Saturday, February 17, 2007

China (CN) Anhui Province Lu'an Region

Lu'an Region (六安市 Lù'ān-shì)


Lu'an is a city with a population of 200 000. The major towns of Huoqiu (45 000), Shucheng (35 000), and Shouxian (20 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Lu'an Region contains the Lu'an metropolitan area and 5 counties. Its area is 18 141 km² and its population is 5 954 693.

The Lu'an metropolitan area has an area of 3 580 km² and a population of 1 559 037. Lu'an proper has a population of 182 667 in 8 street committees. The 1982 Census gives a population of 145 586 in 86 km² for Lu'an city, suggesting about 100 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 3.4%. Using this rate, the 2004 estimated population corresponding to the measured area of 14.5 km² is 200 000.

Jin'an District (金安区 Jīn'ān-) 1 654 km²

3 street committees of Lu'an, 11 urban townships, 8 rural townships, 1 special urban township (745 254): 中市街道 47466 东市街道 38642 三里桥街道 33242 木厂镇 34695 马头镇 30500 东桥镇 31676 张店镇 44471 毛坦厂镇 17903 东河口镇 46587 双河镇 40920 施桥镇 50367 孙岗镇 48518 三十铺镇 57986 椿树镇 29710 城北乡 37815 翁墩乡 21179 淠东乡 36520 中店乡 24317 横塘岗乡 19180 先生店乡 21896 九里沟乡 10809 望城岗乡 13854 六安经济开发区虚拟镇 7001

Yu'an District (
裕安区 Yù'ān-) 1 926 km²

5 street committees of Lu'an, 12 urban townships, 7 rural townships (813 783):
鼓楼街道 14784 南市街道 15792 西市街道 10566 北市街道 12237 小华山街道 9938 苏埠镇 68332 韩摆渡镇 46750 新安镇 55835 顺河镇 38774 独山镇 57111 石婆店镇 36029 城南镇 45636 丁集镇 46445 固镇镇 34259 徐集镇 33792 分路口镇 38211 江家店镇 34267 单王乡 37943 青山乡 36014 石板冲乡 20095 西河口乡 23832 平桥乡 35469 罗集乡 32779 狮子岗乡 28893

Huoqiu County (
霍邱县 Huòqiū-xiàn) 3 774 km²

22 urban townships, 14 rural townships (1 461 066): 城关镇 101571 河口镇 23775 周集镇 29333 临水镇 47637 新店镇 65040 石店镇 44838 马店镇 35527 孟集镇 44962 花园镇 33195 扈胡镇 51399 长集镇 28981 洪集镇 35456 姚李镇 47059 乌龙镇 32316 高塘镇 47933 龙潭镇 35179 岔路镇 26964 冯井镇 51793 众兴集镇 28929 夏店镇 29770 曹庙镇 27526 叶集镇 82392 朱港乡 35817 王截流乡 44269 范桥乡 28832 姜家湖乡 43527 城西湖乡 47712 宋店乡 40041 三流乡 30809 邵岗乡 26407 白莲乡 29616 潘集乡 41721 冯瓴乡 40770 彭塔乡 35211 孙岗乡 36510 三元乡 28249

Huoqiu is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 6.6 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.

Yeji (
叶集 ) has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.

Huoshan County (
霍山县 Huòshān-xiàn) 2 042 km²

14 urban townships, 10 rural townships (332 930):
城关镇 50438 下符桥镇 17319 但家庙镇 13917 大沙埂镇 13522 与儿街镇 18837 磨子潭镇 8776 上土市镇 17467 漫水河镇 9531 大化坪镇 12305 落儿岭镇 9482 诸佛庵镇 13533 黑石渡镇 23641 佛子蛉镇 11987 东城镇 12441 真龙地乡 3907 单龙寺乡 12978 东西溪乡 9040 胡家河乡 5013 汪家冲乡 6872 白莲岩乡 12328 桃源河乡 18688 道士冲乡 10308 太阳乡 7810 太平畈乡 12790

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Jinzhai County (
金寨县 Jīnzhài-xiàn) 3 667 km²

12 urban townships, 16 rural townships (582 067):
梅山镇 55586 江店镇 43358 响洪甸镇 14947 青山镇 21258 燕子河镇 23667 天堂寨镇 15963 古碑镇 30119 吴家店镇 25154 斑竹园镇 19926 汤家汇镇 30114 南溪镇 47003 双河镇 23458 白塔畈乡 38647 张冲乡 11466 油坊店乡 24219 长岭乡 16080 槐树湾乡 23347 花石乡 13049 沙河乡 12731 桃岭乡 24075 果子园乡 12386 关庙乡 9993 银山畈乡 8533 洪冲乡 5742 全军乡 8800 张畈乡 7815 水竹坪乡 4725 铁冲乡 9906

Jinzhai is in Meishan urban township (
梅山 Méishān) and has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Shouxian County (
寿县 Shòuxiàn) 2 986 km²

22 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui), 1 special urban township (1 112 569):
寿春镇 70777 双桥镇 49963 涧沟镇 41937 丰庄镇 33005 正阳镇 16161 迎河镇 58771 板桥镇 55901 安丰塘镇 37554 堰口镇 37850 保义镇 25904 隐贤镇 38176 杨仙镇 33562 安丰镇 31558 众兴镇 41483 茶庵镇 26064 三觉镇 26844 炎刘镇 33465 刘岗镇 37448 双庙集镇 27031 小甸镇 31740 瓦埠镇 26024 大顺镇 35515 八公山乡 22173 九龙乡 37079 建设乡 37541 张李乡 42850 开荒乡 37916 窑口乡 28498 陶店回族乡 10804 瓦房乡 22039 广岩乡 23452 李山乡 25689 寿西湖农场虚拟镇 7795

Shouxian is in Shouchun urban township (
寿春 Shòuchūn) and has an area of 2.6 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

Shouxihu Nongchang
(寿西湖农场 Shòuxīhú Nóngchǎng), a state farm, has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Shucheng County (
舒城县 Shūchéng-xiàn) 2 092 km²

17 urban townships, 13 rural townships (906 984):
城关镇 108068 晓天镇 24207 桃溪镇 33094 龙河镇 37671 千人桥镇 52160 百神庙镇 40919 杭埠镇 52461 舒茶镇 30956 南港镇 37974 马河口镇 27993 孔集镇 27173 干汉河镇 54412 张母桥镇 31972 五显镇 33232 山七镇 24459 河棚镇 19451 汤池镇 29843 春秋乡 29649 西衡乡 13174 柏林乡 42855 棠树乡 35822 阙店乡 34301 高峰乡 12663 五桥乡 14272 燕春乡 7209 平田乡 5941 查湾乡 7643 洪庙乡 7007 庐镇乡 11593 城冲乡 18810

Shucheng is
in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 4.7 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Chizhou Region

Chizhou Region (池州市 Chízhōu-shì)


Chizhou is a major town with a population of 80 000.

Detailed Analysis

Chizhou Region contains the Chizhou metropolitan area and 3 counties. Its area is 8 272 km² and its population is 1 389 469.

The Chizhou metropolitan area has an area of 2 432 km² and a population of 555 489.

Guichi District (贵池区 guìchí-) 2 432 km²

4 street committees of Chizhou, 8 urban townships, 17 rural townships (555 489): 池阳街道 87380人、秋浦街道 24364人、江口街道 12027人、里山街道 20036人、乌沙镇 15790人、殷汇镇 27954人、牌楼镇 21473人、梅街镇 11799人、马衙镇 24754人、观前镇 12743人、梅龙镇 13772人、涓桥镇 26326人、清溪乡 8421人、驻驾乡 17359人、高脊岭乡 20105人、阮桥乡 16259人、木闸乡 18509人、晏塘乡 20750人、灌口乡 16696人、高坦乡 14774人、唐田乡 20379人、铜山乡 17062人、棠溪乡 11782人、刘街乡 10151人、梅村乡 9350人、解放乡 10026人、墩上乡 20879人、茅坦乡 13345人、桐梓山乡 11224人

Chizhou (143 807)
has an area of 7.0 km² and a population of 80 000.

Wusha (
乌沙 shā) has an area of 1.9 km² and a population of 11 000.

Dongzhi County (
东至县 Dōngzhì-xiàn) 3 256 km²

11 urban townships, 21 rural townships (475 194):
尧渡镇 45539人、东流镇 26443人、大渡口镇 29195人、胜利镇 34580人、张溪镇 20077人、洋湖镇 19249人、葛公镇 15383人、香隅镇 33479人、官港镇 17530人、昭潭镇 19231人、龙泉镇 15726人、庆丰乡 13768人、杨桥乡 17618人、瓦垄乡 13866人、白笏乡 10191人、坦埠乡 9103人、汪坡乡 8838人、高山乡 7685人、洪方乡 6564人、查桥乡 12076人、七里湖乡 6970人、建新乡 8432人、良田乡 6103人、花园里乡 6901人、马坑乡 4338人、利安乡 8135人、木塔乡 6783人、石城乡 8315人、泥溪乡 15186人、西湾乡 6082人、青山乡 13954人、铁炉乡 7854人

Dongzhi is in Yaodu urban township (
尧渡 Yáo) and has an area of 2.3 km² and a population of 18 000.

