Xiangtan Region (湘潭市 )
Xiangtan is a major city with a population of 700 000. The major towns of Xiangxiang (70 000) and Xiangtanxian (40 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Xiangtan Region contains the Xiangtan metropolitan area, 2 metropolitan counties, and Xiangtan County. Its area is 5 006 km² and its population is 2 672 069.
The Xiangtan metropolitan area has an area of 280 km² and a population of 707 783. The city of Xiangtan has a population of 501 467 in 18 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 616 721 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 482 959 in 289 km² for the Zhuzhou metropolitan area, suggesting about 400 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 2.4% and a 2004 estimated population of 700 000 corresponding to the measured area of 46 km².
Yuetang District (岳塘区 ) 206 km²
10 street committees of Xiangtan, 2 urban townships, 4 rural townships (344 912): 岳塘街道 53636 东平街道 9959 中洲路街道 33067 书院路街道 30459 下摄司街道 9848 建设路街道 23840 滴水埠街道 13865 五里堆街道 18879 社建村街道 16137 宝塔街道 31971 易家湾镇 19604 双马镇 15246 霞城乡 23989 板塘乡 10707 荷塘乡 19572 昭山乡 14133
Bantang (板塘 ), and Xiacheng (霞城
Huangjiahu (黄家湖 ) in Yijiawan urban township ( ) are suburbs of Xiangtan.易家湾
) has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.
Yuhu District (雨湖区 ) 74 km²
8 street committees of Xiangtan, 2 urban townships, 4 rural townships (362 871): 雨湖街道 32447 城正街道 44551 平政街道 8859 云塘街道 42566 广场街道 42731 中山街道 32803 窑湾街道 14006 羊牯塘街道 22239 鹤岭镇 15387 楠竹山镇 26724 昭潭乡 21109 护潭乡 16688 长城乡 27825 先锋乡 14936
Changcheng (长城 ), Hutan (护潭 ), Xianfeng (先锋 ), and Zhaotan (昭潭
) are suburbs of Xiangtan.Nanzhushan (楠竹山 ) has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 16 000. The township is an exclave of the Xiangtan metropolitan area separated from it by Xiangtan County.
Heling (鹤岭 ) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 9 500. The township is an exclave of the Xiangtan metropolitan area separated from it by Xiangtan County.
Xiangtan University (湘潭大学 ) in Changcheng rural township has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Shaoshan Metropolitan County (韶山市 ) 210 km²
3 urban townships, 5 rural townships (95 299): 清溪镇 11792 银田镇 5951 如意镇 14028 韶山乡 14948 永义乡 9551 银田乡 10086 杨林乡 15168 大坪乡 13775
There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.
Xiangxiang Metropolitan County (湘乡市 ) 2 003 km²
4 street committees of Xiangxiang, 13 urban townships, 5 rural townships (807 718): 望春门街道 33185 新湘路街道 30729 昆仑桥街道 38139 东山街道 18086 山枣镇 43042 栗山镇 23375 中沙镇 22978 虞塘镇 30649 潭市镇 42882 棋梓镇 50846 壶天镇 40796 翻江镇 34423 金石镇 33438 白田镇 40564 月山镇 54060 泉塘镇 45922 梅桥镇 43559 东郊乡 48824 毛田乡 31905 金薮乡 33343 育煅乡 32787 龙洞乡 34186
Xiangxiang (120 139) has an area of 6.8 km² and an estimated population of 70 000.
Xiangtan County (湘潭县 ) 2 513 km²
15 urban townships, 7 rural townships (1 061 269): 易俗河镇 58172 梅林桥镇 47487 谭家山镇 46631 中路铺镇 57422 茶恩寺镇 40236 河口镇 43509 射埠镇 59153 花石镇 51372 青山桥镇 40091 石鼓镇 44279 姜畲镇 53140 云湖桥镇 58708 石潭镇 67822 扬嘉桥镇 59317 乌石镇 34006 响塘乡 56182 响水乡 62101 分水乡 33868 排头乡 59584 龙口乡 26278 锦石乡 26377 白石乡 35534
Xiangtanxian is in Yisuhe urban township (易俗河 ) and has an area of 4.1 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
China (CN) Hunan Province Zhuzhou Region
Zhuzhou Region (株洲市 Zhūzhōu-shì)
Zhuzhou is a major city with a population of 750 000. The city of Liling (120 000) and the major towns of Youxian (60 000), Chaling (50 000), and Zhuzhouxian (20 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Zhuzhou Region contains the Zhuzhou metropolitan area, Liling Metropolitan County, and 4 ordinary counties. Its area is 11 262 km² and its population is 3 581 820.
The Zhuzhou metropolitan area has an area of 535 km² and a population of 879 996. The city of Zhuzhou has a population of 658 734 in 12 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 669 824 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 385 646 in 177 km² for the Zhuzhou metropolitan area, suggesting about 350 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 3.7% and a 2004 estimated population of 750 000 corresponding to the measured area of 59 km².
Hetang District (荷塘区 Hétáng-qū) 152 km²
3 street committees of Zhuzhou, 3 rural townships (260 835): 月塘街道 59149 茨菇塘街道 76873 宋家桥街道 58375 荷塘铺乡 11450 明照乡 34916 蝶屏乡 20072
Hetangpu (荷塘铺 Hétángpù) is a suburb of Zhuzhou.
Lusong District (芦淞区 Lúsōng-qū) 67 km²
4 street committees of Zhuzhou, 3 rural townships (226 162): 贽家土街道 31675 建设街道 41018 建宁街道 72420 董家段街道 41208 建宁乡 23306 五里墩乡 6957 曲尺乡 9578
Jianning (建宁 Jiànníng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.
Shifeng District (石峰区 Shífēng-qū) 166 km²
3 street committees of Zhuzhou, 1 urban township, 3 rural townships (272 258): 田心街道 65123 响石岭街道 74914 清水塘街道 65788 龙头铺镇 22439 清水乡 9931 荷花乡 14437 云田乡 19626
Tianyuan District (天元区 Tiānyuán-qū) 150 km²
2 street committees of Zhuzhou, 2 urban townships (120 741): 嵩山路街道 31001 泰山路街道 40830 马家河镇 27411 群丰镇 21499
Liling Metropolitan County (醴陵市 Lǐlíng-shì) 2 157 km²
5 street committees of Liling, 20 urban townships, 17 rural townships (934 396): 解放路街道 27315 阳三石街道 18907 西山街道 14273 黄泥坳街道 23822 城东街道 16570 南桥镇 39295 富里镇 33079 白兔潭镇 32360 浦口镇 37450 王坊镇 22291 王仙镇 27757 东富镇 22677 泗汾镇 35766 沈潭镇 24354 船湾镇 24280 大障镇 27131 贺家桥镇 19695 马恋镇 22353 栗山坝镇 14338 茶山岭镇 17021 神福港镇 18291 均楚镇 16184 石亭镇 19941 仙霞镇 18550 黄獭嘴镇 21050 大林乡 9568 东堡乡 12239 黄沙乡 20737 枧头洲乡 20971 孙家湾乡 20265 清水江乡 20326 嘉树乡 19421 转步乡 12691 军山乡 8140 高桥乡 13724 长岭乡 15890 板杉乡 24317 八步桥乡 20J25 新阳乡 21456 官庄乡 17559 枫林市乡 15260 渌江乡 66957
Liling (100 887) has an area of 14.5 km² and an estimated population of 120 000.
Chaling County (茶陵县 Chálíng-xiàn) 2 507 km²
13 urban townships, 12 rural townships (493 059): 城关镇 48141人、界首镇 24161人、严塘镇 25003人、湖口镇 19754人、浣溪镇 12362人、马江镇 24508人、高陇镇 13286人、腰陂镇 33754人、潞水镇 19942人、虎踞镇 22127人、平水镇 23405人、枣市镇 24482人、火田镇 20148人、江口乡 3921人、桃坑乡 9486人、下东乡 40826人、铃舫乡 22638人、思聪乡 25524人、米江乡 24338人、尧水乡 10816人、八团乡 5282人、湘东乡 6124人、秩堂乡 18724人、小田乡 3200人、七地乡 11107人
Chaling is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 7.3 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Yanling County (炎陵县 Yánlíng-xiàn) 2 031 km²
6 urban townships, 8 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Yao) (164 807): 霞阳镇 32279 沔渡镇 13483 十都镇 11687 水口镇 14948 三河镇 17300 鹿原镇 22514 垄溪乡 7792 石洲乡 5244 策源乡 5744 下村乡 7201 中村乡 7100 龙渣瑶族乡 2026 平乐乡 2465 船形乡 7106 东风乡 7918
Yanling is in Xiayang urban township (霞阳 Xiáyáng) and has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.
Youxian County (攸县 Yōuxiàn) 2 651 km²
17 urban townships, 13 rural townships (679 839): 城关镇 63512 黄丰桥镇 16176 酒埠江镇 27552 桃水镇 29308 峦山镇 18770 皇图岭镇 31268 网岭镇 37758 新市镇 28194 丫江桥镇 23336 渌田镇 35569 柏市镇 11726 大同桥镇 25393 上云桥镇 22606 菜花坪镇 27188 市上坪镇 14884 石羊塘镇 30912 高枧镇 16523 漕泊乡 6163 兰村乡 6461 银坑乡 11792 钟佳桥乡 12661 湖南坳乡 23977 坪阳庙乡 22172 大桥乡 12987 贾山乡 22530 沙陵陂乡 12238 凉江乡 11890 莲塘坳乡 25580 高和乡 22304 鸭塘铺乡 28409
Youxian is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 7.6 km² and an estimated population of 60 000.
Jiubujiang (酒埠江 Jiǔbùjiāng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Zhuzhou County (株洲县 Zhūzhōu-xiàn) 2 507 km²
7 urban townships, 14 rural townships (429 723): 渌口镇 57794 黄龙镇 25058 淦田镇 16823 白关镇 18290 雷打石镇 32638 三门镇 32481 古岳峰镇 22838 龙凤乡 12949 龙潭乡 8040 砖桥乡 11707 平山乡 11964 太湖乡 13841 长冲乡 5529 八斗乡 5532 洲坪乡 23131 南阳桥乡 22192 仙井乡 30655 姚家坝乡 20503 大京乡 6470 堂市乡 24664 王十万乡 26624
Zhuzhouxian is in Lukou urban township (渌口 Lùkǒu) and has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Zhuzhou is a major city with a population of 750 000. The city of Liling (120 000) and the major towns of Youxian (60 000), Chaling (50 000), and Zhuzhouxian (20 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Zhuzhou Region contains the Zhuzhou metropolitan area, Liling Metropolitan County, and 4 ordinary counties. Its area is 11 262 km² and its population is 3 581 820.
The Zhuzhou metropolitan area has an area of 535 km² and a population of 879 996. The city of Zhuzhou has a population of 658 734 in 12 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 669 824 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 385 646 in 177 km² for the Zhuzhou metropolitan area, suggesting about 350 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 3.7% and a 2004 estimated population of 750 000 corresponding to the measured area of 59 km².
Hetang District (荷塘区 Hétáng-qū) 152 km²
3 street committees of Zhuzhou, 3 rural townships (260 835): 月塘街道 59149 茨菇塘街道 76873 宋家桥街道 58375 荷塘铺乡 11450 明照乡 34916 蝶屏乡 20072
Hetangpu (荷塘铺 Hétángpù) is a suburb of Zhuzhou.
Lusong District (芦淞区 Lúsōng-qū) 67 km²
4 street committees of Zhuzhou, 3 rural townships (226 162): 贽家土街道 31675 建设街道 41018 建宁街道 72420 董家段街道 41208 建宁乡 23306 五里墩乡 6957 曲尺乡 9578
Jianning (建宁 Jiànníng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.
Shifeng District (石峰区 Shífēng-qū) 166 km²
3 street committees of Zhuzhou, 1 urban township, 3 rural townships (272 258): 田心街道 65123 响石岭街道 74914 清水塘街道 65788 龙头铺镇 22439 清水乡 9931 荷花乡 14437 云田乡 19626
Tianyuan District (天元区 Tiānyuán-qū) 150 km²
2 street committees of Zhuzhou, 2 urban townships (120 741): 嵩山路街道 31001 泰山路街道 40830 马家河镇 27411 群丰镇 21499
Liling Metropolitan County (醴陵市 Lǐlíng-shì) 2 157 km²
5 street committees of Liling, 20 urban townships, 17 rural townships (934 396): 解放路街道 27315 阳三石街道 18907 西山街道 14273 黄泥坳街道 23822 城东街道 16570 南桥镇 39295 富里镇 33079 白兔潭镇 32360 浦口镇 37450 王坊镇 22291 王仙镇 27757 东富镇 22677 泗汾镇 35766 沈潭镇 24354 船湾镇 24280 大障镇 27131 贺家桥镇 19695 马恋镇 22353 栗山坝镇 14338 茶山岭镇 17021 神福港镇 18291 均楚镇 16184 石亭镇 19941 仙霞镇 18550 黄獭嘴镇 21050 大林乡 9568 东堡乡 12239 黄沙乡 20737 枧头洲乡 20971 孙家湾乡 20265 清水江乡 20326 嘉树乡 19421 转步乡 12691 军山乡 8140 高桥乡 13724 长岭乡 15890 板杉乡 24317 八步桥乡 20J25 新阳乡 21456 官庄乡 17559 枫林市乡 15260 渌江乡 66957
Liling (100 887) has an area of 14.5 km² and an estimated population of 120 000.
