Tuesday, January 30, 2007

China (CN) Jiangsu Province Nanjing Region

Nanjing Region (南京市 Nánjīng-shì)


Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, is a major city with a population of 3.7 million. The metropolitan area also includes the cities of Liuhe (220 000) and Jiangningzhen (120 000) and the major towns of Xianlin (50 000), Xiongzhou (45 000), Liuhe--Changlu (30 000), and Zhujiang (30 000). The major towns of Lishui (50 000) and Gaochun (30 000) are the county seats of the two counties in the region. The urban population in cities and major towns is 70% of the total of the region.

Detailed Analysis

Nanjing Region contains the Nanjing metropolitan area and 2 counties. It has an area of 6 501 square kilometers and a population of 6 126 165.

The Nanjing metropolitan area has an area of 4 717 km² and a population of 5 345 756. This area is divided into 11 districts. The city of Nanjing contains 57 street committees and 4 special areas and has a population of 2 951 489. The 2000 Census gives an urban area figure of 3 330 030 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 2 134 198 in 854 km² for the metropolitan area, which suggests about 1.7 million in the urban area and a long-run growth rate of about 3.8%. So, the 2004 estimate corresponding to the measured area of 240 km² is 3 700 000. Other estimates in the metropolitan area are given under the appropriate districts.

Boxia District (白下区 Bóxià-qū) 26.4 km²

7 street committees of Nanjing and one urban township (369 448): 洪武路街道 46919 淮海路街道 18265 建康路街道 42255 五老村街道 40513 大光路街道 63199 瑞金路街道 71195 苜蓿园街道 29671 石门坎镇(光华路街道) 57431

The urban township is Shimenkan (石门坎 Shíménkǎn), a suburb of Nanjing.

Gulou District (鼓楼区 Gǔlóu-qū) 25.4 km²

10 street committees of Nanjing (633 188): 水佐岗街道 68498 华侨路街道 36588 五台山街道 68941 宁海路街道 64756 鼓楼街道 41611 湖南路街道 38913 中央门街道 62461 三牌楼街道 63836 挹江门街道 71396 江东街道 116188

Jiangning District (江宁区 Jiāngníng-qū) 1 573 km²

In the 2000 Census, Jiangning County has 18 urban townships and one special urban township (781 344): 东山镇 137771 秣陵镇 33606 禄口镇 58888 上坊镇 26508 淳化镇 41134 潮熟镇 62721 周岗镇 21309 土桥镇 30681 东善桥镇 23539 陶吴镇 26704 横溪镇 27250 丹阳镇 21616 江宁镇 53765 谷里镇 33938 铜井镇 30182 其林镇 33958 汤山镇 42699 上峰镇 25221 江宁经济技术开发区虚拟镇 49854

Dongshan (东山 Dōngshān) and Shangfang (上坊 Shàngfāng) urban townships are suburbs of Nanjing. Jiangning (江宁) urban township and the Jiangning Technology Development Zone (the special unit) include the Jiangningzhen urban area, which has an area of 18.5 km² and an estimated population of 120 000. In other estimates, Lukou (禄口 Lùkǒu) has 15 000 people in 2.2 km², Tangshan (汤山 Tāngshān) has 8 000 people in 1.3 km², Dongshanqiao (东善桥 Dōngshànqiáo) has 9 500 people in 1.2 km² ,Moling (秣陵 Mòlíng) has 7 000 in 1.2 km², and Hushu (湖熟 Húshú, xzqh has an error) has 6 500 people in 1.0 km². Qilin (麒麟 Qílín), not listed, has a population of 15 000 in 1.4 km².

Jianye District (建邺区 Jiànyè-qū) 82.0 km²

6 street committees of Nanjing (358 966): 莫愁湖街道 71167 朝天宫街道 46565 安品街街道 31458 止马营街道 37648 南湖街道 79239 兴隆街道 92889

Liuhe District (六合区 Liùhé-qū) 1 485 km²

In the 2000 Census, Dachang District has 5 street committees of Dachang (now Liuhe), a separate city (219 139): 卸甲甸街道 53508 西厂门街道 37820 山潘街道 69807 葛塘街道 29616 长芦街道 28388

In the 2000 Census, Liuhe County has 12 urban townships and 2 rural townships (647 537): 雄州镇 138313 冶山镇 43369 八百桥镇 63758 横梁镇 39125 东沟镇 26101 龙袍镇 28716 玉带镇 24435 瓜埠镇 29818 新集镇 38701 程桥镇 42937 竹镇镇 58840 马集镇 41888 马鞍乡 45531 新篁乡 26005

The street committees of Liuhe (219 139) contain 2 urban areas. The main Liuhe urban area (17.5 km²) has an estimated population of 220 000 and the Liuhe--Changlu urban area (长芦 Chánglú) has 30 000 in 7.0 km². The urban township Xiongzhou (雄州 Xióngzhōu) has an urban area with an area of 5.7 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.