Dongliu (
东流 Dōngliú) has an area of 1.0 km² and a population of 8 000.

Qingyang County (
青阳县 Qīngyáng-xiàn) 1 181 km²

11 urban townships, 8 rural townships (253 280):
蓉城镇 43275人、木镇镇 14457人、庙前镇 20688人、陵阳镇 10559人、童埠镇 4717人、丁桥镇 18378人、五溪镇 4490人、朱备镇 8402人、沙济镇 8719人、杨田镇 18489人、九华镇 5724人、城东乡 17876人、南阳乡 5308人、 新河乡 11556人、竹阳乡 10179人、乔木乡 9215人、酉华乡 12114人、杜村乡 18233人、九华乡 10901人

Qingyang is in Rongcheng urban township (
蓉城 Róngchéng) and has an area of 2.7 km² and a population of 19 000.

Shitai County (
石台县 Shítái-xiàn) 1 403 km²

5 urban townships, 10 rural townships (105 506):
七里镇 21614人、七都镇 5462人、占大镇 7989人、丁香镇 10052人、小河镇 12129人、六都乡 5816人、七井乡 2635人、河口乡 2813人、兰关乡 3310人、横渡乡 5573人、珂田乡 5747人、大演乡 7511人、贡溪乡 2793人、矶滩乡 5125人、莘田乡 6937人

Shitai is in Qili urban township (
七里 ) and has an area of 1.2 km² and a population of 10 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Xuancheng Region

Xuancheng Region (宣城市 Xuānchéng-shì)


Xuancheng is a city with a population of 100 000. The major towns of Ningguo (45 000), Jingxian (25 000), Jixi (22 000), and Guangde (20 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Xuanchang Region contains the Xuancheng metropolitan area, Ningguo Metropolitan County, and 5 ordinary counties. Its area is 12 340 km² and its population is 2 659 639.

The Xuancheng metropolitan area has an area of 2 533 km² and a population of 822 707.

Xuanzhou District (宣州区 Xuānzhōu-) 2 533 km²

5 street committees of Xuancheng, 16 urban townships, 18 rural townships (822 707): 西林街道 41076 澄江街道 30400 鳌峰街道 46451 济川街道 26204 敬亭山街道 5888 向阳镇 22717 古泉镇 27391 寒亭镇 21696 文昌镇 18298 杨柳镇 19718 古溪镇 17304 新田镇 19918 双溪镇 16039 洪林镇 26845 沈村镇 17884 新河镇 16482 水阳镇 23626 水东镇 30566 孙埠镇 36496 周王镇 20619 狸桥镇 15518 夏渡乡 19634 金坝乡 18284 高桥乡 16756 华阳乡 7333 峄山乡 18209 杨林乡 18416 丁店乡 20739 建国乡 15210 棋盘乡 14428 五星乡 22000 朱桥乡 25376 养贤乡 21826 裘公乡 20122 杨泗乡 13369 雁翅乡 26288 卫东乡 15634 南湖乡 16850 咎村乡 11097

Xuancheng (150 019)
has an area of 9.8 km² and a population of 100 000.

Ningguo Metropolitan County (
宁国市 Níngguó-shì) 2 447 km²

13 urban townships, 16 rural townships (381 842):
河沥溪镇 80079 港口镇 15487 中溪镇 11341 石口镇 10020 霞西镇 9048 胡乐镇 12992 宁墩镇 12502 狮桥镇 11876 梅林镇 8828 山门镇 18989 甲路镇 9697 仙霞镇 11300 天湖镇 4682 板桥乡 2668 方塘乡 11665 姚高乡 8252 汪溪乡 10574 畈村乡 15137 平兴乡 13048 云梯畲族乡 6142 杨山乡 8218 南极乡 11234 万家乡 14314 桥头乡 6757 庄村乡 6575 虹龙乡 14516 竹峰乡 13204 青龙乡 14786 太平乡 7911

Ningguo is in Helixi urban township (
河沥溪 ) and has an area of 5.4 km² and a population of 45 000.

Guangde County (
广德县 Guǎngdé-xiàn) 2 165 km²

7 urban townships, 22 rural townships (485 757): 桃州镇 28903 柏垫镇 17716 誓节镇 21260 流洞镇 11475 独山镇 16217 邱村镇 16640 新杭镇 20045 双河乡 31040 清溪乡 26624 卢村乡 17723 梨山乡 11993 桃山乡 10081 同溪乡 13175 东亭乡 19207 凤桥乡 14286 杨濉乡 18588 独树乡 13234 四合乡 21661 月湾乡 11189 杨杆乡 12017 花鼓乡 15520 苏村乡 6435 石鼓乡 10897 高湖乡 16314 山北乡 12634 下寺乡 22755 赵村乡 15562 砖桥乡 11991 祠山岗乡 20575

Guangde is in Taozhou urban township (
桃州 Táozhōu) and has an area of 2.9 km² and a population of 20 000.

Jingde County (
旌德县 Jīngdé-xiàn) 905 km²

5 urban townships, 9 rural townships (142 064):
旌阳镇 27510 蔡家桥镇 6351 三溪镇 12582 庙首镇 11319 白地镇 13594 版书乡 11015 旌桥乡 7954 华坦乡 5318 俞村乡 11157 仕川乡 1413 乔亭乡 8869 云乐乡 6189 兴隆乡 8768 孙村乡 10025

Jingde is in Jingyang urban township (
旌阳 Jīngyáng) and has an area of 1.3 km² and a population of 10 000.

Jingxian County (
泾县 Jīngxiàn) 2 165 km²

9 urban townships, 21 rural townships (333 586):
城关镇 54935 桃花潭镇 11083 茂林镇 8703 榔桥镇 6906 章渡镇 10558 丁家桥镇 15272 蔡村镇 14920 晏公镇 21162 琴溪镇 17432 包合乡 7318 厚岸乡 11409 风村乡 5630 南容乡 5527 铜山乡 2162 乌溪乡 6007 浙溪乡 8770 黄田乡 7076 西阳乡 6118 苏红乡 7596 汀溪乡 5309 爱民乡 4328 云岭乡 10534 中村乡 10182 北贡乡 7575 黄村乡 11036 安吴乡 11031 昌桥乡 12170 孤峰乡 11762 童疃乡 9126 太园乡 11949

Jingxian is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 3.2 km² and a population of 25 000.

Jixi County (
绩溪县 xī-xiàn) 1 126 km²

7 urban townships, 10 rural townships (177 091):
华阳镇 40441 临溪镇 10518 长安镇 9462 上庄镇 11718 扬溪镇 13995 伏岭镇 8386 金沙镇 8880 大源乡 4125 瀛州乡 9734 浩寨乡 13260 板桥头乡 7463 校头乡 6537 北村乡 7375 逍遥乡 1577 家朋乡 11396 胡家乡 5725 荆州乡 6499

Jixi is in Huayang urban township (
华阳 Huáyáng) and has an area of 2.8 km² and a population of 22 000.

Langxi County (
郎溪县 Lángxī-xiàn) 1 105 km²

8 urban townships, 9 rural townships (316 592):
建平镇 42282 定埠镇 13537 梅渚镇 15862 涛城镇 32471 十字镇 33003 东夏镇 15721 南丰镇 22018 毕桥镇 17107 岗南乡 10618 凌笪乡 16794 水鸣乡 8489 姚村乡 18178 飞鲤乡 18004 幸福乡 15794 下湖乡 12849 钟桥乡 15338 城南乡 8527

Langxi is in Jianping urban township (
建平 Jiànpíng) and has an area of 2.0 km² and a population of 15 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Chaohu Region

Chaohu Region (巢湖市 Cháohú-shì)


Chaohu is a city with a population of 150 000. The major towns of Lujiang (40 000), Wuwei (35 000), and Hexian (25 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Anlaysis

Chaohu Region contains the Chaohu metropolitan area and 4 counties. Its area is 9 319 km² and its population is 4 173 449.

The Chaohu metropolitan area has an area of 2 082 km² and a population of 778 864.

Juchao District (居巢区 cháo-) 2 082 km²

4 street committees of Chaohu, 16 urban townships, 8 rural townships (778 864): 卧牛街道 27030 朝阳街道 23170 城南街道 22210 城北街道 80876 柘皋镇 53912 炯炀镇 34738 槐林镇 41086 半汤镇 21855 夏阁镇 25109 苏湾镇 25304 中庙镇 14854 黄麓镇 29155 银屏镇 19780 散兵镇 21564 坝镇镇 28824 司集镇 27525 中焊镇 31324 栏杆集镇 21563 高林镇 15698 沐集镇 15709 环城乡 42473 亚父乡 10884 花集乡 25701 钓鱼乡 13473 庙岗乡 32955 西峰乡 30282 板桥乡 19212 赵集乡 22598

Chaohu (153 286) has an area of 14.5 km² and a population of 150 000.