Chaling County (茶陵县 Chálíng-xiàn) 2 507 km²
13 urban townships, 12 rural townships (493 059): 城关镇 48141人、界首镇 24161人、严塘镇 25003人、湖口镇 19754人、浣溪镇 12362人、马江镇 24508人、高陇镇 13286人、腰陂镇 33754人、潞水镇 19942人、虎踞镇 22127人、平水镇 23405人、枣市镇 24482人、火田镇 20148人、江口乡 3921人、桃坑乡 9486人、下东乡 40826人、铃舫乡 22638人、思聪乡 25524人、米江乡 24338人、尧水乡 10816人、八团乡 5282人、湘东乡 6124人、秩堂乡 18724人、小田乡 3200人、七地乡 11107人
Chaling is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 7.3 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Yanling County (炎陵县 Yánlíng-xiàn) 2 031 km²
6 urban townships, 8 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Yao) (164 807): 霞阳镇 32279 沔渡镇 13483 十都镇 11687 水口镇 14948 三河镇 17300 鹿原镇 22514 垄溪乡 7792 石洲乡 5244 策源乡 5744 下村乡 7201 中村乡 7100 龙渣瑶族乡 2026 平乐乡 2465 船形乡 7106 东风乡 7918
Yanling is in Xiayang urban township (霞阳 Xiáyáng) and has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.
Youxian County (攸县 Yōuxiàn) 2 651 km²
17 urban townships, 13 rural townships (679 839): 城关镇 63512 黄丰桥镇 16176 酒埠江镇 27552 桃水镇 29308 峦山镇 18770 皇图岭镇 31268 网岭镇 37758 新市镇 28194 丫江桥镇 23336 渌田镇 35569 柏市镇 11726 大同桥镇 25393 上云桥镇 22606 菜花坪镇 27188 市上坪镇 14884 石羊塘镇 30912 高枧镇 16523 漕泊乡 6163 兰村乡 6461 银坑乡 11792 钟佳桥乡 12661 湖南坳乡 23977 坪阳庙乡 22172 大桥乡 12987 贾山乡 22530 沙陵陂乡 12238 凉江乡 11890 莲塘坳乡 25580 高和乡 22304 鸭塘铺乡 28409
Youxian is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 7.6 km² and an estimated population of 60 000.
Jiubujiang (酒埠江 Jiǔbùjiāng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Zhuzhou County (株洲县 Zhūzhōu-xiàn) 2 507 km²
7 urban townships, 14 rural townships (429 723): 渌口镇 57794 黄龙镇 25058 淦田镇 16823 白关镇 18290 雷打石镇 32638 三门镇 32481 古岳峰镇 22838 龙凤乡 12949 龙潭乡 8040 砖桥乡 11707 平山乡 11964 太湖乡 13841 长冲乡 5529 八斗乡 5532 洲坪乡 23131 南阳桥乡 22192 仙井乡 30655 姚家坝乡 20503 大京乡 6470 堂市乡 24664 王十万乡 26624
Zhuzhouxian is in Lukou urban township (渌口 Lùkǒu) and has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
China (CN) Hunan Province Changsha Region
Changsha Region (长沙市 Chángshā-shì)
Changsha is a major city with a population of 2 400 000. The major towns of Liuyang (90 000), Ningxiang (75 000), and Wangcheng (45 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Changsha Region contains the Changsha metropolitan area, Liuyang Metropolitan County, and 3 ordinary counties. Its area is 11 819 km² and its population is 6 138 719.
The Changsha metropolitan area has an area of 556 km² and a population of 2 122 873. The city of Changsha has a population of 1 788 429 in 476 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 2 042 128 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 1 076 413 in 352 km² for the Changsha metropolitan area, suggesting about 950 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 4.3% and a 2004 estimated population of 2 400 000 corresponding to the measured area of 150 km².
Furong District (芙蓉区 Fúróng-qū) 42 km²
12 street committees of Changsha, 1 rural township (390 074): 文艺路街道 39449 朝阳街街道 46363 韭菜园街道 43357 浏正街街道 13580 解放路街道 14596 府后街街道 12838 都正街街道 13629 五里牌街道 15742 火星街道 24544 马王堆街道 47893 东屯渡街道 33393 湘湖街道 14951 东岸乡 69739
Dong'an (东岸 Dōng'àn) is a suburb of Changsha.
Kaifu District (开福区 Kāifú-qū) 187 km²
12 street committees of Changsha, 1 urban township, 1 rural township, 1 special rural township (423 645): 金霞路街道 4141 上大垅街道 31839 清水塘街道 13344 望麓园街道 28198 北站路街道 48614 伍家岭街道 43816 民主东街街道 24395 黑石渡街道 38876 新河街道 41483 通泰街街道 16679 西长街街道 17923 如意街街道 9037 四方坪街道 11193 捞刀河镇 50345 霞凝乡 16869 综合农场虚拟乡 26893
Tianqin District (天心区 Tiānxīn-qū) 74 km²
7 street committees of Changsha, 1 rural township (396 827): 书院路街道 36229 坡子街街道 21022 学院街街道 21275 城南路街道 41352 裕南街街道 67413 金盆岭街道 79875 新开铺街道 88027 大托乡 41634
Datuo (大托 Dàtuō) is a suburb of Changsha.
Yuelu District (岳麓区 Yuèlù-qū) 139 km²
8 street committees of Changsha, 1 urban township, 2 rural townships (409 939): 望月湖街道 32240 岳麓街道 64824 桔子洲街道 93666 银盆岭街道 42303 观沙岭街道 33917 望城坡街道 30836 西湖街道 40177 成嘉湖街道 3649 东方红镇 14315 望岳乡 20494 天顶乡 33518
Yuhua District (雨花区 Yǔhuā-qū) 114 km²
7 street committees of Changsha, 1 urban township, 1 rural township (502 388): 侯家塘街道 53679 左家塘街道 102766 奎塘街道 34345 砂子塘街道 57762 东塘街道 42690 雨花亭街道 111933 高桥街道 38576 洞井镇 32373 黎托乡 28264
Dongjing (洞井 Dòngjǐng) and Lituo (黎托 Lítuō) are suburbs of Changsha.
Liuyang Metropolitan County (浏阳市 Liúyáng-shì) 4 999 km²
4 street committees of Liuying, 23 urban townships, 13 rural townships (1 307 572): 淮川街道 55275 集里街道 39664 荷花街道 37384 关口街道 22287 沙市镇 49522 淳口镇 42934 社港镇 42452 大围山镇 16925 官渡镇 28390 张坊镇 30410 达浒镇 23841 沿溪镇 27770 古港镇 35190 永和镇 23217 大瑶镇 55539 金刚镇 54105 文家市镇 46007 太平桥镇 20129 枨冲镇 41135 镇头镇 54740 普迹镇 40301 永安镇 58842 北盛镇 51038 赤马镇 14248 龙伏镇 44093 澄潭江镇 56042 中和镇 21010 白沙乡 8272 小河乡 13352 七宝山乡 14746 三口乡 20990 高坪乡 33694 溪江乡 19952 杨花乡 22471 葛家乡 19817 官桥乡 26217 柏加乡 20488 洞阳乡 35526 蕉溪乡 23407 山田乡 16150
Liuyang (154 610) has an area of 7.6 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.
Guanqiao (官桥 Guānqiáo) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Yonghe (永和 Yǒnghé) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.
Changsha County (长沙县 Chángshā-xiàn) 1 997 km²
15 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special urban township (774 707): 星沙镇 81689 暮云镇 48732 黄兴镇 43892 榔梨镇 30279 江背镇 53997 黄花镇 74219 春华镇 41639 果园镇 22101 路口镇 26959 高桥镇 28970 金井镇 40425 福临镇 27215 青山铺镇 18244 安沙镇 48555 北山镇 49650 跳马乡 55224 干杉乡 22097 双江乡 19093 白沙乡 17900 开慧乡 19553 长沙航空职业技术学院虚拟镇 4274
Changshaxian is in Xingsha urban township (星沙 Xīngshā) and is a suburb of Changsha. In addition, an unidentified urban area 14 km E of Changsha in Xingsha urban township has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Muyun (暮云 Mùyún) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 10 000. In addition, Nantuoling (南托岭 Nántuōlǐng) in Muyun urban township has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Ningxiang County (宁乡县 Níngxiāng-xiàn) 2 906 km²
17 urban townships, 18 rural townships (1 247 218): 玉潭镇 56046 道林镇 54500 花明楼镇 45634 东湖塘镇 44665 夏铎铺镇 35123 双江口镇 50157 煤炭坝镇 50567 坝塘镇 39687 偕乐桥镇 30370 灰汤镇 20559 双凫铺镇 36374 老粮仓镇 58259 流沙河镇 64226 巷子口镇 36816 龙田镇 21805 黄材镇 55412 横市镇 47491 大屯营乡 39819 全民乡 27223 朱良桥乡 31786 菁华铺乡 30815 回龙铺乡 36249 南田坪乡 24827 资福乡 34372 枫木桥乡 36517 大成桥乡 31355 喻家坳乡 35670 青山桥乡 48404 沩山乡 9945 祖塔乡 4587 沙田乡 28738 崔坪乡 5698 白马桥乡 20458 历经铺乡 27952 城郊乡 25112
Ningxiang is in Yutan urban township (玉潭 Yùtán) and has an area of 9.1 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Meitanba (煤炭坝 Méitànbà) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Wangcheng County (望城县 Wàngchéng-xiàn) 1 361 km²
15 urban townships, 4 rural townships (686 349): 高塘岭镇 65403 桥驿镇 37138 丁字镇 39124 茶亭镇 29805 东城镇 16324 铜官镇 23835 靖港镇 32249 乔口镇 30106 乌山镇 37631 星城镇 39603 雷锋镇 29784 雨敞坪镇 28981 莲花镇 42106 坪塘镇 55520 含浦镇 38847 格塘乡 29084 新康乡 31495 黄金乡 40396 白箬铺乡 38918
Wangcheng is in Gaotangling urban township (高塘岭 Gāotánglǐng) and has an area of 6.2 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Tongguan (铜官 Tóngguān) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Pingtang (坪塘 Píngtáng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.
Changsha is a major city with a population of 2 400 000. The major towns of Liuyang (90 000), Ningxiang (75 000), and Wangcheng (45 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Changsha Region contains the Changsha metropolitan area, Liuyang Metropolitan County, and 3 ordinary counties. Its area is 11 819 km² and its population is 6 138 719.
The Changsha metropolitan area has an area of 556 km² and a population of 2 122 873. The city of Changsha has a population of 1 788 429 in 476 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 2 042 128 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 1 076 413 in 352 km² for the Changsha metropolitan area, suggesting about 950 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 4.3% and a 2004 estimated population of 2 400 000 corresponding to the measured area of 150 km².
Furong District (芙蓉区 Fúróng-qū) 42 km²
12 street committees of Changsha, 1 rural township (390 074): 文艺路街道 39449 朝阳街街道 46363 韭菜园街道 43357 浏正街街道 13580 解放路街道 14596 府后街街道 12838 都正街街道 13629 五里牌街道 15742 火星街道 24544 马王堆街道 47893 东屯渡街道 33393 湘湖街道 14951 东岸乡 69739
Dong'an (东岸 Dōng'àn) is a suburb of Changsha.
Kaifu District (开福区 Kāifú-qū) 187 km²
12 street committees of Changsha, 1 urban township, 1 rural township, 1 special rural township (423 645): 金霞路街道 4141 上大垅街道 31839 清水塘街道 13344 望麓园街道 28198 北站路街道 48614 伍家岭街道 43816 民主东街街道 24395 黑石渡街道 38876 新河街道 41483 通泰街街道 16679 西长街街道 17923 如意街街道 9037 四方坪街道 11193 捞刀河镇 50345 霞凝乡 16869 综合农场虚拟乡 26893
Tianqin District (天心区 Tiānxīn-qū) 74 km²
7 street committees of Changsha, 1 rural township (396 827): 书院路街道 36229 坡子街街道 21022 学院街街道 21275 城南路街道 41352 裕南街街道 67413 金盆岭街道 79875 新开铺街道 88027 大托乡 41634
Datuo (大托 Dàtuō) is a suburb of Changsha.
Yuelu District (岳麓区 Yuèlù-qū) 139 km²
8 street committees of Changsha, 1 urban township, 2 rural townships (409 939): 望月湖街道 32240 岳麓街道 64824 桔子洲街道 93666 银盆岭街道 42303 观沙岭街道 33917 望城坡街道 30836 西湖街道 40177 成嘉湖街道 3649 东方红镇 14315 望岳乡 20494 天顶乡 33518
Yuhua District (雨花区 Yǔhuā-qū) 114 km²
7 street committees of Changsha, 1 urban township, 1 rural township (502 388): 侯家塘街道 53679 左家塘街道 102766 奎塘街道 34345 砂子塘街道 57762 东塘街道 42690 雨花亭街道 111933 高桥街道 38576 洞井镇 32373 黎托乡 28264
Dongjing (洞井 Dòngjǐng) and Lituo (黎托 Lítuō) are suburbs of Changsha.
Liuyang Metropolitan County (浏阳市 Liúyáng-shì) 4 999 km²
4 street committees of Liuying, 23 urban townships, 13 rural townships (1 307 572): 淮川街道 55275 集里街道 39664 荷花街道 37384 关口街道 22287 沙市镇 49522 淳口镇 42934 社港镇 42452 大围山镇 16925 官渡镇 28390 张坊镇 30410 达浒镇 23841 沿溪镇 27770 古港镇 35190 永和镇 23217 大瑶镇 55539 金刚镇 54105 文家市镇 46007 太平桥镇 20129 枨冲镇 41135 镇头镇 54740 普迹镇 40301 永安镇 58842 北盛镇 51038 赤马镇 14248 龙伏镇 44093 澄潭江镇 56042 中和镇 21010 白沙乡 8272 小河乡 13352 七宝山乡 14746 三口乡 20990 高坪乡 33694 溪江乡 19952 杨花乡 22471 葛家乡 19817 官桥乡 26217 柏加乡 20488 洞阳乡 35526 蕉溪乡 23407 山田乡 16150
Liuyang (154 610) has an area of 7.6 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.
