (
星沙 Xīngshā) and is a suburb of Changsha. In addition, an unidentified urban area 14 km E of Changsha in Xingsha urban township has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Muyun (
暮云 yún) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 10 000. In addition, Nantuoling (南托岭 Nántuōlǐng) in Muyun urban township has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Ningxiang County (
宁乡县 Níngxiāng-xiàn) 2 906 km²

17 urban townships, 18 rural townships (1 247 218):
玉潭镇 56046 道林镇 54500 花明楼镇 45634 东湖塘镇 44665 夏铎铺镇 35123 双江口镇 50157 煤炭坝镇 50567 坝塘镇 39687 偕乐桥镇 30370 灰汤镇 20559 双凫铺镇 36374 老粮仓镇 58259 流沙河镇 64226 巷子口镇 36816 龙田镇 21805 黄材镇 55412 横市镇 47491 大屯营乡 39819 全民乡 27223 朱良桥乡 31786 菁华铺乡 30815 回龙铺乡 36249 南田坪乡 24827 资福乡 34372 枫木桥乡 36517 大成桥乡 31355 喻家坳乡 35670 青山桥乡 48404 沩山乡 9945 祖塔乡 4587 沙田乡 28738 崔坪乡 5698 白马桥乡 20458 历经铺乡 27952 城郊乡 25112

Ningxiang is in Yutan urban township (
玉潭 tán) and has an area of 9.1 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.

Meitanba (
煤炭坝 Méitàn) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Wangcheng County (
望城县 Wàngchéng-xiàn) 1 361 km²

15 urban townships, 4 rural townships (686 349):
高塘岭镇 65403 桥驿镇 37138 丁字镇 39124 茶亭镇 29805 东城镇 16324 铜官镇 23835 靖港镇 32249 乔口镇 30106 乌山镇 37631 星城镇 39603 雷锋镇 29784 雨敞坪镇 28981 莲花镇 42106 坪塘镇 55520 含浦镇 38847 格塘乡 29084 新康乡 31495 黄金乡 40396 白箬铺乡 38918

Wangcheng is in Gaotangling urban township (
高塘岭 Gāotánglǐng) and has an area of 6.2 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.

Tongguan (
铜官 Tóngguān) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Pingtang (
坪塘 Píngtáng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

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