Hanshan County (
含山县 Hánshān-xiàn) 1 028 km²

9 urban townships, 5 rural townships (405 070):
环峰镇 70838 运漕镇 37903 东关镇 24037 铜闸镇 29631 陶厂镇 32937 林头镇 50457 清溪镇 31618 仙踪镇 24053 河刘镇 19453 谢集乡 21917 姚庙乡 16510 巨兴乡 17481 张公乡 11798 东山乡 16437

Hanshan is in Huanfeng urban township (
环峰 Huánfēng) and has an area of 2.6 km² and a population of 18 000.

Hexian County (
和县 xiàn) 1 412 km²

8 urban townships, 13 rural townships (591 560):
历阳镇 76759 沈巷镇 36486 西梁山镇 20340 白桥镇 29159 姥桥镇 28660 西埠镇 31903 乌江镇 37088 石杨镇 22200 雍镇乡 26938 螺百乡 16907 五显乡 19164 联合乡 31036 功桥乡 22718 南义乡 16467 城南乡 35515 腰埠乡 27027 香泉乡 29609 张家集乡 15658 濮集乡 23641 善厚乡 28918 绰庙乡 15367

Hexian is in Liyang urban township (
历阳 yáng) and has an area of 3.5 km² and a population of 25 000.

Lujiang County (
庐江县 jiāng-xiàn) 2 348 km²

16 urban townships, 16 rural townships, 1 special urban township (1 145 874): 城关镇 136201 冶父山镇 24594 万山镇 30558 汤池镇 36324 郭河镇 35032 金牛镇 36821 石头镇 30169 白山镇 44110 盛桥镇 41670 白湖镇 37955 缺口镇 28973 矾山镇 28631 罗河镇 44141 泥河镇 56569 乐桥镇 33380 柯坦镇 24955 罗埠乡 23850 长岗乡 23590 福元乡 25688 新渡乡 31315 同大乡 51674 戴桥乡 21274 许桥乡 28915 石山乡 31848 顺港乡 17228 杨柳乡 29810 黄屯乡 25008 砖桥乡 35363 店桥乡 21104 沙溪乡 34357 大化乡 23487 陈埠乡 33572 白湖监狱虚拟镇 17708

Lujiang is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 4.9 km² and a population of 40 000.

Fanshan (
矾山 Fánshān) has an area of 1.6 km² and a population of 9 500.

Yeshan (
冶山 shān, XZQH has 冶父山) has an area of 1.0 km² and a population of 6 000.

Wuwei County (
无为县 wéi-xiàn) 2 449 km²

23 urban townships, 12 rural townships (1 252 081):
无城镇 126002 襄安镇 54026 二坝镇 31725 汤沟镇 23715 陡沟镇 30947 石涧镇 42219 严桥镇 35456 开城镇 36105 蜀山镇 29946 土桥镇 24640 牛埠镇 33012 刘渡镇 39521 姚沟镇 34622 泥汊镇 61586 仓头镇 29703 白茆镇 67314 河坝镇 26302 福渡镇 24051 泉塘镇 36201 雍南镇 19746 赫唐镇 38475 百胜镇 25820 尚札镇 29218 太平乡 25872 红庙乡 38286 六店乡 21398 鹤毛乡 22530 十里墩乡 35402 黑抄洲乡 13708 建国乡 20915 昆山乡 32740 洪巷乡 41681 高沟乡 43697 三汊河乡 31622 凤凰桥乡 23878

Wuwei is in Wucheng urban township (
无城 chéng) and has an area of 4.4 km² and a population of 35 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Suzhou Region

Suzhou Region (宿州市 zhōu-shì)


Suzhou is a city with a population of 300 000. The major towns of Dangshan (70 000), Lingbi (55 000), Xiaoxian (55 000), and Sixian (40 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Suzhou Region contains the Suzhou metropolitan area and 4 counties. Its area is 9 787 km² and its population is 5 516 423.

The Suzhou metropolitan area has an area of 2 868 km² and a population of 1 601 181.

Yongqiao District (埇桥区 Yǒngqiáo-) 2 868 km²

8 street committees of Suzhou, 16 urban townships, 13 rural townships (1 601 181): 埇桥街道 23456 沱河街道 30969 道东街道 23885 东关街道 32879 三里湾街道 31689 南关街道 49460 西关街道 35135 北关街道 30876 符离镇 85511 芦岭镇 74069 朱仙庄镇 75701 褚兰镇 44420 曹村镇 58145 夹沟镇 59409 栏杆镇 67303 时村镇 74821 永安镇 52313 汴河镇 30815 灰古镇 29814 大店镇 67358 西寺坡镇 34264 桃园镇 31548 蕲县镇 60722 大营镇 36235 杨庄乡 36720 支河乡 32400 解集乡 51099 桃沟乡 31901 顺河乡 38702 蒿沟乡 44588 苗庵乡 42563 龙王庙乡 21661 北杨寨乡 61961 永镇乡 25533 三八乡 37492 西二铺乡 17958 城东乡 17806

Suzhou (258 349)
has an area of 22 km² and an estimated population of 300 000.

Zhuxianzhuang (
朱仙庄 Zhūxiānzhuāng) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.

Fuli (
符离 ) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.

Qixian (
蕲县 xiàn) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Jiagou (
夹沟 Jiágōu) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Luling (
芦岭 lǐng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 2 km N of Luling in Luling urban township has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.

Shicun (
时村 Shícūn) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Yangzhuang (
杨庄 Yángzhuāng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Yong'an (
永安 Yǒng'ān) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Mengjia (孟家 Mèngjiā) in Langan urban township (
栏杆 Lángān) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Baoguangsi (宝光寺 Bǎoguāng) in Chulan urban township (
褚兰 Chǔlán) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Dangshan County (
砀山县 Dàngshān-xiàn) 1 193 km²

14 urban townships, 5 rural townships (862 356):
城关镇 79466 西南门镇 35779 李庄镇 49845 唐寨镇 46186 葛集镇 59129 周寨镇 44954 玄庙镇 53155 官庄坝镇 44841 曹庄镇 33926 关帝庙镇 60556 朱楼镇 36141 文庄镇 25313 程庄镇 54126 良梨镇 56959 陇海乡 40550 权集乡 33904 刘暗楼乡 22763 赵屯乡 56585 黄楼乡 28178

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 9.7 km² and an estimated population of 70 000.

Tangzhai (
唐寨 Tángzhài) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Zhouzhai (
周寨 Zhōuzhài) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Lingbi County (
灵璧县 Língbì-xiàn) 2 054 km²

13 urban townships, 8 rural townships (1 051 325):
灵城镇 57730 韦集镇 46373 黄湾镇 44831 娄庄镇 43492 杨疃镇 63077 尹集镇 65032 浍沟镇 44860 尤集镇 47876 下楼镇 61431 朝阳镇 67481 渔沟镇 59036 高楼镇 63582 冯庙镇 67189 向阳乡 37589 长集乡 26848 朱集乡 38699 大路乡 35571 大庙乡 45219 禅堂乡 45244 虞姬乡 41985 灵西乡 48180

Lingbi is in Lingcheng urban township (
灵城 Língchéng) and has an area of 7.7 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.

Chantang (
禅堂 Chántáng) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Yinji (
尹集 Yǐn) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Chaoyang (
朝阳 Cháoyáng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Fengmiao (
冯庙 Féngmiào) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Zhuji (
朱集 Zhū) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Hedongmaozhuang (河东毛庄 dōngmáozhuāng) in an unknown township
has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Sixian County (
泗县 xiàn) 1 787 km²

12 urban townships, 7 rural townships (805 184):
泗城镇 56277 墩集镇 30642 丁湖镇 51870 草沟镇 52292 长海镇 43939 黄圩镇 58309 大庄镇 59305 山头镇 60258 刘圩镇 43990 黑塔镇 48354 草庙镇 23773 屏山镇 33491 大路口乡 41380 瓦韩乡 22437 大杨乡 38974 瓦坊乡 52540 小粱乡 26038 徐贺乡 25322 三湾乡 35993

Sixian is in Sicheng urban township (
泗城 chéng) and has an area of 5.8 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Dazhuang (
大庄 zhuāng) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.

Pingshan (
屏山 Píngshān) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000. In addition, Shilichangzhuang (十里长庄 Shíchángzhuāng) in Pingshan urban township has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Caogou (
草沟 Cǎogōu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 4.5 km S of Caogou in Caogou urban township has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Xiaoliang (
小粱 Xiǎoliáng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Zhouzhuang (周庄 Zhōuzhuāng) in Heita urban township (
黑塔 Hēi) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Xiaoxian County (
萧县 Xiāoxiàn) 1 885 km²

18 urban townships, 5 rural townships (1 196 377):
龙城镇 115565 黄口镇 80011 杨楼镇 69473 闰集镇 44509 新庄镇 66690 刘套镇 42491 马井镇 68720 大屯镇 59539 赵庄镇 60943 杜楼镇 62143 丁里镇 38630 王寨镇 66941 祖楼镇 39568 青龙镇 25003 张庄寨镇 68560 永堌镇 29564 白土镇 33237 官桥镇 19507 圣泉乡 64791 酒店乡 52025 孙圩孜乡 42132 庄里乡 25087 石林乡 21247

Xiaoxian is in Longcheng urban township (
龙城 Lóngchéng) and has an area of 7.1 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.