Guanqiao (官桥 Guānqiáo) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Yonghe (永和 Yǒnghé) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.
Changsha County (长沙县 Chángshā-xiàn) 1 997 km²
15 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special urban township (774 707): 星沙镇 81689 暮云镇 48732 黄兴镇 43892 榔梨镇 30279 江背镇 53997 黄花镇 74219 春华镇 41639 果园镇 22101 路口镇 26959 高桥镇 28970 金井镇 40425 福临镇 27215 青山铺镇 18244 安沙镇 48555 北山镇 49650 跳马乡 55224 干杉乡 22097 双江乡 19093 白沙乡 17900 开慧乡 19553 长沙航空职业技术学院虚拟镇 4274
Changshaxian is in Xingsha urban township (星沙 Xīngshā) and is a suburb of Changsha. In addition, an unidentified urban area 14 km E of Changsha in Xingsha urban township has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Muyun (暮云 Mùyún) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 10 000. In addition, Nantuoling (南托岭 Nántuōlǐng) in Muyun urban township has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Ningxiang County (宁乡县 Níngxiāng-xiàn) 2 906 km²
17 urban townships, 18 rural townships (1 247 218): 玉潭镇 56046 道林镇 54500 花明楼镇 45634 东湖塘镇 44665 夏铎铺镇 35123 双江口镇 50157 煤炭坝镇 50567 坝塘镇 39687 偕乐桥镇 30370 灰汤镇 20559 双凫铺镇 36374 老粮仓镇 58259 流沙河镇 64226 巷子口镇 36816 龙田镇 21805 黄材镇 55412 横市镇 47491 大屯营乡 39819 全民乡 27223 朱良桥乡 31786 菁华铺乡 30815 回龙铺乡 36249 南田坪乡 24827 资福乡 34372 枫木桥乡 36517 大成桥乡 31355 喻家坳乡 35670 青山桥乡 48404 沩山乡 9945 祖塔乡 4587 沙田乡 28738 崔坪乡 5698 白马桥乡 20458 历经铺乡 27952 城郊乡 25112
Ningxiang is in Yutan urban township (玉潭 Yùtán) and has an area of 9.1 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Meitanba (煤炭坝 Méitànbà) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Wangcheng County (望城县 Wàngchéng-xiàn) 1 361 km²
15 urban townships, 4 rural townships (686 349): 高塘岭镇 65403 桥驿镇 37138 丁字镇 39124 茶亭镇 29805 东城镇 16324 铜官镇 23835 靖港镇 32249 乔口镇 30106 乌山镇 37631 星城镇 39603 雷锋镇 29784 雨敞坪镇 28981 莲花镇 42106 坪塘镇 55520 含浦镇 38847 格塘乡 29084 新康乡 31495 黄金乡 40396 白箬铺乡 38918
Wangcheng is in Gaotangling urban township (高塘岭 Gāotánglǐng) and has an area of 6.2 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Tongguan (铜官 Tóngguān) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Pingtang (坪塘 Píngtáng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.
China (CN) Hubei Province Shennongjia Forestry Area
Shennongjia Forestry Area (神农架林区 Shénnóngjià Línqū)
There are no major towns in this area.
Detailed Analysis
Shennongjia Forestry Region is directly administered by the province. Its area is 3 253 km² and its population of 78 242.
5 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Tujia): 松柏镇 25407 阳日镇 11493 木鱼镇 5174 红花镇 5714 红坪镇 2239 新华乡 4053 宋洛乡 8171 官封乡 1644 红举乡 1668 板仓乡 1322 东溪乡 2374 大九湖乡 2383 下谷坪土家族乡 6600
There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this area.
There are no major towns in this area.
Detailed Analysis
Shennongjia Forestry Region is directly administered by the province. Its area is 3 253 km² and its population of 78 242.
5 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Tujia): 松柏镇 25407 阳日镇 11493 木鱼镇 5174 红花镇 5714 红坪镇 2239 新华乡 4053 宋洛乡 8171 官封乡 1644 红举乡 1668 板仓乡 1322 东溪乡 2374 大九湖乡 2383 下谷坪土家族乡 6600
There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this area.
China (CN) Hubei Province Tianmen Metropolitan County
Tianmen Metropolitan County (天门市 Tiānmén-shì)
Tianmen is a mjor town with a population of 75 000. The major town of Yuekou (25 000) is also in Tianmen Metropolitan County.
Detailed Analysis
Tianmen Metropolitan County is directly administered by the province. Its area is 2 622 km² and its population is 1 613 739.
4 street committees of Tianmen, 22 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 2 special urban townships: 竟陵街道 127805 候口街道 32269 杨林街道 36991 陆羽街道 28417 多宝镇 73688 拖市镇 72265 张港镇 84270 蒋场镇 49039 汪场镇 46649 渔薪镇 72672 黄潭镇 61683 岳口镇 111464 横林镇 73082 彭市镇 60571 麻洋镇 54332 多祥镇 65793 干一镇 61465 马湾镇 40547 卢市镇 66119 小板镇 38213 九真镇 71218 李场镇 33576 皂市镇 37919 胡市镇 38766 石河镇 58015 佛子山镇 40333 新堰乡 18285 净潭乡 33880 蒋湖虚拟镇 18093 白茅湖虚拟镇 6320
Tianmen (225 482) has an area of 9.3 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Yuekou (岳口 Yuèkǒu) has an area of 4.4 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Ganyi (干驿 Gànyì, XZQH has 干一) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Zaoshi (皂市 Zàoshì) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Duoxiang (多祥 Duōxiáng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 4 km N of Duoxiang in Duoxiang urban township has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Duobao (多宝 Duōbǎo) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.
Yuxin (渔薪 Yúxīn) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
Zhanggang (张港 Zhānggǎng) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
Mawan (马湾 Mǎwān) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
An unidentified urban area 6 km N of Zhanggang in Jianghu state farm (蒋湖 Jiǎnghú) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Dahongling (大洪岭 Dàhónglǐng) in Mayang urban township (麻洋 Máyáng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Tianmen is a mjor town with a population of 75 000. The major town of Yuekou (25 000) is also in Tianmen Metropolitan County.
Detailed Analysis
Tianmen Metropolitan County is directly administered by the province. Its area is 2 622 km² and its population is 1 613 739.
4 street committees of Tianmen, 22 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 2 special urban townships: 竟陵街道 127805 候口街道 32269 杨林街道 36991 陆羽街道 28417 多宝镇 73688 拖市镇 72265 张港镇 84270 蒋场镇 49039 汪场镇 46649 渔薪镇 72672 黄潭镇 61683 岳口镇 111464 横林镇 73082 彭市镇 60571 麻洋镇 54332 多祥镇 65793 干一镇 61465 马湾镇 40547 卢市镇 66119 小板镇 38213 九真镇 71218 李场镇 33576 皂市镇 37919 胡市镇 38766 石河镇 58015 佛子山镇 40333 新堰乡 18285 净潭乡 33880 蒋湖虚拟镇 18093 白茅湖虚拟镇 6320
Tianmen (225 482) has an area of 9.3 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Yuekou (岳口 Yuèkǒu) has an area of 4.4 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Ganyi (干驿 Gànyì, XZQH has 干一) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Zaoshi (皂市 Zàoshì) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Duoxiang (多祥 Duōxiáng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 4 km N of Duoxiang in Duoxiang urban township has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Duobao (多宝 Duōbǎo) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.
Yuxin (渔薪 Yúxīn) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
Zhanggang (张港 Zhānggǎng) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
Mawan (马湾 Mǎwān) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
An unidentified urban area 6 km N of Zhanggang in Jianghu state farm (蒋湖 Jiǎnghú) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Dahongling (大洪岭 Dàhónglǐng) in Mayang urban township (麻洋 Máyáng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
China (CN) Hubei Province Qianjiang Metropolitan County
Qianjiang Metropolitan County (潜江市 Qiánjiāng-shì)
Qianjiang is a major town with a population of 80 000. The major towns of Guanghua (20 000), and an unidentified urban area 5 km E of Guanghua (20 000) are also in the county.
Detailed Analysis
Qianjiang Metropolitan County is directly administered by the province. Its area is 2 003 km² and its population is 992 438.
1 street committee of Qianjiang, 11 urban townships, 1 rural township, 11 special urban townships: 园林办事处街道 140750 竹根滩镇 68441 渔洋镇 48457 王场镇 51981 高石碑镇 39894 熊口镇 47043 老新镇 32953 徐李镇 26756 浩口镇 63696 积玉口镇 37840 张金镇 36490 龙湾镇 42589 铁匠沟乡 25323 泽口开发区虚拟镇 25508 杨市办事处虚拟镇 46405 周矶办事处虚拟镇 46105 周矶农场虚拟镇 9017 后湖农场虚拟镇 25876 熊口农场虚拟镇 7254 高场原种场虚拟镇 7677 总口农场虚拟镇 44196 西大垸农场虚拟镇 14163 运粮湖农场虚拟镇 13134 江汉石油管理局虚拟镇 90890
Qianjiang has an area of 10 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.
Guanghua (广华 Guǎnghuá), now a street committee, has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 20 000. In addition, unidentified urban areas 5 km E of Guanghua and 8 km E of Guanghua have areas of 2.9 km² and 1.6 km² and estimated populations of 20 000 and 11 000.
Haokou (浩口 Hàokǒu) has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Wangchang (王场 Wángchǎng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 13 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 6 km NW of Wangchang has an area of 3.6 km² and an estimated population of 18 000.
Xiongkou (熊口 Xióngkǒu) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Zekou Development Zone (泽口开发区 Zékǒu Kāifāqū) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Zongkou Nongchang (总口农场 Zǒngkǒu Nóngchǎng), a state farm, has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.
Zhangjin (张金 Zhāngjīn) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Zhugentan (竹根滩 Zhúgēntān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Qianjiang is a major town with a population of 80 000. The major towns of Guanghua (20 000), and an unidentified urban area 5 km E of Guanghua (20 000) are also in the county.
Detailed Analysis
Qianjiang Metropolitan County is directly administered by the province. Its area is 2 003 km² and its population is 992 438.
1 street committee of Qianjiang, 11 urban townships, 1 rural township, 11 special urban townships: 园林办事处街道 140750 竹根滩镇 68441 渔洋镇 48457 王场镇 51981 高石碑镇 39894 熊口镇 47043 老新镇 32953 徐李镇 26756 浩口镇 63696 积玉口镇 37840 张金镇 36490 龙湾镇 42589 铁匠沟乡 25323 泽口开发区虚拟镇 25508 杨市办事处虚拟镇 46405 周矶办事处虚拟镇 46105 周矶农场虚拟镇 9017 后湖农场虚拟镇 25876 熊口农场虚拟镇 7254 高场原种场虚拟镇 7677 总口农场虚拟镇 44196 西大垸农场虚拟镇 14163 运粮湖农场虚拟镇 13134 江汉石油管理局虚拟镇 90890
Qianjiang has an area of 10 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.
Guanghua (广华 Guǎnghuá), now a street committee, has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 20 000. In addition, unidentified urban areas 5 km E of Guanghua and 8 km E of Guanghua have areas of 2.9 km² and 1.6 km² and estimated populations of 20 000 and 11 000.
Haokou (浩口 Hàokǒu) has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Wangchang (王场 Wángchǎng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 13 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 6 km NW of Wangchang has an area of 3.6 km² and an estimated population of 18 000.
Xiongkou (熊口 Xióngkǒu) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Zekou Development Zone (泽口开发区 Zékǒu Kāifāqū) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Zongkou Nongchang (总口农场 Zǒngkǒu Nóngchǎng), a state farm, has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.
Zhangjin (张金 Zhāngjīn) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Zhugentan (竹根滩 Zhúgēntān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
China (CN) Hubei Province Xiantao Metropolitan County
Xiantao Metropolitan County (仙桃市 Xiāntáo-shì)
Xiantao is a city with a population of 280 000. The major town of Pengcheng (20 000) is also in the county.
Detailed Analysis
Xiantao Metropolitan County is directly administered by the province. Its area is 2 538 km² and its population is 1 474 078.
4 street committees of Xiantao, 22 urban townships, 1 ethnic urban township (Hui), 2 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Xiantao, 2 special rural townships: 沙嘴街道 65080人、龙华山街道 94717人、干河街道 108707人、袁市街道 41140人、郑场镇 76348人、毛嘴镇 72841人、谢场镇 30142人、娄河镇 47586人、三伏潭镇 79433人、胡场镇 52156人、麻港镇 30014人、长埫口镇 40372人、大福镇 37299人、下查埠镇 37563人、西流河镇 49155人、沙湖镇 34940人、复兴镇 17805人、杨林尾镇 71833人、何场镇 30089人、彭场镇 62510人、新里仁口镇 31239人、张沟镇 47592人、郭河镇 74247人、沔城回族镇 25586人、通海口镇 55626人、陈场镇 57846人、姚嘴镇 17148人、敦厚乡 34039人、杜窑乡 21090人、纺织工业园区虚拟街道 15857人、九合垸原种场虚拟乡 5048人、沙湖原种场虚拟乡 9030人
Xiantao (325 501) has an area of 24 km² and an estimated population of 280 000.