Pukou District (浦口区 Pǔkǒu-qū) 913 km² (enlarged 2002)

1 street committee of Nanjing, 4 urban townships, 1 rural township, 2 special street committees (224 112): 浦口街道 42814 泰山镇 59828 顶山镇 42489 沿江镇 24839 盘城镇 21601 永丰乡 13825 珍珠泉旅游度假区虚拟街道 2481 南京高新区虚拟街道 16235

In the 2000 Census, Jiangpu County, annexed in 2002, has 7 urban townships and 2 special urban townships (292 641): 珠江镇 100997 桥林镇 40041 永宁镇 42015 汤泉镇 21805 星甸镇 36094 乌江镇 19540 石桥镇 23499 老山林场虚拟镇 5637 汤泉农场虚拟镇 3013

Area enlarged in 2002. The special street committee Nanjinggao New Area (南京高新区 Nánjīnggāo Xīnqū) is also part of the city. The urban townships Taishan (泰山 Tàishān) and Dingshan (顶山 Dǐngshān) are suburbs. The urban township Zhujiang (珠江 Zhūjiāng) has a separate urban area with an area of 4.3 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Qinhuai District (秦淮区 Qínhuái-qū) 23.0 km²

6 street committees of Nanjing and one urban township (292 260): 秦虹街道 43566 夫子庙街道 44075 饮虹园街道 41473 双塘街道 51736 钓鱼台街道 32967 中华门街道 23929 红花镇 54514

The urban township is 红花 Hónghuā, a suburb of Nanjing.

Qixia District (栖霞区 Qīxiá-qū) 355 km²

4 street committees of Nanjing, 3 urban townships, 1 rural township, 1 special street committee of Nanjing (359 388): 尧化街道 59027 马群街道 21318 迈皋桥街道 63011 燕子矶街道 80874 龙潭镇 27602 栖霞镇 79944 靖安镇 29772 八卦洲乡 29353 南京经济技术开发区虚拟街道 4487

Xianlin (仙林 Xiānlín) is a new town not listed above with an area of 3.8 km² and an estimated population of 50 000. Also not in the list, probably under Qixia urban township, are Ganjiaxiang (甘家巷 Gānjiāxiàng) which has an area of 7.5 km², mostly industrial, and a population estimate of 8 000, and Sheshan (摄山 Shèshān) with an area of 1.0 km² and a population estimate of 6 500.

Xiaguan District (下关区 Xiàguān-qū) 29.1 km²

6 street committees of Nanjing: 中山桥街道 42405 热河南路街道 61877 车站街道 38024 建宁路街道 50369 宝塔桥街道 72761 小市街道 99997

Xuanwu District (玄武区 Xuánwǔ-qū) 73.9 km²

10 street committees of Nanjing (491 364): 兰园街道 40168 梅园新村街道 25595 新街口街道 36658 丹凤街街道 49888 玄武门街道 45753 后宰门街道 54771 锁金村街道 51847 红山街道 47458 孝陵卫街道 92807 玄武湖街道 46419

Yuhuatai District (雨花台区 Yǔhuātái-qū) 134 km²

7 street committees of Nanjing, 1 rural township (274 936), 1 special street committee of Nanjing: 雨花新村街道 33667 宁南街道 64944 西善桥街道 33634 板桥街道 39968 铁心桥街道 21897 双闸街道 20849 沙洲街道 22733 江心洲乡 12408 上海梅山集团有限公司虚拟街道 24836

The region also contains two counties:

Gaochun County (高淳县 Gāochún-xiàn) 801 km²

9 urban townships (400 121): 淳溪镇 98824 漆桥镇 23738 固城镇 40056 东坝镇 32563 定埠镇 25357 桠溪镇 42642 阳江镇 69948 古柏镇 35511 砖墙镇 31482

Gaochun is in Chunxi (淳溪 Chúnxī) urban township. It has an area of 4.0 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Lishui County (溧水县 Lìshuǐ-xiàn) 983 km²

8 urban townships (380 288): 永阳镇 107618 白马镇 37364 东屏镇 43110 柘塘镇 27802 洪蓝镇 44503 石湫镇 44295 和风镇 43526 晶桥镇 32070

Lishui is in Yongyang (永阳 Yǒngyáng) urban township. It has an area of 6.4 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.

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