Huangkou (
黄口 Huángkǒu) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.

Dingli (
丁里 Dīng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Bozhou Region

Bozhou Region (亳州市 zhōu-shì)


Bozhou is a city with a population of 250 000. The major town of Gujing (22 000) is in the Bozhou metropolitan area. The city of Guoyang (110 000) and the major towns of Mengcheng (90 000) and Lixin (55 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Bozhou Region contains the Bozhou metropolitan area and 3 counties. Its area is 8 110 km² and its population is 5 078 908.

The Bozhou metropolitan area has an area of 2 167 km² and a population of 1 351 939.

Qiaocheng District (谯城区 Qiáochéng-qū) 2 167 km²

3 street committees of Bozhou, 23 urban townships, 3 rural townships (1 351 939): 花戏楼街道 47021 薛阁街道 106449 汤陵街道 56468 古井镇 25793 张集镇 40908 芦庙镇 34870 华佗镇 41041 魏岗镇 49476 牛集镇 36870 安溜镇 25370 颜集镇 45899 五马镇 38630 十八里镇 60246 大寺镇 15331 谯东镇 45276 十九里镇 52973 沙土镇 52234 观堂镇 55570 太杨镇 56552 城父镇 56648 十河镇 60010 三官镇 18602 双淘镇 58009 淝河镇 42128 古城镇 47986 龙扬镇 53718 张店乡 36429 赵桥多 51585 立德乡 39847

Bozhou (209 938)
has an area of 24 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.

Gujing (
古井 jǐng) has an area of 3.5 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Anliu (
安溜 Ānliū) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.

Shatu (
沙土 Shātǔ) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Shibali (
十八里 Shíbā) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000. In addition, Zhanglou (张楼 Zhānglóu) in Shibali urban township has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.

Gucheng (
古城 chéng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Lumiao (
芦庙 miào) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Feihe (
淝河 Féi) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Shihe (
十河 Shí) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Niuji (
牛集 Niú) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Shuanggou (双沟 Shuānggōu, XZQH has
双淘) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Zhangji (
张集 Zhāng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Guoyang County (
涡阳县 Guōyáng-xiàn) 1 933 km²

22 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 1 special rural township (1 293 192):
城关镇 92883 城西镇 42155 城东镇 31138 西阳镇 37261 双庙镇 52951 楚店镇 45717 高公镇 37651 闸北镇 50666 高炉镇 45198 曹市镇 59343 青疃镇 65125 石弓镇 47629 龙山镇 63864 义门镇 51996 新兴镇 51814 临湖镇 58073 丹城镇 54250 马店集镇 43978 花沟镇 50516 店集镇 33554 陈大镇 47658 牌坊镇 46789 耿皇乡 27674 公吉寺乡 44162 标里乡 50279 张老家乡 43668 单集林场虚拟乡 17200

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 14.5 km² and an estimated population of 110 000.

Shigong (
石弓 Shígōng) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Yimen (
义门 mén) has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.

Gaolu (
高炉 Gāo) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Longshan (
龙山 Lóngshān) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Qingtuan (
青疃 Qīngtuǎn) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Caoshi (曹市 Cáoshì) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Lixin County (
利辛县 xīn-xiàn) 1 950 km²

19 urban townships, 7 rural townships (1 327 028):
城关镇 46928 阚疃镇 79413 张村镇 72206 江集镇 62740 旧城镇 49595 西潘楼镇 52499 孙集镇 38005 汝集镇 59868 巩店镇 64860 王人镇 52802 王市镇 49229 永兴镇 45701 马店孜镇 58390 大李集镇 48103 胡集镇 70920 晨沟镇 34864 程家集镇 49720 中疃镇 56121 望疃镇 49712 双桥乡 40926 春店乡 37695 刘家集乡 43456 纪王场乡 42143 孙庙乡 44227 新张集乡 44222 丹风乡 32683

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 6.6 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.

Xipanlou (
西潘楼 pānlóu) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Kantuan (
阚疃 Kàntuǎn) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Zhangcun (
张村 Zhāngcūn) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Mengcheng County (
蒙城县 Méngchéng-xiàn) 2 060 km²

18 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 1 special rural township (1 106 749):
城关镇 90815 双涧镇 56001 小涧镇 56884 漆园镇 55778 坛城镇 36146 范集镇 38050 许疃镇 43407 板桥集镇 66153 马集镇 39789 田桥镇 16413 岳坊镇 50579 柳林镇 34775 立仓镇 46385 常兴镇 36358 楚村镇 42833 乐土镇 47165 三义镇 60939 篱笆镇 52779 王集乡 40603 移村乡 23990 小辛集乡 41003 吕望乡 26121 罗集乡 40641 白杨未批镇 17108 庄周虚拟乡 46034

Mengcheng is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 11 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.

Shuangjian (双涧 Shuāngjiàn) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Xiaojian (
小涧 Xiǎojiàn) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Yicun (
移村 cūn) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000. In addition, Xugou (许沟 gōu) in Yicun urban township has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Fuyang Region

Fuyang Region (阜阳市 yáng-shì)


Fuyang is a major city with a population of 700 000. The major towns of Jieshou (80 000), Taihe (80 000), Linquan (60 000), Yingshang (55 000), and Funan (45 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Fuyang Region contains the Fuyang metropolitan area, Jieshou Metropolitan County, and 4 ordinary counties. Its area is 9 979 km² and its population is 8 003 963.

The Fuyang metropolitan area has an area of 1 824 km² and a population of 1 719 057. Fuyang proper has a population of 611 499 in 11 street committees and 1 special street committee. Using a growth rate of 3.5% typical of Chinese cities, the 2004 estimated population is 700 000 corresponding to the measured area of 47 km².

Yingdong District (颍东区 Yǐngdōng-qū) 685 km²

3 street committees of Fuyang, 5 urban townships, 4 rural townships (547 576): 河东街道 51699 新华街道 33937 向阳街道 47008 口孜镇 68100 插花镇 69817 袁寨镇 57736 枣庄镇 38014 老庙镇 36862 正午乡 42278 杨楼乡 32869 冉庙乡 30738 乌江乡 38518

Kouzi (
口孜 Kǒu) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000. In addition, Goutai (钩台 Gōutái) in Kouzi urban township has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Yuanzhai (
袁寨 Yuánzhài) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Chahua (
插花 Chāhuā) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Yingquan District (颍泉区 Yǐngquán-qū) 643 km²

4 street committees of Fuyang, 5 urban townships, 3 rural townships (589 081): 中市街道 55176 泉北街道 22692 泉颍街道 47118 周棚街道 69728 伍明镇 55798 宁老庄镇 40539 闻集镇 59664 行流镇 41563 姜堂镇 48499 苏屯乡 50422 邵营乡 49647 苏集乡 48235

Yingzhou District (颍州区 Yǐngzhōu-qū) 496 km²

4 street committees of Fuyang, 6 urban townships, 1 rural township, 1 special street committee of Fuyang (582 400): 鼓楼街道 43160 文峰街道 97502 清河街道 44425 颍西街道 68152 王店镇 64517 程集镇 37714 三合镇 31705 西湖镇 41212 九龙镇 37493 三十里铺镇 45711 马寨乡 39907 京九路虚拟街道 30902

Jieshou Metropolitan County (
界首市 Jièshǒu-shì) 667 km²

3 street committees of Jieshou, 12 urban townships, 3 rural townships (640 878):
东城街道 65335 西城街道 56560 颖南街道 37492 光武镇 49822 泉阳镇 33943 芦村镇 25289 新马集镇 40479 大黄镇 30271 田营镇 26095 陶庙镇 47994 王集镇 41389 砖集镇 36819 顾集镇 33168 代桥镇 24367 舒庄镇 24469 邴集乡 27461 靳寨乡 19117 任寨乡 20808

Jieshou (159 387)
has an area of 9.0 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.

Guangwu (
光武 Guāng) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Lucun (
芦村 cūn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Funan County (
阜南县 nán-xiàn) 1 929 km²

20 urban townships, 11 rural townships (1 272 431):
城关镇 99827 方集镇 27823 中岗镇 30921 柴集镇 53189 新村镇 45291 三塔集镇 53019 朱寨镇 57836 袁集镇 38626 赵集镇 37992 田集镇 43651 苗集镇 44449 黄岗镇 43182 焦陂镇 49986 张寨镇 43101 王堰镇 39694 洪河桥镇 51370 地城镇 30552 王家坝镇 22982 王化镇 28514 曹集镇 36140 王店孜乡 40485 许堂乡 50341 会龙乡 35665 柳沟乡 32517 段郢乡 45389 公桥乡 40537 龙王乡 23737 于集乡 23169 老观乡 27328 郜台乡 42814 城郊乡 32304

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.8 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.

Caoji (
曹集 Cáo) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.