Pengchang (彭场 Péngchǎng) has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Zhanggou (张沟 Zhānggōu) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Miancheng (沔城 Miǎnchéng) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Huchang (胡场 Húchǎng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Changchongkou (长埫口 Chángchǒngkǒu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Shahu (沙湖 Shāhú) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Tonghaikou (通海口 Tōnghǎikǒu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Xiliuhe (西流河 Xīliúhé) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Xinlirenkou (新里仁口 Xīnlǐrénkǒu) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Magang (麻港 Mágǎng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Maozui (毛嘴 Máozuǐ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Sanfutan (三伏潭 Sānfútán) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Yanglinwei (杨林尾 Yánglínwěi) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Xiantao is a city with a population of 280 000. The major town of Pengcheng (20 000) is also in the county.
Detailed Analysis
Xiantao Metropolitan County is directly administered by the province. Its area is 2 538 km² and its population is 1 474 078.
4 street committees of Xiantao, 22 urban townships, 1 ethnic urban township (Hui), 2 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Xiantao, 2 special rural townships: 沙嘴街道 65080人、龙华山街道 94717人、干河街道 108707人、袁市街道 41140人、郑场镇 76348人、毛嘴镇 72841人、谢场镇 30142人、娄河镇 47586人、三伏潭镇 79433人、胡场镇 52156人、麻港镇 30014人、长埫口镇 40372人、大福镇 37299人、下查埠镇 37563人、西流河镇 49155人、沙湖镇 34940人、复兴镇 17805人、杨林尾镇 71833人、何场镇 30089人、彭场镇 62510人、新里仁口镇 31239人、张沟镇 47592人、郭河镇 74247人、沔城回族镇 25586人、通海口镇 55626人、陈场镇 57846人、姚嘴镇 17148人、敦厚乡 34039人、杜窑乡 21090人、纺织工业园区虚拟街道 15857人、九合垸原种场虚拟乡 5048人、沙湖原种场虚拟乡 9030人
Xiantao (325 501) has an area of 24 km² and an estimated population of 280 000.
Pengchang (彭场 Péngchǎng) has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Zhanggou (张沟 Zhānggōu) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Miancheng (沔城 Miǎnchéng) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Huchang (胡场 Húchǎng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Changchongkou (长埫口 Chángchǒngkǒu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Shahu (沙湖 Shāhú) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Tonghaikou (通海口 Tōnghǎikǒu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Xiliuhe (西流河 Xīliúhé) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Xinlirenkou (新里仁口 Xīnlǐrénkǒu) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Magang (麻港 Mágǎng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Maozui (毛嘴 Máozuǐ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Sanfutan (三伏潭 Sānfútán) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Yanglinwei (杨林尾 Yánglínwěi) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
China (CN) Hubei Province Suizhou Region
Suizhou Region (随州市 Suízhōu-shì)
Suizhou is a major town with a population of 85 000. The major town of Guangshui (35 000) is a county seat in the region. The major town of Guangshui--Guangban (40 000) in Guangshui Metropolitan County is also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Suizhou Region contains the Suizhou metropolitan area and Guangshui Metropolitan County. Its area is 9 636 km² and its population is 2 484 688.
Zengdu District (曾都区 Zēngdū-qū) 6 989 km²
4 street committees of Suizhou, 25 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special rural township (1 598 792): 西城街道 78408 东城街道 117592 南郊街道 72800 北郊街道 77269 渐河镇 104436 万店镇 47015 高城镇 31362 殷店镇 32286 草店镇 33375 小林镇 31836 淮河镇 28870 新城镇 21418 万和镇 48017 尚市镇 50928 厉山镇 60?49 唐县镇 79339 吴山镇 35942 安居镇 62382 新街镇 45865 环潭镇 51180 洪山镇 51302 双河镇 26319 长岗镇 20913 三里岗镇 45804 柳林镇 26375 均川镇 69581 何店镇 50909 洛阳镇 36804 府河镇 56399 大堰坡乡 19365 岩子河乡 10893 天河口乡 21501 封江乡 9277 郧阳乡 21082 万福店虚拟乡 21159
Suizhou (346 069) has an area of 10.5 km² and an estimated population of 85 000.
Jianhe (渐河 Jiànhé) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Guangshui Metropolitan County (广水市 Guǎngshuǐ-shì) 2 647 km²
3 street committees of Guangshui, 11 urban townships, 6 rural townships (885 936): 应山街道 76543 十里街道 42585 广办街道 74795 武胜关镇 39986 杨寨镇 53804 陈巷镇 52544 平林镇 25912 长岭镇 51227 马坪镇 42142 关庙镇 57300 余店镇 40210 吴店镇 29311 郝店镇 35793 蔡河镇 47110 城郊乡 52021 宝林乡 18517 李店乡 42773 太平乡 32682 骆店乡 43865 兴隆乡 26816
Guangshui (193 923) has an area of 5.1 km² and an estimated population of 35 000. In addition, Guangshui--Guangban (广办 Guǎngbàn) has an area of 6.0 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Suizhou is a major town with a population of 85 000. The major town of Guangshui (35 000) is a county seat in the region. The major town of Guangshui--Guangban (40 000) in Guangshui Metropolitan County is also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Suizhou Region contains the Suizhou metropolitan area and Guangshui Metropolitan County. Its area is 9 636 km² and its population is 2 484 688.
Zengdu District (曾都区 Zēngdū-qū) 6 989 km²
4 street committees of Suizhou, 25 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special rural township (1 598 792): 西城街道 78408 东城街道 117592 南郊街道 72800 北郊街道 77269 渐河镇 104436 万店镇 47015 高城镇 31362 殷店镇 32286 草店镇 33375 小林镇 31836 淮河镇 28870 新城镇 21418 万和镇 48017 尚市镇 50928 厉山镇 60?49 唐县镇 79339 吴山镇 35942 安居镇 62382 新街镇 45865 环潭镇 51180 洪山镇 51302 双河镇 26319 长岗镇 20913 三里岗镇 45804 柳林镇 26375 均川镇 69581 何店镇 50909 洛阳镇 36804 府河镇 56399 大堰坡乡 19365 岩子河乡 10893 天河口乡 21501 封江乡 9277 郧阳乡 21082 万福店虚拟乡 21159
Suizhou (346 069) has an area of 10.5 km² and an estimated population of 85 000.
Jianhe (渐河 Jiànhé) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Guangshui Metropolitan County (广水市 Guǎngshuǐ-shì) 2 647 km²
3 street committees of Guangshui, 11 urban townships, 6 rural townships (885 936): 应山街道 76543 十里街道 42585 广办街道 74795 武胜关镇 39986 杨寨镇 53804 陈巷镇 52544 平林镇 25912 长岭镇 51227 马坪镇 42142 关庙镇 57300 余店镇 40210 吴店镇 29311 郝店镇 35793 蔡河镇 47110 城郊乡 52021 宝林乡 18517 李店乡 42773 太平乡 32682 骆店乡 43865 兴隆乡 26816
Guangshui (193 923) has an area of 5.1 km² and an estimated population of 35 000. In addition, Guangshui--Guangban (广办 Guǎngbàn) has an area of 6.0 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
China (CN) Hubei Province Enshi Tujia-Miao Autonomous Region
Enshi Tujia-Miao Autonomous Region (恩施土家族苗族自治州 Ēnshī Tǔjiāzú Miáozú Zìzhìzhōu)
Enshi is a major town with a population of 90 000. The major town of Lichuan (45 000) is a county seat in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Enshi Tujia-Miao Autonomous Region contains 2 metropolitan counties and 6 ordinary counties. Its area is 24 111 km² and its population is 3 775 190.
Enshi Metropolitan County (恩施市 Ēnshī) 3 972 km²
3 street committees of Enshi, 3 urban townships, 15 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Dong) (755 725): 小渡船街道 36029 舞阳坝街道 80499 六角亭街道 45923 龙凤坝镇 44400 崔家坝镇 40179 板桥镇 20075 七里坪乡 34205 三岔乡 29716 新塘乡 32467 双河乡 17076 红土乡 29463 石灰窑乡 14030 沙地乡 34185 白杨坪乡 58831 龙马乡 18493 太阳河乡 21848 屯堡乡 45180 沐抚乡 27096 白果坝乡 28288 芭蕉乡 37673 盛家坝乡 36487 黄泥塘侗族乡 23582
Enshi (162 451) has an area of 7.3 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.
Lichuan Metropolitan County (利川市 Lìchuān-shì) 4 603 km²
3 street committees of Lichuan, 7 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 1 special rural township (786 984): 都亭街道 31338 东城街道 18559 西城街道 18707 石坝镇 17990 柏杨坝镇 77060 汪营镇 66729 建南镇 68661 忠路镇 77943 团堡镇 62603 谋道镇 63757 凉务乡 60486 元堡乡 30839 南坪乡 45344 文斗乡 37829 长顺乡 29289 沙溪乡 29688 毛坝乡 36445 腾龙开发区虚拟镇 10744 齐岳开发区虚拟乡 2973
Lichuan (68 604) has an area of 4.8 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Badong County (巴东县 Bādōng-xiàn) 3 354 km²
12 urban townships, 5 rural townships (485 338): 信陵镇 49108 野三关镇 52993 平阳坝镇 20473 沿渡河镇 38581 官渡口镇 55316 茶店子镇 26290 绿葱坡镇 25466 清太坪镇 39731 杨柳池镇 14098 东壤口镇 25242 大支坪镇 22012 水布垭镇 32501 溪丘湾乡 23746 堆子场乡 12917 税家乡 8345 鼓楼乡 14573 金果坪乡 23946
Badong is in Xinling urban township (信陵 Xìnlíng) and has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 18 000. The town is above the Three Gorges Dam floodline.
Hefeng County (鹤峰县 Hèfēng-xiàn) 2 892 km²
2 urban townships, 8 rural townships, 1 special urban township (220 187): 容美镇 40826 走马镇 47129 铁炉乡 15039 五里乡 22225 燕子乡 22501 下坪乡 15177 邬阳乡 16067 北佳乡 14180 中营乡 9895 太平乡 15762 八峰开发区虚拟镇 1386
Hefeng is in Rongmei urban township (容美 Róngměi) and has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Jianshi County (建始县 Jiànshǐ-xiàn) 2 666 km²
6 urban townships, 5 rural townships (510 555): 业州镇 111665 天生镇 28584 高坪镇 53223 红岩镇 19972 景阳镇 39191 官店镇 54100 长梁乡 48944 茅田乡 24308 龙坪乡 28975 三里乡 44362 花坪乡 57231
Jianshi is in Yezhou urban township (业州 Yèzhōu) and has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.
Laifeng County (来凤县 Láifèng-xiàn) 1 344 km²
3 urban townships, 6 rural townships (316 707): 翔风镇 100649 百福司镇 29055 大河镇 46448 绿水乡 22653 漫水乡 21020 高洞乡 17400 旧司乡 30188 三胡乡 28699 革勒乡 20595
Laifeng is in Xiangfeng urban township (翔风 Xiángfēng) and has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Xianfeng County (咸丰县 Xiánfēng-xiàn) 2 550 km²
6 urban townships, 7 rural townships (363 710): 高乐山镇 73764 忠堡镇 15633 甲马池镇 17145 朝阳寺镇 14259 二仙岩镇 8340 清坪镇 45378 丁寨乡 30288 杨洞乡 35472 大路坝乡 9213 尖山乡 39529 活龙坪乡 29348 小村乡 20588 黄金洞乡 24753
Xianfeng is in Gaoleshan urban township (高乐山 Gāolèshān) and has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Xuan'en County (宣恩县 Xuān'ēn-xiàn) 2 730 km²
4 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 3 ethnic rural townships (Dong) (335 984): 珠山镇 26795 椒园镇 24853 中间河镇 13598 沙道沟镇 42947 和平乡 13879 贡茶乡 29426 长潭河乡 12877 会口侗族乡 11576 沙坪乡 16551 李家河乡 47243 晓关侗族乡 17325 桐子营侗族乡 24398 高罗乡 42289 椿木营乡 12227
Xuan'en is in Zhushan urban township (珠山 Zhūshān) and has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Enshi is a major town with a population of 90 000. The major town of Lichuan (45 000) is a county seat in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Enshi Tujia-Miao Autonomous Region contains 2 metropolitan counties and 6 ordinary counties. Its area is 24 111 km² and its population is 3 775 190.
Enshi Metropolitan County (恩施市 Ēnshī) 3 972 km²
3 street committees of Enshi, 3 urban townships, 15 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Dong) (755 725): 小渡船街道 36029 舞阳坝街道 80499 六角亭街道 45923 龙凤坝镇 44400 崔家坝镇 40179 板桥镇 20075 七里坪乡 34205 三岔乡 29716 新塘乡 32467 双河乡 17076 红土乡 29463 石灰窑乡 14030 沙地乡 34185 白杨坪乡 58831 龙马乡 18493 太阳河乡 21848 屯堡乡 45180 沐抚乡 27096 白果坝乡 28288 芭蕉乡 37673 盛家坝乡 36487 黄泥塘侗族乡 23582
Enshi (162 451) has an area of 7.3 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.