Huanggang (
黄岗 Huánggǎng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Xulou (许楼 lóu) in Gongqiao rural township (
公桥 Gōngqiáo) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Linquan County (
临泉县 Línquán-xiàn) 1 818 km²

23 urban townships, 10 rural townships (1 690 872):
城关镇 83664 杨桥镇 56303 鲷城镇 50415 于寨镇 26815 邢塘镇 37043 谭棚镇 55582 老集镇 53561 滑集镇 61051 吕寨镇 44092 单桥镇 44129 长官镇 65921 宋集镇 66935 张新镇 44295 艾亭镇 60267 陈集镇 50701 韦寨镇 66945 迎仙镇 58595 瓦店镇 55638 姜寨镇 57213 庙岔镇 58037 黄岭镇 59167 白庙镇 46338 关庙镇 56168 牛庄乡 35670 高塘乡 48613 范兴集乡 31698 土陂乡 52266 谢集乡 38541 杨小街乡 41078 陶老乡 35854 田桥乡 54464 张营乡 47041 庞营乡 46772

Linquan is in
Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 7.4 km² and an estimated population of 60 000.

Laoji (
老集 Lǎo) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Yingxian (
迎仙 Yíngxiān) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Yangqiao (
杨桥 Yángqiáo) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Xingtang (
邢塘 Xíngtáng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Wadian (
瓦店 diàn) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Changguan (
长官 Chángguān) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Songji (
宋集 Sòng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Tongcheng (
Tóngchéng, XZQH has 鲷城) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Weizhou (韦周 Wéizhōu) in Weizhai urban township (
韦寨 Wéizhài) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Yangzhai (
Yángzhài) in Jiangzhai urban township (姜寨 Jiāngzhài) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Taihe County (
太和县 Tàihé-xiàn) 1 882 km²

24 urban townships, 7 rural townships (1 371 482):
城关镇 131423 旧县镇 59480 税镇镇 37495 皮条孙镇 21091 原墙镇 49059 倪邱镇 47127 李兴镇 59572 大新镇 47592 肖口镇 48043 关集镇 42972 三塔镇 59177 双浮镇 39625 蔡庙镇 25648 三堂镇 42806 苗老集镇 40577 赵庙镇 49877 官集镇 36689 坟台镇 70732 洪山镇 55673 清浅镇 33741 五星镇 36018 高庙镇 20571 桑营镇 35710 大庙集镇 40375 胡总乡 20574 赵集乡 37951 郭庙乡 39252 马集乡 35962 二郎乡 27543 阮桥乡 38894 双庙乡 40133

Taihe is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 10 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.

Jiuxian (
旧县 Jiùxiàn) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Shuizhen (
税镇 Shuìzhèn) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Yuanqiang (
原墙 Yuánqiáng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Niqiu (
倪邱 qiū) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Qingjian (
清浅 Qīngjiān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Pitiaosun (
皮条孙 Pítiáosūn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Yingshang County (
颖上县 Yǐngshàng-xiàn) 1 859 km²

18 urban townships, 12 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui), 1 special urban township (1 309 243):
城关镇 54362人、谢桥镇 70838人、南照镇 41757人、杨湖镇 42657人、江口镇 60448人、润河镇 50473人、新集 镇 35656人、六十铺镇 51199人、耿棚镇 64365人、半岗镇 42663人、王岗镇 32538人、夏桥镇 50475人、江店孜镇 44400人、陈桥镇 39047人、黄桥镇 49880人、八里河镇 43103人、汤店镇 33712人、西三十铺镇 35487人、颍河乡 66123人、建颖乡 54216人、十八里铺乡 42737人、五十铺乡 30739人、红星乡 29065人、盛堂乡 32253人、关屯乡 24667人、垂岗乡 18838人、赛涧回族乡 19717人、刘集乡 45633人、鲁口乡 29565人、黄坝乡 30570人、古城乡 32420人、谢桥煤矿虚拟镇 9640人

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 6.8 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.

Jiangkou (
江口 Jiāngkǒu) has an area of 3.1 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.

Bangang (
半岗 Bàngǎng) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Jianying (
建颖 Jiànyǐng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Xieqiao (
谢桥 Xièqiáo) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Xinji (
Xīn) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Chuzhou Region

Chuzhou Region (滁州市 Chúzhōu-shì)


Chuzhou is a city with a population of 300 000. The major towns of Mingguang (50 000), Dingyuan (40 000), Quanjiao (40 000), Tianchang (40 000), Lai'an (30 000), and Fengyang (25 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Chuzhou Region contains the Chuzhou metropolitan area, 2 metropolitan counties, and 4 ordinary counties. Its area is 13 398 km² and its population is 4 001 488.

The Chuzhou metropolitan area has an area of 1 399 km² and a population of 493 735. Chuzhou proper has a population of 259 824 in 9 street committees. Using a long-run growth rate of 3.5% typical of Chinese cities, the 2004 estimated population corresponding to the measured area of 15.5 km² is 300 000.

Langya District (琅琊区 Lángyá-) 126 km²

8 street committees of Chuzhou (246 424): 琅琊街道 51512 东门街道 15413 西门街道 14353 南门街道 23416 北门街道 15965 清流街道 80801 扬子街道 32982 风凰街道 11982

Nanqiao District (
南谯区 Nánqiáo-) 1 273 km²

1 street committee of Chuzhou, 8 urban townships, 8 rural townships (247 311):
南谯街道 13400人、乌衣镇 25737人、沙河镇 23122人、章广镇 14409人、黄泥岗镇 13938人、珠龙镇 17518人、大柳镇 11963人、腰铺镇 11693人、大王镇 13020人、黄圩乡 8993人、汪郢乡 8894人、花山乡 9842人、城郊乡 15857人、施集乡 11320人、三官集乡 10900人、常山乡 7390人、皇甫乡 4682人、李集未批乡 6682人、张浦郢未批乡 4102人、担子未批乡 13849人

Mingguang Metropolitan County (
明光市 Míngguāng-shì) 2 335 km²

13 urban townships, 13 rural townships, 7 special rural townships (569 585):
招信镇 99820 张八岭镇 20441 三界镇 19620 管店镇 20853 自来桥镇 19441 涧溪镇 17729 石坝镇 12931 津里镇 11975 苏巷镇 13972 桥头镇 11315 女山湖镇 9045 古沛镇 15660 潘村镇 27917 嘉山集乡 11298 涝口乡 9576 鲁山乡 8959 横山乡 16336 三关乡 8494 马岗乡 14085 明东乡 16803 司巷乡 17995 邵岗乡 16427 紫阳乡 17405 太平乡 24605 柳巷乡 14859 泊岗乡 15628 浮山未批乡 12738 官山未批乡 9562 白沙王未批乡 8894 包集未批乡 11760 大郢未批乡 8573 洪庙未批乡 13592 高王未批乡 11277

Mingguang is in Zhaoxin urban township (
招信 Zhāoxìn) and has an area of 6.9 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.

Pancun (
潘村 Pāncūn) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Xutaizi (徐台子 táizi) in Taiping rural township (
太平 Tàipíng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Hebeiyanzi (河北岩子 Héběiyánzi) in Liuxiang rural township (
柳巷 Liǔxiàng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Tianchang Metropolitan County (
天长市 Tiāncháng-shì) 1 770 km²

4 street committees of Tianchang, 16 urban townships, 8 rural townships, 8 special rural townships, 1 special urban township (590 745):
天长街道 61773 城南街道 19674 永丰街道 14230 桥湾街道 8820 铜城镇 25979 汊涧镇 32000 秦楠镇 19271 大通镇 13189 杨村镇 15531 石梁镇 15443 金集镇 21066 安乐镇 17612 仁和集镇 15804 冶山镇 12135 郑集镇 21004 张铺镇 17997 界牌镇 14700 平安镇 14149 釜山镇 15262 高唐集镇 10417 新街乡 13672 龙集乡 14677 谕兴乡 14650 十八集乡 13850 芦龙乡 9357 万寿乡 16880 便益乡 15855 关塘集乡 19593 新华未批乡 8391 官矫未批乡 11772 于洼未批乡 10244 坝田未批乡 9217 龙岗未批乡 7540 王店未批乡 9692 湖滨未批乡 7225 乔田未批乡 10372 城东新区虚拟镇 11702

Tianchang (104 497)
has an area of 5.6 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Chajian (
汊涧 Chàjiàn) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Dingyuan County (
定远县 Dìngyuǎn-xiàn) 2 891 km²

16 urban townships, 20 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui), 18 special rural townships (801 966):
定城镇 49650 炉桥镇 17258 永康镇 20894 吴圩镇 12222 朱湾镇 18677 张桥镇 20393 藕塘镇 19289 池河镇 19074 连江镇 16354 界牌集镇 10840 仓镇 12498 三和镇 15858 西卅店镇 19970 岱山镇 14767 桑涧镇 15849 年家岗镇 18407 程桥乡 14308 东兴乡 12857 斋朗乡 10212 严桥乡 10933 拂晓乡 10244 天河乡 15934 练铺乡 12491 站岗乡 21846 蒋集乡 15977 九梓乡 12998 能仁乡 19330 靠山乡 12439 青山乡 16486 青洛乡 11571 七里塘乡 11803 二龙回族乡 12313 仁和乡 8770 朱马乡 9380 大桥乡 11415 范岗乡 17260 高塘乡 9381 兴隆未批乡 6803 十里黄未批乡 8291 定东未批乡 26199 城西未批乡 21189 八一未批乡 15937 刘铺未批乡 11292 红山未批乡 10266 卜店未批乡 10121 孙集未批乡 14745 严涧未批乡 10277 胜利未批乡 9179 早庙未批乡 7672 郭集未批乡 13065 耿巷未批乡 11063 南店未批乡 8794 义和未批乡 10551 观寺未批乡 13036 永宁未批乡 13538

Dingyuan is in Dingcheng urban township (
定城 Dìngchéng) and has an area of 5.5 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Luqiao (
炉桥 qiáo) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Fengyang County (
凤阳县 Fèngyáng-xiàn) 1 920 km²

15 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 9 special rural townships (683 049): 府城镇 64679人、临淮镇 40394人、门台子镇 27771人、武店镇 26508人、西泉镇 35343人、刘府镇 33688人、大庙镇 23224人、殷涧镇 11074人、黄泥铺镇 14889人、总铺镇 15495人、红心镇 22567人、板桥镇 11563人、大溪河镇 14601人、石门山镇 10797人、小溪河镇 26155人、曹店乡 11412人、亮岗乡 13026人、周圩乡 11773人、城西乡 21858人、官塘乡 30956人、官沟乡 18358人、二铺乡 14784人、黄湾乡 20459人、枣巷渔业乡 19769人、燃灯乡 11704人、梅市乡 12035人、宋集未批乡 7023人、楼店未批乡 26587人、李二庄未批乡 30333人、城南未批乡 11325人、风阳山未批乡 8869人、花园湖未批乡 4683人、清塘未批乡 8376人、京山未批乡 9030人、江山未批乡 11941人

Fengyang is in Fucheng urban township (
府城 Fǔchéng) and has an area of 3.8 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Linhuai (
临淮 Línhuái) has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 18 000.

Loudian (楼店 Lóu
diàn) in Wudian urban township (武店 diàn) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Lai'an County (
来安县 Lái'ān-xiàn) 1 481 km²

8 urban townships, 10 rural townships, 9 special rural townships (449 188): 新安镇 69383人、半塔镇 31710人、水口镇 27051人、相官镇 14073人、汉河镇 15365人、大英镇 15800人、雷官镇 15234人、施官镇 16791人、三城乡 13600人、武集乡 16428人、独山乡 11971人、双塘乡 22999人、龙山乡 13209人、邵集乡 13190人、兴隆乡 13034人、杨郢乡 17556人、张山乡 15344人、舜山乡 18444人、广大未批乡 7428人、十二里半未批乡 11424人、文山未批乡 7213人、烟陈未批乡 11486人、磁山未批乡 8308人、西武未批乡 8652人、大余郢未批乡 12185人、长山未未批乡 7275人、复兴集未批乡 14035人

Lai'an is in Xin'an urban township (
新安 Xīn'ān) and has an area of 4.2 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Quanjiao County (
全椒县 Quánjiāo-xiàn) 1 572 km²

10 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 20 special rural townships (413 220):
襄河镇 57090人、古河镇 19878人、大墅镇 13888人、二郎口镇 19175人、武岗镇 8420人、马厂镇 14877人、石沛镇 9984人、章辉镇 11879人、西王镇 7335人、六镇镇 13012人、程家市乡 10050人、草庵乡 9069人、管坝乡 7846人、周岗乡 3992人、复兴乡 5437人、十字乡 10472人、陈浅乡 10548人、赤镇未批乡 10707人、新兴未批乡 8587人、石溪未批乡 7824人、黄集未批乡 6961人、蔡集未批乡 6642人、卜集未批乡 9171人、东王未批乡 7850人、官渡未批乡 5447人、中心未批乡 6845人、白酒未批乡 10654人、南屏未批乡 21984人、隆兴未批乡 6792人、孤山未批乡 3898人、三合未批乡 6208人、黄庵未批乡 9318人、黄粟树未批乡 7192人、八波未批乡 10565人、谭墩未批乡 6422人、界首未批乡 7145人、城东未批乡 20056人

Quanjiao is in Xianghe urban township (
襄河 Xiāng) and has an area of 5.9 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Huangshan Region

Huangshan Region (黄山市 Huángshān-shì)


Huangshan is a major town with a population of 80 000.

Detailed Analysis

Huangshan Region contains the Huangshan metropolitan area and 4 counties. Its area is 9 807 km² and its population is 1 370 377.

The Huangshan metropolitan area has an area of 2 342 km² and a population of 406 200.

Huangshan District (黄山区 Huángshān-) 1 669 km²

1 street committee of Huangshanqu, 7 urban townships, 12 rural townships, 1 special urban township (159 845): 新城街道 18747 甘棠镇 19235 仙源镇 11034 汤口镇 13857 谭家桥镇 8317 太平湖镇 6135 焦村镇 9193 耿城镇 8354 三口乡 8744 新明乡 6930 龙门乡 5031 贤村乡 3321 郭村乡 2644 乌石乡 6809 桃源乡 2697 清溪乡 2435 新华乡 6052 新丰乡 6247 永丰乡 6261 广阳乡 3854 黄山风景区虚拟镇 3948

has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.

Huizhou District (徽州区 Huīzhōu-) 424 km²

1 urban township, 6 rural townships (91 122): 岩寺镇 36061 西溪南乡 15910 潜口乡 12300 呈坎乡 12353 洽舍乡 2899 杨村乡 5227 富溪乡 6372

Huizhou is in Yansi urban township (
岩寺 Yán) and has an area of 3.1 km² and an estimated population of 18 000.

Tunxi District (屯溪区 Túnxī-) 249 km²

4 street committees of Huangshan, 3 urban townships, 2 rural townships (155 233): 昱东街道 21512 昱中街道 37440 昱西街道 8745 老街街道 10423 屯光镇 17163 阳湖镇 21658 黎阳镇 19302 新潭乡 9139 奕棋乡 9851

Huangshan (78 120)
has an area of 8.4 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.

Qimen County (
祁门县 mén-xiàn) 2 257 km²

7 urban townships, 18 rural townships (173 405):
祁山镇 33945 小路口镇 6123 金字牌镇 6723 平里镇 6914 历口镇 8906 闪里镇 8605 安凌镇 4578 大坦乡 4068 胥岭乡 5288 灯塔乡 3878 乔山乡 3677 几峰乡 9005 横联乡 4838 柏溪乡 4639 塔坊乡 7663 祁红乡 5312 溶口乡 4753 芦溪乡 5521 渚口乡 6514 彭龙乡 4823 古溪乡 5576 新安乡 6822 箬坑乡 6426 赤岭乡 4355 雷湖乡 4453

Qimen is in Qishan urban township (
祁山 shān) and has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Shexian County (
歙县 Shèxiàn) 2 236 km²

13 urban townships, 28 rural townships (454 593):
徽城镇 51155 深渡镇 15460 桂林镇 19282 富塌镇 19238 郑村镇 13985 北岸镇 16100 许村镇 9307 溪头镇 8075 杞梓里镇 10664 霞坑镇 16939 岔口镇 10846 街口镇 13339 王村镇 14288 南源口乡 10087 坑口乡 10811 雄村乡 11887 上丰乡 11527 黄村乡 5836 大谷运乡 8770 漳潭乡 8018 昌溪乡 6723 呈村降乡 7298 武阳乡 10297 周家村乡 5630 苏村乡 11198 唐里乡 7519 三阳乡 10495 金川乡 9972 竹铺乡 9297 小川乡 6689 小洲乡 7122 新溪口乡 7170 璜田乡 14600 璜蔚乡 6199 长标乡 3294 长陔乡 8968 森村乡 12307 绍濂乡 12043 横关乡 6887 石门乡 3811 狮石乡 1460

Shexian is in Huicheng urban township (
徽城 Huīchéng) and has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.

Xiuning County (
休宁县 Xiūníng-xiàn) 2 125 km²

9 urban townships, 24 rural townships (242 260):
海阳镇 32718 齐云山镇 4714 万安镇 22339 五城镇 13659 东临溪镇 10210 兰田镇 7502 溪口镇 12607 流口镇 4768 汪村镇 5165 秀阳乡 8991 洪里乡 11471 商山乡 7144 西田乡 5969 山斗乡 4509 岭南乡 2852 兰渡乡 7986 渭桥乡 6259 渠口乡 6350 南塘乡 4844 江潭乡 5971 板桥乡 4882 廻溪乡 3847 陈霞乡 3936 冰潭乡 3342 鹤城乡 6608 山后乡 3500 汉口乡 7880 源芳乡 4020 榆村乡 5391 郑湾乡 4798 龙田乡 3899 璜尖乡 2479 白际乡 1650

Xiuning is in Haiyang urban township (
海阳 Hǎiyáng) and could not be measured due to clouds in the satellite image. Its area is probably a couple of square kilometers.