Lichuan Metropolitan County (利川市 Lìchuān-shì) 4 603 km²
3 street committees of Lichuan, 7 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 1 special rural township (786 984): 都亭街道 31338 东城街道 18559 西城街道 18707 石坝镇 17990 柏杨坝镇 77060 汪营镇 66729 建南镇 68661 忠路镇 77943 团堡镇 62603 谋道镇 63757 凉务乡 60486 元堡乡 30839 南坪乡 45344 文斗乡 37829 长顺乡 29289 沙溪乡 29688 毛坝乡 36445 腾龙开发区虚拟镇 10744 齐岳开发区虚拟乡 2973
Lichuan (68 604) has an area of 4.8 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Badong County (巴东县 Bādōng-xiàn) 3 354 km²
12 urban townships, 5 rural townships (485 338): 信陵镇 49108 野三关镇 52993 平阳坝镇 20473 沿渡河镇 38581 官渡口镇 55316 茶店子镇 26290 绿葱坡镇 25466 清太坪镇 39731 杨柳池镇 14098 东壤口镇 25242 大支坪镇 22012 水布垭镇 32501 溪丘湾乡 23746 堆子场乡 12917 税家乡 8345 鼓楼乡 14573 金果坪乡 23946
Badong is in Xinling urban township (信陵 Xìnlíng) and has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 18 000. The town is above the Three Gorges Dam floodline.
Hefeng County (鹤峰县 Hèfēng-xiàn) 2 892 km²
2 urban townships, 8 rural townships, 1 special urban township (220 187): 容美镇 40826 走马镇 47129 铁炉乡 15039 五里乡 22225 燕子乡 22501 下坪乡 15177 邬阳乡 16067 北佳乡 14180 中营乡 9895 太平乡 15762 八峰开发区虚拟镇 1386
Hefeng is in Rongmei urban township (容美 Róngměi) and has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Jianshi County (建始县 Jiànshǐ-xiàn) 2 666 km²
6 urban townships, 5 rural townships (510 555): 业州镇 111665 天生镇 28584 高坪镇 53223 红岩镇 19972 景阳镇 39191 官店镇 54100 长梁乡 48944 茅田乡 24308 龙坪乡 28975 三里乡 44362 花坪乡 57231
Jianshi is in Yezhou urban township (业州 Yèzhōu) and has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.
Laifeng County (来凤县 Láifèng-xiàn) 1 344 km²
3 urban townships, 6 rural townships (316 707): 翔风镇 100649 百福司镇 29055 大河镇 46448 绿水乡 22653 漫水乡 21020 高洞乡 17400 旧司乡 30188 三胡乡 28699 革勒乡 20595
Laifeng is in Xiangfeng urban township (翔风 Xiángfēng) and has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Xianfeng County (咸丰县 Xiánfēng-xiàn) 2 550 km²
6 urban townships, 7 rural townships (363 710): 高乐山镇 73764 忠堡镇 15633 甲马池镇 17145 朝阳寺镇 14259 二仙岩镇 8340 清坪镇 45378 丁寨乡 30288 杨洞乡 35472 大路坝乡 9213 尖山乡 39529 活龙坪乡 29348 小村乡 20588 黄金洞乡 24753
Xianfeng is in Gaoleshan urban township (高乐山 Gāolèshān) and has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Xuan'en County (宣恩县 Xuān'ēn-xiàn) 2 730 km²
4 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 3 ethnic rural townships (Dong) (335 984): 珠山镇 26795 椒园镇 24853 中间河镇 13598 沙道沟镇 42947 和平乡 13879 贡茶乡 29426 长潭河乡 12877 会口侗族乡 11576 沙坪乡 16551 李家河乡 47243 晓关侗族乡 17325 桐子营侗族乡 24398 高罗乡 42289 椿木营乡 12227
Xuan'en is in Zhushan urban township (珠山 Zhūshān) and has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
China (CN) Hubei Province Xianning Region
Xianning Region (咸宁市 Xiánníng-shì)
Xianning is a city with a population of 220 000. The city of Chibi (100 000) and the major towns of Tongcheng (50 000), Jiayu (45 000), Chongyang (40 000), and Tongshan (25 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Xianning Region contains the Xianning metropolitan area, Chibi Metropolitan County, and 4 ordinary counties. Its area is 10 019 km² and its population is 2 700 678.
Xian'an District (咸安区 Xián'ān-qū) 1 502 km²
3 street committees of Xianning, 10 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 special urban township (567 598): 温泉街道 112756 浮山街道 32562 永安街道 107111 汀泗桥镇 18168 向阳湖镇 12168 宝塔镇 15218 官埠桥镇 21500 横沟桥镇 37804 贺胜桥镇 17932 双溪桥镇 25520 马桥镇 16268 桂花镇 17396 高桥镇 19697 古田乡 7532 花纹乡 5643 张公乡 14009 担山乡 20778 麻塘乡 12042 南川乡 13476 大幕乡 20758 石桥乡 6411 龙潭乡 7901 奶牛场虚拟镇 4948
Xianning (252 429) has an area of 20 km² and an estimated population of 220 000.
Chibi Metropolitan County (赤壁市 Chìbì-shì) 1 723 km²
4 street committees of Chibi, 15 urban townships (510 926): 蒲圻街道 93777 陆水湖风景区街道 45438 凤凰山街道 18592 赤马港街道 43252 新店镇 28415 赵李桥镇 20460 羊楼洞镇 9193 茶庵岭镇 19034 中伙铺镇 20355 官塘驿镇 36530 随阳镇 8189 泉口镇 13831 神山镇 34083 杨家岭镇 12443 黄龙镇 10239 车埠镇 40653 余家桥镇 16023 赤壁镇 23664 柳山湖镇 9124
Chibi (201 059) has an area of 9.3 km² and an estimated population of 100 000. In addition, Chibi--Lushuihu Scenic Area (陆水湖风景区 Lùshuǐhú Fēngjǐngqū) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Zhaoliqiao (赵李桥 Zhàolǐqiáo) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Guantangyi (官塘驿 Guāntángyì) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Chongyang County (崇阳县 Chóngyáng-xiàn) 1 968 km²
9 urban townships, 10 rural townships (426 792): 天城镇 90764 沙坪镇 33016 石城镇 26901 桂花泉镇 12839 白霓镇 57321 路口镇 28092 金沙镇 5545 金塘镇 11002 青山镇 29311 肖岭乡 32145 桂口乡 17818 鹿门乡 16483 铜钟乡 20625 港口乡 26824 雨山乡 3965 高枧乡 11153 大源乡 11234 大泉乡 6694 蔡墩乡 15060
Chongyang is in Tiancheng urban township (天城 Tiānchéng) and has an area of 5.2 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Jiayu County (嘉鱼县 Jiāyú-xiàn) 1 017 km²
10 urban townships, 4 rural townships (358 646): 陆溪镇 18257 高铁岭镇 18855 舒桥镇 13965 官桥镇 11921 鱼岳镇 94297 新街镇 26919 潘家湾镇 36277 渡普镇 16423 老官嘴镇 19792 牌洲湾镇 55533 虎山乡 8026 八斗乡 13093 朱砂乡 11176 烟墩乡 14112
Jiayu is in Yuyue urban township (鱼岳 Yúyuè) and has an area of 5.7 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Panjiawan (潘家湾 Pānjiāwān) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.
Laoguanzui (老官嘴 Lǎoguānzuǐ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Luxi (陆溪 Lùxī) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Tongcheng County (通城县 Tōngchéng-xiàn) 1 129 km²
(427 867): 隽水镇 78898 麦市镇 24426 塘湖镇 22467 关刀镇 29346 沙堆镇 23230 五里镇 14579 石南镇 29985 北港镇 28843 马港镇 10678 黄龙乡 7047 黄袍乡 11936 云溪乡 8318 四庄乡 26261 大溪乡 2664 双龙乡 16623 程风乡 13440 锦山乡 20547 大坪乡 33606 石溪乡 4473 潭下乡 9811 九岭乡 10689
Tongcheng is in Junshui urban township (隽水 Jùnshuǐ) and has an area of 5.5 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Tongshan County (通山县 Tōngshān-xiàn) 2 680 km²
9 urban townships, 4 rural townships (378 849): 通羊镇 96591 南林桥镇 31593 厦铺镇 18150 闯王镇 19422 横石潭镇 29919 洪港镇 31122 大畈镇 21679 九宫山镇 3550 黄沙铺镇 32675 大路乡 26527 杨芳林乡 17398 燕夏乡 31468 慈口乡 18755
Tongshan is in Tongyang urban township (通羊 Tōngyáng) has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Hengshitan (横石潭 Héngshítán) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Xianning is a city with a population of 220 000. The city of Chibi (100 000) and the major towns of Tongcheng (50 000), Jiayu (45 000), Chongyang (40 000), and Tongshan (25 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Xianning Region contains the Xianning metropolitan area, Chibi Metropolitan County, and 4 ordinary counties. Its area is 10 019 km² and its population is 2 700 678.
Xian'an District (咸安区 Xián'ān-qū) 1 502 km²
3 street committees of Xianning, 10 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 special urban township (567 598): 温泉街道 112756 浮山街道 32562 永安街道 107111 汀泗桥镇 18168 向阳湖镇 12168 宝塔镇 15218 官埠桥镇 21500 横沟桥镇 37804 贺胜桥镇 17932 双溪桥镇 25520 马桥镇 16268 桂花镇 17396 高桥镇 19697 古田乡 7532 花纹乡 5643 张公乡 14009 担山乡 20778 麻塘乡 12042 南川乡 13476 大幕乡 20758 石桥乡 6411 龙潭乡 7901 奶牛场虚拟镇 4948
Xianning (252 429) has an area of 20 km² and an estimated population of 220 000.
Chibi Metropolitan County (赤壁市 Chìbì-shì) 1 723 km²
4 street committees of Chibi, 15 urban townships (510 926): 蒲圻街道 93777 陆水湖风景区街道 45438 凤凰山街道 18592 赤马港街道 43252 新店镇 28415 赵李桥镇 20460 羊楼洞镇 9193 茶庵岭镇 19034 中伙铺镇 20355 官塘驿镇 36530 随阳镇 8189 泉口镇 13831 神山镇 34083 杨家岭镇 12443 黄龙镇 10239 车埠镇 40653 余家桥镇 16023 赤壁镇 23664 柳山湖镇 9124
Chibi (201 059) has an area of 9.3 km² and an estimated population of 100 000. In addition, Chibi--Lushuihu Scenic Area (陆水湖风景区 Lùshuǐhú Fēngjǐngqū) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Zhaoliqiao (赵李桥 Zhàolǐqiáo) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Guantangyi (官塘驿 Guāntángyì) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Chongyang County (崇阳县 Chóngyáng-xiàn) 1 968 km²
9 urban townships, 10 rural townships (426 792): 天城镇 90764 沙坪镇 33016 石城镇 26901 桂花泉镇 12839 白霓镇 57321 路口镇 28092 金沙镇 5545 金塘镇 11002 青山镇 29311 肖岭乡 32145 桂口乡 17818 鹿门乡 16483 铜钟乡 20625 港口乡 26824 雨山乡 3965 高枧乡 11153 大源乡 11234 大泉乡 6694 蔡墩乡 15060
Chongyang is in Tiancheng urban township (天城 Tiānchéng) and has an area of 5.2 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Jiayu County (嘉鱼县 Jiāyú-xiàn) 1 017 km²
10 urban townships, 4 rural townships (358 646): 陆溪镇 18257 高铁岭镇 18855 舒桥镇 13965 官桥镇 11921 鱼岳镇 94297 新街镇 26919 潘家湾镇 36277 渡普镇 16423 老官嘴镇 19792 牌洲湾镇 55533 虎山乡 8026 八斗乡 13093 朱砂乡 11176 烟墩乡 14112
Jiayu is in Yuyue urban township (鱼岳 Yúyuè) and has an area of 5.7 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Panjiawan (潘家湾 Pānjiāwān) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.
Laoguanzui (老官嘴 Lǎoguānzuǐ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Luxi (陆溪 Lùxī) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Tongcheng County (通城县 Tōngchéng-xiàn) 1 129 km²
(427 867): 隽水镇 78898 麦市镇 24426 塘湖镇 22467 关刀镇 29346 沙堆镇 23230 五里镇 14579 石南镇 29985 北港镇 28843 马港镇 10678 黄龙乡 7047 黄袍乡 11936 云溪乡 8318 四庄乡 26261 大溪乡 2664 双龙乡 16623 程风乡 13440 锦山乡 20547 大坪乡 33606 石溪乡 4473 潭下乡 9811 九岭乡 10689
Tongcheng is in Junshui urban township (隽水 Jùnshuǐ) and has an area of 5.5 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Tongshan County (通山县 Tōngshān-xiàn) 2 680 km²
9 urban townships, 4 rural townships (378 849): 通羊镇 96591 南林桥镇 31593 厦铺镇 18150 闯王镇 19422 横石潭镇 29919 洪港镇 31122 大畈镇 21679 九宫山镇 3550 黄沙铺镇 32675 大路乡 26527 杨芳林乡 17398 燕夏乡 31468 慈口乡 18755
Tongshan is in Tongyang urban township (通羊 Tōngyáng) has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Hengshitan (横石潭 Héngshítán) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
China (CN) Hubei Province Huanggang Region
Huanggang Region (黄冈市 Huánggāng-shì)
Huanggang is a city with a population of 150 000. The major towns of Qichun (75 000), Wuxue (75 000), Macheng (70 000), Xishui (55 000), Hong'an (40 000), Huangmei (35 000), and Tuanfeng (20 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Qizhou (22 000) in Qichun County is also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Huanggang Region contains the Huanggang metropolitan area, 2 metropolitan counties, and 7 ordinary counties. Its area is 17 453 km² and its population is 7 109 047.