Yixian County (
黟县 xiàn) 847 km²

4 urban townships, 8 rural townships (93 919):
碧阳镇 25550 际联镇 7731 渔亭镇 8524 西递镇 6104 柯村乡 6446 美溪乡 3974 宏潭乡 5383 洪星乡 4824 泗溪乡 2054 龙江乡 8703 碧山乡 6517 西武乡 8109

Yixian is in Biyang urban township (
碧阳 yáng) and has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Anqing Region

Anqing Region (安庆市 Ānqìng-shì)


Anqing is a city with a population of 400 000. The major towns of Taihu (40 000), Tongcheng (35 000), Susong (30 000), and Wangjiang (22 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Fuxing (25 000) in Susong County is also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Anqing Region contains the Anqing metropolitan area, Tongcheng Metropolitan County, and 7 ordinary counties. Its area is 15 329 km² and its population is 5 180 000.

The Anqing metropolitan area has an area of 821 km² and a population of 675 431. Anqing proper has a population of 357 130 in 13 street committees and 1 special street committee. The 1982 Census gives a population of 418 772 in 433 km² for Bengbu city, suggesting about 300 000 in the urban area. This gives a low long-run growth rate of 1.0%. Using a more typical rate of 2.5%, the 2004 estimated population corresponding to the measured area of 27 km² is 400 000.

Daguan District (大观区 guān-) 204 km²

7 street committees of Anqing (167 860): 德宽路街道 16965 玉琳路街道 17642 龙山路街道 25117 菱湖街道 45604 集贤路街道 24071 高花亭街道 28093 花亭路街道 10368

On May 13, 2005, Yingjiang District annexed parts of Suburban District and Huaning County. The corrected 2000 Census population is 265 923.

Yingjiang District (迎江区 Yíngjiāng-) 207 km²

6 street committees of Anqing (150 221): 宜城路街道 23305 新河路街道 26348 华中路街道 35073 人民路街道 24351 孝肃路街道 22131 建设路街道 19013

On May 13, 2005, Yingjiang District annexed part of Suburban District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 232 501.

Xinzhou (
新洲 Xīnzhōu), listed under Yixiu District, has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.

Yixiu District (
宜秀区 xiù-) 410 km²

Suburban District:
2 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Anqing, 1 special rural township (264 670): 老峰镇 28117 杨桥镇 23710 龙狮桥乡 20413 十里铺乡 57082 自泽湖乡 38635 长风乡 24260 新洲乡 9490 菱北虚拟街道 39049 皖河农场虚拟乡 23914

On May 13, 2005, Suburban District became Yixiu District and parts of it were annexed by Daguan and Yingjiang Districts and Yixiu District annexed parts of Huaining County and Tongcheng Metropolitan County. The corrected 2000 Census population is 177 007.

Tongcheng Metropolitan County (
桐城市 Tóngchéng-shì) 1 644 km²

4 street committees of Tongcheng, 17 urban townships, 7 rural townships (660 772):
碧峰街道 22908 文昌街道 30144 南演街道 32892 太平街道 18937 双港镇 48566 新渡镇 43053 金神镇 28609 孔城镇 414.13 范岗镇 35626 青草镇 33866 兴店镇 26284 卅铺镇 31148 吕亭镇 25650 高桥镇 35753 罗蛉镇 18609 陶冲镇 28141 老梅镇 19553 挂车河镇 21263 大关镇 27928 唐湾镇 5601 鲟鱼镇 1150 香铺乡 24521 白马乡 14942 肖店乡 21655 大塘乡 6054 黄铺乡 7284 龙眠乡 4846 中义乡 4376

On May 13, 2005, part of Tongcheng Metropolitan County was annexed by the Anqing metropolitan area. The corrected 2000 Census population is 642 163.

Tongcheng (104 881) has an area of 5.3 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Huaining County (
怀宁县 Huáiníng-xiàn) 1 543 km²

16 urban townships, 10 rural townships (673 677):
石牌镇 56487 高河镇 49740 月山镇 32716 腊树镇 30634 黄龙镇 18136 三桥镇 22344 小市镇 23115 黄墩镇 32625 公岭镇 24712 马庙镇 23277 金拱镇 25797 茶岭镇 25702 大龙山镇 19523 洪铺镇 34729 江镇镇 24979 海口镇 31174 皖河乡 44634 雷埠乡 18569 大洼乡 14660 清河乡 17793 秀山乡 18304 枫林乡 16205 凉亭乡 23444 五横乡 13567 石镜乡 21004 山口乡 9807

On May 13, 2005, part of Huaining County was annexed by the Anqing metropolitan area. The corrected 2000 Census population is 599 606.

Huaining is in Shipai urban township (
石牌 Shípái) and has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.

Qianshan County (潜山县 Qiánshān-xiàn) 1 686 km²

12 urban townships, 18 rural townships (515 261):
梅城镇 96950 王河镇 44212 源潭镇 29887 余井镇 21061 棋盘镇 17669 黄泥镇 17167 槎水镇 16465 官庄镇 15729 水吼镇 14055 黄柏镇 14016 黄铺镇 14817 天柱山镇 13568 油坝乡 20030 岭头乡 17017 痘姆乡 15311 古井乡 15806 塔畈乡 14505 牌楼乡 14087 青楼乡 13089 三妙乡 10838 杜埠乡 11019 五庙乡 10080 横中乡 9221 逆水乡 8583 龙关乡 8627 后冲乡 7677 割肚乡 7373 龙潭乡 6482 水贵乡 5314 彭河乡 4606

Qianshan is in Meicheng urban township (
梅城 Méichéng) and has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 18 000.

Susong County (宿松县 sōng-xiàn) 2 394 km²

9 urban townships, 13 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 1 special rural township (649 975):
孚玉镇 62891 复兴镇 44484 汇口镇 42173 许岭镇 36271 下仓镇 29077 二郎镇 28933 破凉镇 33589 凉亭镇 30844 长铺镇 27306 高岭乡 18646 程岭乡 22464 九姑乡 23843 千岭乡 30852 洲头乡 41314 佐坝乡 35697 北浴乡 10138 陈汉乡 18229 隘口乡 19254 柳坪乡 9088 趾凤乡 9572 河塌乡 21521 五里乡 21904 九成监狱管理分局虚拟镇 14253 华阳河农场虚拟乡 17632

Susong is in Fuyu urban township (
孚玉 ) and has an area of 4.5 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Fuxing (
复兴 Fùxīng) has an area of 4.0 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Huikou (
汇口 Huìkǒu) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 12 000. In addition, Wudun (吴墩 dūn) and Chengying (程营 Chéngyíng) in Huikou urban township have areas of 1.7 km² and 1.6 km² and estimated populations of 7 000 and 8 000.

Taihu County (
太湖县 Tàihú-xiàn) 2 031 km²

9 urban townships, 17 rural townships (498 882):
晋熙镇 48575 徐桥镇 43429 新仓镇 34565 小池镇 29031 寺前镇 19228 黄镇镇 13691 牛镇镇 13580 弥陀镇 24933 北中镇 14238 大石乡 28059 城西乡 26627 江塘乡 30543 花园乡 32315 刘羊乡 22257 罗溪乡 7649 黄岗乡 6155 李杜乡 7779 大山乡 8767 赵河乡 9060 天桥乡 9000 刘畈乡 8619 九田乡 9632 河口乡 8763 百里乡 22786 玉珠乡 12139 望天乡 7462

Taihu is in Jinxi urban township (
晋熙 Jìn) and has an area of 5.4 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Wangjiang County (望江县 Wàngjiāng-xiàn) 1 357 km²

9 urban townships, 12 rural townships (479 099):
雷阳镇 51014 华阳镇 43872 杨湾镇 26270 漳湖镇 21644 赛口镇 15081 高士镇 23533 鸦滩镇 24050 长岭镇 24222 太慈镇 35391 雷池乡 21681 莲洲乡 19734 金堤乡 13681 新坝乡 20466 毛安乡 15168 古炉乡 17091 麦元乡 16426 新桥乡 13082 杨林乡 20841 泊湖乡 15764 凉泉乡 18967 沈冲乡 21121

Wangjiang is in Leiyang urban township (
雷阳 Léiyáng) and has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Xinba (
新坝 Xīn) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Huayang (
华阳 Huáyáng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Zhanghu (
漳湖 Zhāng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Lianzhou (
莲洲 Liánzhōu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

An unidentified urban area 6.5 km W of Zhanghu in Saikou urban township (
赛口 Sàikǒu) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Yuexi County (
岳西县 Yuèxī-xiàn) 2 398 km²

13 urban townships, 15 rural townships (361 632):
天堂镇 46477 店前镇 17985 来榜镇 21221 菖蒲镇 17691 头陀镇 10001 白帽镇 17446 温泉镇 31859 响肠镇 16916 河图镇 10342 五河镇 12147 主簿镇 7491 冶溪镇 18151 黄尾镇 6702 毛尖山乡 12250 莲云乡 17070 青天乡 10510 包家乡 5309 古坊乡 7612 田头乡 10658 中关乡 18410 石关乡 11203 姚河乡 7588 和平乡 8402 西坪乡 1350 前河乡 3788 岩河乡 3828 茅山乡 5560 巍岭乡 3665

Yuexi is in Tiantang urban township (
天堂 Tiāntáng) and has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Zongyang County (
枞阳县 Zōngyáng-xiàn) 1 808 km²

14 urban townships, 13 rural townships (757 951):
枞阳镇 49657 石矶镇 24691 固山镇 35551 汤沟镇 45178 老洲镇 30767 陈瑶湖镇 38006 周潭镇 34203 横埠镇 32685 项铺镇 26174 钱桥镇 47632 麒麟镇 38492 义津镇 30550 浮山镇 19041 官埠桥镇 30574 铁铜乡 8431 凤仪乡 6204 长沙乡 4907 仪山乡 21203 老湾乡 21806 钱铺乡 23364 后方乡 29678 金社乡 38311 白梅乡 15934 白湖乡 33078 杨湾乡 10623 会宫乡 36223 雨坛乡 24988

has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Zhongxin Dadui (中心大队 Zhōngxīn Dàduì) in Yishan rural township (
仪山 shān) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Ma'anshan Region

Ma'anshan Region (马鞍山市 Mǎ'ānshān-shì)


Ma'anshan is a city with a population of 450 000. The major town of Dangtu (20 000) is a county seat in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Ma'anshan Region contains the Ma'anshan metropolitan area and Dangtu County. Its area is 1 686 km² and its population is 1 196 916.