Huangzhou District (黄州区 Huángzhōu-qū) 353 km²
3 street committees of Huanggang, 3 urban townships, 1 rural township, 2 special urban townships, 1 special rural township (373 568): 赤壁街道 168526 东湖街道 13179 禹王街道 24413 路口镇 24838 堵城镇 30029 陈策楼镇 28136 陶店乡 24308 黄州火车站开发区虚拟镇 5235 黄州区开发区虚拟镇 41538 南湖农场虚拟乡 13366
Huanggang (206 118) has an area of 12.5 km² and an estimated population of 150 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 4.5 km E of Huanggang has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Ducheng (堵城 Dǔchéng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
Macheng Metropolitan County (麻城市 Máchéng-shì) 3 599 km²
3 street committees of Macheng, 14 urban townships, 3 rural townships (1 129 047): 龙池桥街道 70403 鼓楼街道 65813 南湖街道 67711 中馆驿镇 71206 宋埠镇 69230 歧亭镇 33521 白果镇 94669 夫子河镇 40839 阎家河镇 44945 盐田河镇 44654 张家畈镇 59462 木子店镇 58446 三河口镇 53259 黄土岗镇 50658 福田河镇 51626 乘马岗镇 62639 顺河镇 63225 铁门岗乡 67505 龟山乡 44131 熊家铺乡 15105
Macheng (203 927) has an area of 8.1 km² and an estimated population of 70 000.
Baiguo (白果 Báiguǒ) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Songbu (宋埠 Sòngbù) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Wuxue Metropolitan County (武穴市 Wǔxué-shì) 1 246 km²
4 street committees of Wuxue, 9 urban townships, 3 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 1 special rural township (719 426): 武穴街道 102245 刊江街道 36880 田镇街道 27184 龙坪街道 46684 梅川镇 52011 两路镇 32708 余川镇 44734 花桥镇 36682 郑公塔镇 42739 大金镇 42007 石佛寺镇 58832 四望镇 43676 大法寺镇 51505 横岗乡 12695 南泉乡 35508 太平乡 23871 武穴开发区虚拟镇 23348 万丈湖农场虚拟乡 6117
Wuxue (212 993) has an area of 8.2 km² and an estimated population of 75 000. In addition, Wuxue--Longping (龙坪 Lóngpíng) and Wuxue--Tianzhen (田镇 Tiánzhèn) have areas of 1.3 km² and 1.2 km² and estimated populations of 9 000 and 8 500.
Meichuan (梅川 Méichuān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Huangmei County (黄梅县 Huángméi-xiàn) 1 701 km²
12 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 2 special rural townships (966 416): 黄梅镇 103392 孔垄镇 75713 小池镇 64431 下新镇 8318 大河镇 34521 停前镇 39489 五祖镇 25853 濯港镇 56803 蔡山镇 63924 新开镇 64536 独山镇 30227 分路镇 53498 柳林乡 18417 杉木乡 44734 长岭乡 21129 苦竹乡 33377 王枫乡 37230 白湖乡 23617 张河乡 33773 李英乡 24418 刘佐乡 20225 王埠乡 27711 徐港乡 21823 龙感湖农场虚拟乡 37175 张湖农场虚拟乡 2082
Xiaochi (小池 Xiǎochí) is a suburb of Jiujiang in Jiujiang Region of Jiangxi Province.
Huangmei has an area of 4.5 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Longganhu Nongchang (龙感湖农场 Lónggǎnhú Nóngchǎng), a state farm, has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Konglong (孔垄 Kǒnglǒng) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Fenlu (分路 Fēnlù) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Hong'an County (红安县 Hóng'ān-xiàn) 1 796 km²
10 urban townships, 1 rural township, 1 special rural township (648 400): 城关镇 129320 七里坪镇 87554 八里湾镇 36176 永佳河镇 68020 上新集镇 40832 高桥镇 58221 二程镇 46601 华河镇 54175 觅儿寺镇 34355 太平桥镇 30647 杏花乡 59153 火连畈农场虚拟乡 3346
Hong'an is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.7 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Luotian County (罗田县 Luótián-xiàn) 2 129 km²
8 urban townships, 12 rural townships (554 196): 凤山镇 82852 骆驼坳镇 34562 石桥铺镇 20022 大河岸镇 33308 九资河镇 27372 胜利镇 33866 河铺镇 30220 三里畈镇 38886 北丰乡 26004 白莲河乡 21241 古庙河乡 22263 匡河乡 19374 肖家坳乡 13750 白庙河乡 19418 大地坳乡 9382 落梅河乡 21060 廖家坳乡 21044 平湖乡 22291 七道河乡 20961 大崎乡 36320
Luotian is in Fengshan urban township (凤山 Fèngshān) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.
Qichun County (蕲春县 Qíchūn-xiàn) 2 398 km²
14 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 1 special rural township (949 479): 漕河镇 117971 赤东镇 23468 蕲州镇 68138 管窑镇 29891 茅山镇 21152 彭思镇 26243 横车镇 59644 株林镇 28339 刘河镇 63317 狮子镇 38241 青石镇 36684 张榜镇 41261 檀林镇 33653 大同镇 31014 清水河乡 27913 三渡乡 38711 黄土岭乡 25694 马畈乡 34595 达城乡 23123 大公乡 25989 花园乡 28624 桐梓乡 28120 向桥乡 43610 孙冲乡 18868 田桥乡 16827 八里湖虚拟乡 18389
Qichun is in Caohe urban township (漕河 Cáohé) and has an area of 8.5 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Qizhou (蕲州 Qízhōu) has an area of 3.2 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Tuanfeng County (团风县 Tuánfēng-xiàn) 833 km²
8 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special rural township (375 931): 团风镇 68039 淋山河镇 39934 方高坪镇 27599 迥龙山镇 33324 马曹庙镇 23412 上巴河镇 33217 总路嘴镇 25976 但店镇 25912 溢流河乡 21457 贾庙乡 21870 杜皮乡 20157 磙子河乡 20967 王家坊乡 12411 黄州监狱虚拟乡 1656
Tuanfeng has an area of 3.3 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Xishui County (浠水县 Xīshuǐ-xiàn) 1 949 km²
14 urban townships, 12 rural townships (1 008 569): 清泉镇 153756 巴驿镇 49287 巴河镇 42372 竹瓦镇 45228 汪岗镇 34963 团陂镇 43313 关口镇 29775 白莲镇 21956 蔡河镇 33788 洗马镇 32374 丁司当镇 36269 兰溪镇 31506 马垅镇 32201 散花镇 45284 麻桥乡 31973 西河乡 26890 朱店乡 32592 松山乡 39530 华桂乡 29953 大灵乡 29188 三店乡 36031 胡河乡 24044 绿杨乡 30591 堰桥乡 25915 六神港乡 28160 余堰乡 41630
Xishui is in Qingquan urban township (清泉 Qīngquán) and has an area of 6.7 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.
Yingshan County (英山县 Yīngshān-xiàn) 1 449 km²
8 urban townships, 10 rural townships (384 015): 温泉镇 72312 南河镇 18616 红山镇 22428 金家铺镇 28066 石头咀镇 24913 草盘地镇 23926 雷家店镇 23265 杨柳湾镇 34204 方家咀乡 30723 彭家畈乡 13463 百丈河乡 7291 孔家坊乡 20092 父子岭乡 5887 张家咀乡 13707 詹家河乡 8518 过路滩乡 15073 土门河乡 7902 三门河乡 13629
Yingshan is in Wenquan urban township (温泉 Wēnquán) and has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.
Huanggang is a city with a population of 150 000. The major towns of Qichun (75 000), Wuxue (75 000), Macheng (70 000), Xishui (55 000), Hong'an (40 000), Huangmei (35 000), and Tuanfeng (20 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Qizhou (22 000) in Qichun County is also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Huanggang Region contains the Huanggang metropolitan area, 2 metropolitan counties, and 7 ordinary counties. Its area is 17 453 km² and its population is 7 109 047.
Huangzhou District (黄州区 Huángzhōu-qū) 353 km²
3 street committees of Huanggang, 3 urban townships, 1 rural township, 2 special urban townships, 1 special rural township (373 568): 赤壁街道 168526 东湖街道 13179 禹王街道 24413 路口镇 24838 堵城镇 30029 陈策楼镇 28136 陶店乡 24308 黄州火车站开发区虚拟镇 5235 黄州区开发区虚拟镇 41538 南湖农场虚拟乡 13366
Huanggang (206 118) has an area of 12.5 km² and an estimated population of 150 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 4.5 km E of Huanggang has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Ducheng (堵城 Dǔchéng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
Macheng Metropolitan County (麻城市 Máchéng-shì) 3 599 km²
3 street committees of Macheng, 14 urban townships, 3 rural townships (1 129 047): 龙池桥街道 70403 鼓楼街道 65813 南湖街道 67711 中馆驿镇 71206 宋埠镇 69230 歧亭镇 33521 白果镇 94669 夫子河镇 40839 阎家河镇 44945 盐田河镇 44654 张家畈镇 59462 木子店镇 58446 三河口镇 53259 黄土岗镇 50658 福田河镇 51626 乘马岗镇 62639 顺河镇 63225 铁门岗乡 67505 龟山乡 44131 熊家铺乡 15105
Macheng (203 927) has an area of 8.1 km² and an estimated population of 70 000.
Baiguo (白果 Báiguǒ) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Songbu (宋埠 Sòngbù) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Wuxue Metropolitan County (武穴市 Wǔxué-shì) 1 246 km²
4 street committees of Wuxue, 9 urban townships, 3 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 1 special rural township (719 426): 武穴街道 102245 刊江街道 36880 田镇街道 27184 龙坪街道 46684 梅川镇 52011 两路镇 32708 余川镇 44734 花桥镇 36682 郑公塔镇 42739 大金镇 42007 石佛寺镇 58832 四望镇 43676 大法寺镇 51505 横岗乡 12695 南泉乡 35508 太平乡 23871 武穴开发区虚拟镇 23348 万丈湖农场虚拟乡 6117
Wuxue (212 993) has an area of 8.2 km² and an estimated population of 75 000. In addition, Wuxue--Longping (龙坪 Lóngpíng) and Wuxue--Tianzhen (田镇 Tiánzhèn) have areas of 1.3 km² and 1.2 km² and estimated populations of 9 000 and 8 500.
Meichuan (梅川 Méichuān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Huangmei County (黄梅县 Huángméi-xiàn) 1 701 km²
12 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 2 special rural townships (966 416): 黄梅镇 103392 孔垄镇 75713 小池镇 64431 下新镇 8318 大河镇 34521 停前镇 39489 五祖镇 25853 濯港镇 56803 蔡山镇 63924 新开镇 64536 独山镇 30227 分路镇 53498 柳林乡 18417 杉木乡 44734 长岭乡 21129 苦竹乡 33377 王枫乡 37230 白湖乡 23617 张河乡 33773 李英乡 24418 刘佐乡 20225 王埠乡 27711 徐港乡 21823 龙感湖农场虚拟乡 37175 张湖农场虚拟乡 2082
Xiaochi (小池 Xiǎochí) is a suburb of Jiujiang in Jiujiang Region of Jiangxi Province.
Huangmei has an area of 4.5 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Longganhu Nongchang (龙感湖农场 Lónggǎnhú Nóngchǎng), a state farm, has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Konglong (孔垄 Kǒnglǒng) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Fenlu (分路 Fēnlù) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Hong'an County (红安县 Hóng'ān-xiàn) 1 796 km²
10 urban townships, 1 rural township, 1 special rural township (648 400): 城关镇 129320 七里坪镇 87554 八里湾镇 36176 永佳河镇 68020 上新集镇 40832 高桥镇 58221 二程镇 46601 华河镇 54175 觅儿寺镇 34355 太平桥镇 30647 杏花乡 59153 火连畈农场虚拟乡 3346
Hong'an is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.7 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Luotian County (罗田县 Luótián-xiàn) 2 129 km²
8 urban townships, 12 rural townships (554 196): 凤山镇 82852 骆驼坳镇 34562 石桥铺镇 20022 大河岸镇 33308 九资河镇 27372 胜利镇 33866 河铺镇 30220 三里畈镇 38886 北丰乡 26004 白莲河乡 21241 古庙河乡 22263 匡河乡 19374 肖家坳乡 13750 白庙河乡 19418 大地坳乡 9382 落梅河乡 21060 廖家坳乡 21044 平湖乡 22291 七道河乡 20961 大崎乡 36320
Luotian is in Fengshan urban township (凤山 Fèngshān) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.
Qichun County (蕲春县 Qíchūn-xiàn) 2 398 km²
14 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 1 special rural township (949 479): 漕河镇 117971 赤东镇 23468 蕲州镇 68138 管窑镇 29891 茅山镇 21152 彭思镇 26243 横车镇 59644 株林镇 28339 刘河镇 63317 狮子镇 38241 青石镇 36684 张榜镇 41261 檀林镇 33653 大同镇 31014 清水河乡 27913 三渡乡 38711 黄土岭乡 25694 马畈乡 34595 达城乡 23123 大公乡 25989 花园乡 28624 桐梓乡 28120 向桥乡 43610 孙冲乡 18868 田桥乡 16827 八里湖虚拟乡 18389
Qichun is in Caohe urban township (漕河 Cáohé) and has an area of 8.5 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Qizhou (蕲州 Qízhōu) has an area of 3.2 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Tuanfeng County (团风县 Tuánfēng-xiàn) 833 km²
8 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special rural township (375 931): 团风镇 68039 淋山河镇 39934 方高坪镇 27599 迥龙山镇 33324 马曹庙镇 23412 上巴河镇 33217 总路嘴镇 25976 但店镇 25912 溢流河乡 21457 贾庙乡 21870 杜皮乡 20157 磙子河乡 20967 王家坊乡 12411 黄州监狱虚拟乡 1656
Tuanfeng has an area of 3.3 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Xishui County (浠水县 Xīshuǐ-xiàn) 1 949 km²
14 urban townships, 12 rural townships (1 008 569): 清泉镇 153756 巴驿镇 49287 巴河镇 42372 竹瓦镇 45228 汪岗镇 34963 团陂镇 43313 关口镇 29775 白莲镇 21956 蔡河镇 33788 洗马镇 32374 丁司当镇 36269 兰溪镇 31506 马垅镇 32201 散花镇 45284 麻桥乡 31973 西河乡 26890 朱店乡 32592 松山乡 39530 华桂乡 29953 大灵乡 29188 三店乡 36031 胡河乡 24044 绿杨乡 30591 堰桥乡 25915 六神港乡 28160 余堰乡 41630
Xishui is in Qingquan urban township (清泉 Qīngquán) and has an area of 6.7 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.
Yingshan County (英山县 Yīngshān-xiàn) 1 449 km²
8 urban townships, 10 rural townships (384 015): 温泉镇 72312 南河镇 18616 红山镇 22428 金家铺镇 28066 石头咀镇 24913 草盘地镇 23926 雷家店镇 23265 杨柳湾镇 34204 方家咀乡 30723 彭家畈乡 13463 百丈河乡 7291 孔家坊乡 20092 父子岭乡 5887 张家咀乡 13707 詹家河乡 8518 过路滩乡 15073 土门河乡 7902 三门河乡 13629
Yingshan is in Wenquan urban township (温泉 Wēnquán) and has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.
China (CN) Hubei Province Ezhou Region
Ezhou Region (鄂州市 Èzhōu-shì)
Ezhou is a city with a population of 250 000.
Detailed Analysis
Ezhou Region contains only the Ezhou metropolitan area. Its area is 1 505 km² and its population is 1 023 285.
Echeng District (鄂城区 Èchéng-qū) 520 km²
4 street committees of Ezhou, 9 urban townships, 1 rural township (603 316): 凤凰街道 89634 古楼街道 99940 西山街道 52756 凡口街道 21537 泽林镇 60160 杜山镇 27298 石山镇 25440 新庙镇 20665 碧石镇 28762 汀祖镇 52338 燕矶镇 43483 杨叶镇 24953 花湖镇 27643 沙窝乡 28707
Ezhou (263 867) has an area of 17 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.
Zelin (泽林 Zélín) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Huarong District (华容区 Huàróng-qū) 460 km²
5 urban townships, 4 rural townships (246 073): 华容镇 60330 葛店镇 45783 庙岭镇 27487 胡林镇 16895 段店镇 23860 大湾乡 13302 临江乡 19656 蒲团乡 29252 泥矶乡 9508
Unidentified urban areas 25 km NW of Ezhou and 28 km NW of Ezhou in Gedian urban township have areas of 1.6 km² and 1.2 km² and estimated populations of zero and 1 000.
Liangzihu District (粱子湖区 Liángzihú-qū) 525 km²
6 urban townships, 1 rural township, 1 special urban township (173 896): 太和镇 47731 东沟镇 19286 长岭镇 14731 梁子镇 3058 涂家垴镇 16058 沼山镇 38263 公友乡 19355 长港管理区虚拟镇 15414
Ezhou is a city with a population of 250 000.
Detailed Analysis
Ezhou Region contains only the Ezhou metropolitan area. Its area is 1 505 km² and its population is 1 023 285.
Echeng District (鄂城区 Èchéng-qū) 520 km²
4 street committees of Ezhou, 9 urban townships, 1 rural township (603 316): 凤凰街道 89634 古楼街道 99940 西山街道 52756 凡口街道 21537 泽林镇 60160 杜山镇 27298 石山镇 25440 新庙镇 20665 碧石镇 28762 汀祖镇 52338 燕矶镇 43483 杨叶镇 24953 花湖镇 27643 沙窝乡 28707
Ezhou (263 867) has an area of 17 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.
Zelin (泽林 Zélín) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Huarong District (华容区 Huàróng-qū) 460 km²
5 urban townships, 4 rural townships (246 073): 华容镇 60330 葛店镇 45783 庙岭镇 27487 胡林镇 16895 段店镇 23860 大湾乡 13302 临江乡 19656 蒲团乡 29252 泥矶乡 9508
Unidentified urban areas 25 km NW of Ezhou and 28 km NW of Ezhou in Gedian urban township have areas of 1.6 km² and 1.2 km² and estimated populations of zero and 1 000.
Liangzihu District (粱子湖区 Liángzihú-qū) 525 km²
6 urban townships, 1 rural township, 1 special urban township (173 896): 太和镇 47731 东沟镇 19286 长岭镇 14731 梁子镇 3058 涂家垴镇 16058 沼山镇 38263 公友乡 19355 长港管理区虚拟镇 15414
China (CN) Hubei Province Jingmen Region
Jingmen Region (荆门市 Jīngmén-shì)
Jingmen is a city with a population of 250 000. The city of Zhongxiang (110 000) and the major towns of Jingshan (65 000) and Shayang (35 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Wenji (45 000) in Zhongxiang Metropolitan County is also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Jingmen Region contains the Jingmen metropolitan area, Zhongxiang Metropolitan County, and 2 ordinary counties. Its area is 12 100 km² and its population is 2 970 848.
The Jingmen metropolitan area has an area of 2 284 km² and a population of 583 373.
Dongbao District (东宝区 Dōngbǎo-qū) 1 645 km²
4 street committees of Jingmen, 7 urban townships, 6 rural townships (583 373): 龙泉街道 78883 泉口街道 92532 白庙街道 92399 掇刀街道 58042 栗溪镇 13735 盐池镇 21708 子陵镇 38404 漳河镇 32504 团林镇 28295 马河镇 11319 麻城镇 25652 姚河乡 9377 仙居乡 26839 石桥驿乡 12842 安团乡 5933 何场乡 21107 牌楼乡 13802
On March 17, 2001, Dongbao District was split into Dongbao District and Duodao District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 357 878.
Jingmen (321 856) has an area of 19.5 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.
Duodao District (掇刀区 Duódāo-qū) 639 km²
On March 17, 2001, Dongbao District was split into Dongbao District and Duodao District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 225 495.
Zhongxiang Metropolitan County (钟祥市 Zhōngxiáng-shì) 4 488 km²
1 street committee of Zhongxiang, 2 street committees, 17 urban townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui), 1 rural township (1 021 998): 郢中街道 161237 胡集街道 95455 磷矿街道 46927 洋梓镇 28952 中山镇 39439 长寿镇 27566 丰乐镇 31638 潞市镇 37026 转斗镇 34378 双河镇 46012 文集镇 44462 冷水镇 47057 石牌镇 54152 旧口镇 57304 罗集镇 46465 柴湖镇 95525 长滩镇 20432 东桥镇 23942 客店镇 14426 张集镇 22859 九里回族乡 16622 贺集乡 30122
Zhongxiang is in Yingzhong street committee (郢中 Yǐngzhōng) and has an area of 11 km² and an estimated population of 110 000. In addition, Zhongxiang--Chenjiamiao (陈家庙 Chénjiāmiào) and Zhongxiang--Hualing (花岭 Huālǐng) in Yingzhong street committee have areas of 2.5 km² and 1.3 km² and estimated populations of 15 000 and 8 000.
Wenji (文集 Wénjí) has an area of 7.8 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Shipai (石牌 Shípái) has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 17 000. In addition, Zhoujiazui (周家咀 Zhōujiāzuǐ) in Shipai urban township has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Linkuang (磷矿 Línkuàng) has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 13 000. In addition, Youji (尤集 Yóují) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Luoji (罗集 Luójí) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Fengle (丰乐 Fēnglè) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500. In addition, Fengshanzui (丰山嘴 Fēngshānzuǐ) in Fengle urban township has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Huji (胡集 Hújí) in Huji street committee has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 10 000. In addition, Dayukou (大峪口 Dàyùkǒu) in Huji street committee has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Jiukou (旧口 Jiùkǒu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Zhongshan (中山 Zhōngshān) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 1.5 km SW of Zhongshan has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Chaihu (柴湖 Cháihú) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000. In addition, Datong (大同 Dàtóng), Shangtou (上头 Shàngtou), and Dengying (邓营 Dèngyíng) in Chaihu urban township have areas of 2.5 km², 1.3 km², and 1.2 km² and estimated populations of 15 000, 8 000, and 7 000.
Wangjiatai (王家台 Wángjiātái) in Lushi urban township (潞市 Lùshì) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.
Jingshan County (京山县 Jīngshān-xiàn) 3 284 km²
16 urban townships, 1 special urban township (696 008): 新市镇 132098 永兴镇 27074 曹武镇 31756 罗店镇 53353 马店镇 25334 宋河镇 58260 坪坝镇 23483 三阳镇 34464 绿林镇 13059 扬集镇 15019 孙桥镇 37521 石龙镇 30580 永隆镇 41849 扬丰镇 23338 雁门口镇 45224 钱场镇 40379 五三农场虚拟镇 63217
Jingshan is in Xinshi urban township (新市 Xīnshì) and has an area of 7.1 km² and an estimated population of 65 000.
Wusan Nongchang (五三农场 Wǔsān Nóngchǎng), a state farm, has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Songhe (宋河 Sònghé) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Shayang County (沙洋县 Shāyáng-xiàn) 2 044 km²
14 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 1 special urban township (669 469): 沙洋镇 57714 五里镇 34107 十里镇 38815 纪山镇 26650 拾桥镇 48586 后港镇 49135 蛟尾镇 30086 毛李镇 41893 官当镇 37825 李市镇 41265 马良镇 41615 烟垢镇 44614 沈集镇 38984 曾集镇 25695 草场乡 18912 蔡庙乡 23792 沙洋监狱管理局虚拟镇 69781
Shayang has an area of 4.8 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
An unidentified urban area 24 km N of Shayang in Maliang urban township (马良 Mǎliáng) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Jingmen is a city with a population of 250 000. The city of Zhongxiang (110 000) and the major towns of Jingshan (65 000) and Shayang (35 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Wenji (45 000) in Zhongxiang Metropolitan County is also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Jingmen Region contains the Jingmen metropolitan area, Zhongxiang Metropolitan County, and 2 ordinary counties. Its area is 12 100 km² and its population is 2 970 848.
The Jingmen metropolitan area has an area of 2 284 km² and a population of 583 373.
Dongbao District (东宝区 Dōngbǎo-qū) 1 645 km²
4 street committees of Jingmen, 7 urban townships, 6 rural townships (583 373): 龙泉街道 78883 泉口街道 92532 白庙街道 92399 掇刀街道 58042 栗溪镇 13735 盐池镇 21708 子陵镇 38404 漳河镇 32504 团林镇 28295 马河镇 11319 麻城镇 25652 姚河乡 9377 仙居乡 26839 石桥驿乡 12842 安团乡 5933 何场乡 21107 牌楼乡 13802
On March 17, 2001, Dongbao District was split into Dongbao District and Duodao District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 357 878.
Jingmen (321 856) has an area of 19.5 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.
Duodao District (掇刀区 Duódāo-qū) 639 km²
On March 17, 2001, Dongbao District was split into Dongbao District and Duodao District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 225 495.
Zhongxiang Metropolitan County (钟祥市 Zhōngxiáng-shì) 4 488 km²
1 street committee of Zhongxiang, 2 street committees, 17 urban townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui), 1 rural township (1 021 998): 郢中街道 161237 胡集街道 95455 磷矿街道 46927 洋梓镇 28952 中山镇 39439 长寿镇 27566 丰乐镇 31638 潞市镇 37026 转斗镇 34378 双河镇 46012 文集镇 44462 冷水镇 47057 石牌镇 54152 旧口镇 57304 罗集镇 46465 柴湖镇 95525 长滩镇 20432 东桥镇 23942 客店镇 14426 张集镇 22859 九里回族乡 16622 贺集乡 30122
Zhongxiang is in Yingzhong street committee (郢中 Yǐngzhōng) and has an area of 11 km² and an estimated population of 110 000. In addition, Zhongxiang--Chenjiamiao (陈家庙 Chénjiāmiào) and Zhongxiang--Hualing (花岭 Huālǐng) in Yingzhong street committee have areas of 2.5 km² and 1.3 km² and estimated populations of 15 000 and 8 000.
Wenji (文集 Wénjí) has an area of 7.8 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Shipai (石牌 Shípái) has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 17 000. In addition, Zhoujiazui (周家咀 Zhōujiāzuǐ) in Shipai urban township has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Linkuang (磷矿 Línkuàng) has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 13 000. In addition, Youji (尤集 Yóují) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Luoji (罗集 Luójí) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Fengle (丰乐 Fēnglè) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500. In addition, Fengshanzui (丰山嘴 Fēngshānzuǐ) in Fengle urban township has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Huji (胡集 Hújí) in Huji street committee has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 10 000. In addition, Dayukou (大峪口 Dàyùkǒu) in Huji street committee has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Jiukou (旧口 Jiùkǒu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Zhongshan (中山 Zhōngshān) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 1.5 km SW of Zhongshan has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Chaihu (柴湖 Cháihú) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000. In addition, Datong (大同 Dàtóng), Shangtou (上头 Shàngtou), and Dengying (邓营 Dèngyíng) in Chaihu urban township have areas of 2.5 km², 1.3 km², and 1.2 km² and estimated populations of 15 000, 8 000, and 7 000.
Wangjiatai (王家台 Wángjiātái) in Lushi urban township (潞市 Lùshì) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.
Jingshan County (京山县 Jīngshān-xiàn) 3 284 km²
16 urban townships, 1 special urban township (696 008): 新市镇 132098 永兴镇 27074 曹武镇 31756 罗店镇 53353 马店镇 25334 宋河镇 58260 坪坝镇 23483 三阳镇 34464 绿林镇 13059 扬集镇 15019 孙桥镇 37521 石龙镇 30580 永隆镇 41849 扬丰镇 23338 雁门口镇 45224 钱场镇 40379 五三农场虚拟镇 63217
Jingshan is in Xinshi urban township (新市 Xīnshì) and has an area of 7.1 km² and an estimated population of 65 000.