The Ma'anshan metropolitan area has an area of 308 km² and a population of 567 576. Ma'anshan proper has a population of 398 746 in 12 street committees. The 1982 Census gives a population of 350 511 in 278 km² for Ma'anshan city, suggesting about 200 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 3.2%. Using this rate, the 2004 estimated population corresponding to the measured area of 32 km² is 450 000.

Huashan District (花山区 Huāshān-qū) 123 km²

4 street committees of Ma'anshan (179 542): 沙塘街道 35331 解放路街道 53443 湖东路街道 41863 桃源路街道 48905

On July 1, 2001, Jinjiazhuang District annexed part of Xiangshan District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 223 269.

Jinjiazhuang District (金家庄区 Jīnjiāzhuāng-) 48 km²

4 street committees of Ma'anshan (86 261): 金家庄街道 30494 江边街道 16400 塘西街道 20445 慈湖街道 18922

On July 1, 2001, Jinjiazhuang District annexed part of Xiangshan District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 117 918.

Cihu (
慈湖 ), listed under Xiangshan District, has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Yushan District (
雨山区 shān-qū) 130 km²

4 street committees of Ma'anshan (132 943):
平湖街道 29321 雨山街道 35166 安民街道 59282 采石街道 9174

Xiangshan District: 3 urban townships, 3 rural townships (168 830):
濮塘镇 12127 霍里镇 31600 向山镇 48410 慈湖乡 31657 雨山乡 22169 佳山乡 22867

On July 1, 2001, Xiangshan District was divided between the other three districts. The corrected 2000 Census population of Yushan District is 226 389.

Xiangshan (
向山 Xiàngshān) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Dangtu County (
当涂县 Dāngtú-xiàn) 1 385 km²

14 urban townships, 11 rural townships (629 340): 城关镇 68982 黄池镇 20645 乌溪镇 23261 马桥镇 19026 石桥镇 24981 塘南镇 30466 护河镇 30603 薛津镇 26578 丹阳镇 25836 新市镇 33492 博望镇 47140 新博镇 32947 龙山桥镇 17703 银塘镇 11922 亭头乡 27317 大陇乡 16107 新丰乡 11972 太白乡 12035 围屏乡 18579 新桥乡 29228 年姥乡 14025 查湾乡 18438 湖阳乡 26867 江心乡 24342 黄山乡 16848

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

Danyang (
丹阳 Dānyáng) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

China (CN) Anhui Province Bengbu Region

Bengbu Region (蚌埠市 Bèngbù-shì)


Bengbu is a major city with a population of 600 000. The major towns of Guzhen (35 000), Wuhe (35 000), and Huaiyuan (30 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Bengbu Region contains the Bengbu metropolitan area and 3 counties. Its area is 5 945 km² and its population is 3 288 329.

The Bengbu metropolitan area has an area of 601 km² and a population of 898 921. Bengbu proper has a population of 586 740 in 18 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 645 820 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 558 676 in 397 km² for Bengbu city, suggesting about 400 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 2.7%. Using this rate, the 2004 estimated population corresponding to the measured area of 41 km² is 600 000.

Bengshan District (蚌山区 Bèngshān-qū) 83 km²

Zhongshi District: 7 street committees of Bengbu (118 178): 天桥街道 12737 青年街道 19466 纬二路街道 12954 胜利街道 27352 延安街道 23494 黄庄街道 19681 小蚌埠街道 2494

On January 10, 2004, Zhongshi District became Bengshan District and annexed parts of Dongshan, Suburban, and Xishan Districts. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Huaishang District (
淮上区 Huáishàng-) 232 km²

Suburban District: 2 urban townships, 6 rural townships (222 659):
长淮卫镇 35722 小蚌埠镇 44392 长青乡 14688 李楼乡 20888 燕山乡 23388 秦集乡 42075 雪华乡 15269 吴小街乡 26237

On January 10, 2004, Suburban District became Huaishang District and annexed parts of Zhongshan District, Guzhen County, and Huaiyuan County. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Changqing (
长青 Chángqīng), now divided between multiple districts, is a suburb of Bengbu. Xiaobengbu (小蚌埠 Xiǎobèngbù) is also a suburb of Bengbu.

Longzihu District (龙子湖Lóngzihú-) 162 km²

Dongshi District: 7 street committees of Bengbu (242 240): 解放街道 90667 东风街道 22807 治淮街道 28412 东升街道 33816 宏业村街道 28900 曹山街道 7626 龙湖新村街道 30012

On January 10, 2004, Dongshi District became Longzihu District and annexed parts of Zhongshi District and Suburban District.
A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Changhuaiwei (长淮卫 Chánghuáiwèi), listed here under Huaishang District, has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Yuhui District (禹会区 huì-) 125 km²

Xishi District: 5 street committees of Bengbu (226 322): 朝阳街道 27514 纬四街道 38729 大庆街道 65602 张公山街道 60432 钓鱼台街道 34045

On January 10, 2004, Xishi District became Yuhui District and annexed part of Suburban District. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Guzhen County (
固镇县 zhèn-xiàn) 1 363 km²

8 urban townships, 10 rural townships (595 513):
城关镇 66589 王庄镇 36017 曹老集镇 42873 新马桥镇 30341 刘集镇 28398 湖沟镇 33444 任桥镇 38987 濠城镇 27920 磨盘张乡 22564 连站乡 40965 石湖乡 29578 九湾乡 26521 宋店乡 27727 仲抻兴乡 32842 唐南乡 27466 瓦疃乡 22092 杨庙乡 36230 何集乡 24959

On January 10, 2004, the Bengbu metropolitan area annexed part of Guzhen County. The corrected 2000 Census population is 552 640.

Guzhen is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.0 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Haocheng (
濠城 Háochéng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Wangzhuang (
王庄 Wángzhuāng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Huaiyuan County (
怀远县 Huáiyuǎn-xiàn) 2 400 km²

11 urban townships, 18 rural townships, 1 special urban township (1 234 561):
城关镇 70299 包集镇 39882 龙亢镇 32105 河溜镇 47255 常坟镇 41224 马城镇 43485 双桥集镇 53928 魏庄镇 41778 五岔镇 43347 万福镇 47984 唐集镇 45597 燕集乡 29269 淝河乡 35777 朱疃乡 38659 找郢乡 49365 梅桥乡 46649 姚山乡 48988 褚集乡 40175 看疃乡 32580 陈集乡 35100 高庄乡 36559 古城乡 52077 东庙乡 31690 项桥乡 26630 徐圩乡 45660 双沟乡 39234 兰桥乡 36319 荆芡乡 47341 孝仪乡 46166 龙亢农场虚拟镇 9439

On January 10, 2004, the Bengbu metropolitan area annexed part of Huaiyuan County. The corrected 2000 Census population is 1 187 912.

Huaiyuan is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 4.5 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Changfen (
常坟 Chángfén) has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 13 000. In addition, Wangxiangzi (王巷子 Wángxiàngzi) in Changfen urban township has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.

Niuweizi (牛圩子 Niúwéizi) in Tangji urban township (
唐集 Táng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Wuhe County (
五河县 hé-xiàn) 1 580 km²

10 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui) (648 856): 城关镇 67233 新集镇 46201 沫河口镇 38558 小溪镇 26988 双忠庙镇 34323 小圩镇 39402 东刘集镇 33775 头铺镇 30975 大新镇 25179 武桥镇 25413 长淮乡 26023 朱顶乡 42750 安淮乡 16909 临北回族乡 24193 曹顾张乡 24711 皇庙乡 26228 园集乡 24136 张集乡 24689 申集乡 35312 沱湖乡 35858

Wuhe is in Chengguan urban township
(城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.6 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Anhuai (
安淮 Ānhuái) has an area of 3.6 km² and an estimated population of 18 000.

Xinji (
新集 Xīn) has an area of 3.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.

Daxin (
大新 xīn) has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.

Toupu (
头铺 Tóu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Qianliu (前刘 Qiánliú) in Shuangzhongmiao urban township (
双忠庙 Shuāngzhōngmiào) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Sanpu (三铺 Sān) in Mohekou urban township (
沫河口 kǒu) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.