Wusan Nongchang (五三农场 Wǔsān Nóngchǎng), a state farm, has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Songhe (宋河 Sònghé) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Shayang County (沙洋县 Shāyáng-xiàn) 2 044 km²
14 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 1 special urban township (669 469): 沙洋镇 57714 五里镇 34107 十里镇 38815 纪山镇 26650 拾桥镇 48586 后港镇 49135 蛟尾镇 30086 毛李镇 41893 官当镇 37825 李市镇 41265 马良镇 41615 烟垢镇 44614 沈集镇 38984 曾集镇 25695 草场乡 18912 蔡庙乡 23792 沙洋监狱管理局虚拟镇 69781
Shayang has an area of 4.8 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
An unidentified urban area 24 km N of Shayang in Maliang urban township (马良 Mǎliáng) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
China (CN) Hubei Province Xiaogan Region
Xiaogan Region (孝感市 Xiàogǎn-shì)
Xiaogan is a city with a population of 250 000. The city of Yingcheng (100 000) and the major towns of Anlu (90 000), Hanchuan (75 000), Yunmeng (45 000), Dawu (35 000), and Xiaochang (25 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Makou (22 000) in Hanchuan Metropolitan County is also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Xiaogan Region contains the Xiaogan metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, and 3 ordinary counties. Its area is 8 941 km² and its population is 4 992 537.
Xiaonan District (孝南区 Xiàonán-qū) 1 020 km²
4 street committees of Xiaogan, 8 urban townships, 3 rural townships, 2 special street committees of Xiaogan, 1 special urban township, 3 special rural townships (883 123): 书院街道 45120 新华街道 43303 广场街道 102461 车站街道 23863 新铺镇 57580 西河镇 27511 杨店镇 59481 陡岗镇 47902 肖港镇 100012 毛陈镇 54737 三汊镇 53044 祝站镇 41415 朋兴乡 47779 卧龙乡 49221 闵集乡 25974 开发区虚拟街道 49930 南大管委会虚拟街道 5343 朱湖农场虚拟镇 23712 园艺场虚拟乡 10892 东山头原种场虚拟乡 11293 野猪湖养殖场虚拟乡 2550
Xiaogan (270 020) has an area of 17 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.
Maochen (毛陈 Máochén) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Xiaogang (肖港 Xiàogǎng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
Anlu Metropolitan County (安陆市 Ānlù-shì) 1 355 km²
3 street committees of Anlu, 10 urban townships, 5 rural townships (611 990): 府城街道 86196 北城街道 30744 南城街道 23743 赵棚镇 39984 李店镇 34493 巡店镇 27270 棠棣镇 31606 雷公镇 22616 双河镇 16284 王义贞镇 32532 孛畈镇 37002 烟店镇 42815 伏水镇 42436 陈店乡 35744 辛榨乡 37870 桑树乡 16238 木梓乡 25304 接官乡 29113
Anlu (140 683) has an area of 9.9 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.
Hanchuan Metropolitan County (汉川市 Hànchuān-shì) 1 663 km²
15 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 4 special rural townships (1 057 396): 城关镇 144802 马口镇 58514 脉旺镇 41784 城隍镇 50119 分水镇 59597 沉湖镇 55496 田二河镇 40089 回龙镇 35008 新堰镇 39448 垌冢镇 20328 麻河镇 34267 刘家隔镇 27012 新河镇 36153 庙头镇 35686 杨林沟镇 44894 西江乡 45631 湾潭乡 25314 南河乡 38053 丁集乡 21865 马鞍乡 35305 里潭乡 28000 韩集乡 40682 杨水湖乡 17137 民乐乡 21874 中洲虚拟镇 19221 华严虚拟乡 13687 刁东虚拟乡 9834 三星垸虚拟乡 4425 刁汉湖虚拟乡 13171
Hanchuan is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 8.5 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Makou (马口 Mǎkǒu) has an area of 3.5 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Fenshui (分水 Fēnshuǐ) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Yanglingou (杨林沟 Yánglíngōu) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Huayan (华严 Huàyán) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Maiwang (脉旺 Màiwàng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000. In addition, Xinzhou (新洲 Xīnzhōu) in Maiwang urban township has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Tian'erhe (田二河 Tián'èrhé) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
Chenhu (沉湖 Chénhú) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Yingcheng Metropolitan County (应城市 Yìngchéng-shì) 1 103 km²
3 street committees of Yingcheng, 2 street committees, 10 urban townships, 1 special urban township (650 485): 城中街道 101778 城北街道 53097 四里棚街道 30937 东马坊街道 49670 长江埠街道 29306 田店镇 20168 杨河镇 49457 三合镇 37708 郎君镇 58221 黄滩镇 46009 天鹅镇 31552 义和镇 25453 陈河镇 55994 杨岭镇 37655 汤池镇 16864 南垸未批镇 6616
Yingcheng (185 812) has an area of 10.5 km² and an estimated population of 100 000.
Changjiangbu (长江埠 Chángjiāngbù) in Changjiangbu street committee has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Dongmafang (东马坊 Dōngmǎfāng) in Dongmafang street committee has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Xiaochang County (孝昌县 Xiàochāng-xiàn) 1 217 km²
8 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 1 special rural township (612 166): 花园镇 111959 丰山镇 26839 周巷镇 57581 小河镇 48481 王店镇 43207 卫店镇 32028 白沙镇 47409 邹岗镇 61558 小悟乡 32111 季店乡 46244 花西乡 44003 陡山乡 49953 孝感市双峰山风景管理区虚拟乡 10793
Xiaochang is in Huayuan urban township (花园 Huāyuán) and has an area of 3.8 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Dawu County (大悟县 Dàwù-xiàn) 1 979 km²
14 urban townships, 5 rural townships (605 786): 城关镇 69526 阳平镇 24760 芳畈镇 32987 新城镇 40660 夏店镇 31340 刘集镇 29446 河口镇 23982 四姑镇 25338 吕王镇 26594 黄站镇 15925 宣化镇 48886 丰店镇 31434 大新镇 33524 三里镇 26692 二郎乡 25972 高店乡 41786 彭店乡 30890 姚畈乡 13020 东新乡 33024
Dawu is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.0 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Yunmeng County (云梦县 Yúnmèng-xiàn) 604 km²
9 urban townships, 3 rural townships (571 591): 城关镇 109829 义堂镇 49547 曾店镇 40801 吴铺镇 40443 伍洛镇 39772 下辛店镇 64877 道桥镇 30782 隔蒲潭镇 60993 胡金店镇 33506 倒店乡 29016 沙河乡 39500 清明河乡 32525
Yunmeng is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.6 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Xiaogan is a city with a population of 250 000. The city of Yingcheng (100 000) and the major towns of Anlu (90 000), Hanchuan (75 000), Yunmeng (45 000), Dawu (35 000), and Xiaochang (25 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Makou (22 000) in Hanchuan Metropolitan County is also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Xiaogan Region contains the Xiaogan metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, and 3 ordinary counties. Its area is 8 941 km² and its population is 4 992 537.
Xiaonan District (孝南区 Xiàonán-qū) 1 020 km²
4 street committees of Xiaogan, 8 urban townships, 3 rural townships, 2 special street committees of Xiaogan, 1 special urban township, 3 special rural townships (883 123): 书院街道 45120 新华街道 43303 广场街道 102461 车站街道 23863 新铺镇 57580 西河镇 27511 杨店镇 59481 陡岗镇 47902 肖港镇 100012 毛陈镇 54737 三汊镇 53044 祝站镇 41415 朋兴乡 47779 卧龙乡 49221 闵集乡 25974 开发区虚拟街道 49930 南大管委会虚拟街道 5343 朱湖农场虚拟镇 23712 园艺场虚拟乡 10892 东山头原种场虚拟乡 11293 野猪湖养殖场虚拟乡 2550
Xiaogan (270 020) has an area of 17 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.
Maochen (毛陈 Máochén) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Xiaogang (肖港 Xiàogǎng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
Anlu Metropolitan County (安陆市 Ānlù-shì) 1 355 km²
3 street committees of Anlu, 10 urban townships, 5 rural townships (611 990): 府城街道 86196 北城街道 30744 南城街道 23743 赵棚镇 39984 李店镇 34493 巡店镇 27270 棠棣镇 31606 雷公镇 22616 双河镇 16284 王义贞镇 32532 孛畈镇 37002 烟店镇 42815 伏水镇 42436 陈店乡 35744 辛榨乡 37870 桑树乡 16238 木梓乡 25304 接官乡 29113
Anlu (140 683) has an area of 9.9 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.
Hanchuan Metropolitan County (汉川市 Hànchuān-shì) 1 663 km²
15 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 4 special rural townships (1 057 396): 城关镇 144802 马口镇 58514 脉旺镇 41784 城隍镇 50119 分水镇 59597 沉湖镇 55496 田二河镇 40089 回龙镇 35008 新堰镇 39448 垌冢镇 20328 麻河镇 34267 刘家隔镇 27012 新河镇 36153 庙头镇 35686 杨林沟镇 44894 西江乡 45631 湾潭乡 25314 南河乡 38053 丁集乡 21865 马鞍乡 35305 里潭乡 28000 韩集乡 40682 杨水湖乡 17137 民乐乡 21874 中洲虚拟镇 19221 华严虚拟乡 13687 刁东虚拟乡 9834 三星垸虚拟乡 4425 刁汉湖虚拟乡 13171
Hanchuan is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 8.5 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Makou (马口 Mǎkǒu) has an area of 3.5 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Fenshui (分水 Fēnshuǐ) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Yanglingou (杨林沟 Yánglíngōu) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Huayan (华严 Huàyán) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Maiwang (脉旺 Màiwàng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000. In addition, Xinzhou (新洲 Xīnzhōu) in Maiwang urban township has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Tian'erhe (田二河 Tián'èrhé) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
Chenhu (沉湖 Chénhú) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Yingcheng Metropolitan County (应城市 Yìngchéng-shì) 1 103 km²
3 street committees of Yingcheng, 2 street committees, 10 urban townships, 1 special urban township (650 485): 城中街道 101778 城北街道 53097 四里棚街道 30937 东马坊街道 49670 长江埠街道 29306 田店镇 20168 杨河镇 49457 三合镇 37708 郎君镇 58221 黄滩镇 46009 天鹅镇 31552 义和镇 25453 陈河镇 55994 杨岭镇 37655 汤池镇 16864 南垸未批镇 6616
Yingcheng (185 812) has an area of 10.5 km² and an estimated population of 100 000.
Changjiangbu (长江埠 Chángjiāngbù) in Changjiangbu street committee has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Dongmafang (东马坊 Dōngmǎfāng) in Dongmafang street committee has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Xiaochang County (孝昌县 Xiàochāng-xiàn) 1 217 km²
8 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 1 special rural township (612 166): 花园镇 111959 丰山镇 26839 周巷镇 57581 小河镇 48481 王店镇 43207 卫店镇 32028 白沙镇 47409 邹岗镇 61558 小悟乡 32111 季店乡 46244 花西乡 44003 陡山乡 49953 孝感市双峰山风景管理区虚拟乡 10793
Xiaochang is in Huayuan urban township (花园 Huāyuán) and has an area of 3.8 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Dawu County (大悟县 Dàwù-xiàn) 1 979 km²
14 urban townships, 5 rural townships (605 786): 城关镇 69526 阳平镇 24760 芳畈镇 32987 新城镇 40660 夏店镇 31340 刘集镇 29446 河口镇 23982 四姑镇 25338 吕王镇 26594 黄站镇 15925 宣化镇 48886 丰店镇 31434 大新镇 33524 三里镇 26692 二郎乡 25972 高店乡 41786 彭店乡 30890 姚畈乡 13020 东新乡 33024
Dawu is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.0 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Yunmeng County (云梦县 Yúnmèng-xiàn) 604 km²
9 urban townships, 3 rural townships (571 591): 城关镇 109829 义堂镇 49547 曾店镇 40801 吴铺镇 40443 伍洛镇 39772 下辛店镇 64877 道桥镇 30782 隔蒲潭镇 60993 胡金店镇 33506 倒店乡 29016 沙河乡 39500 清明河乡 32525
Yunmeng is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.6 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
China (CN) Hubei Province Shiyan Region
Shiyan Region (十堰市 Shíyàn-shì)
Shiyan is a major city with a population of 500 000. The major towns of Shiyan--Bailang (40 000) in Maojian District and Shiyan--Huaguo (40 000) in Zhangwan District are in the Shiyan metropolitan area. The city of Danjiangkou (100 000) and the major towns of Fangxian (22 000) and Yunxian (20 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Shiyan Region contains the Shiyan metropolitan area, Danjiangkou Metropolitan County, and 5 counties. Its area is 23 698 km² and its population is 3 415 912.
The Shiyan metropolitan area has an area of 1 230 km² and a population of 589 824. The city of Shiyan has a population of 519 268 in 8 street committees and 1 special street committee. The 2000 Census gives a population of 437 436 in the central street committees. The 1982 Census gives a population of 301 375 in 1 230 km² in the Shiyan metropolitan area, suggesting about 220 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 3.9% and a 2004 estimated population of 500 000 corresponding to the measured area of 25 km².
Maojian District (茅箭区 Máojiàn-qū) 578 km²
4 street committees of Shiyan, 1 urban township, 4 rural townships (267 855): 武当街道 54268 二堰街道 75648 五堰街道 83314 白浪街道 37868 大川镇 4615 小川乡 1264 大坪乡 2539 茅塔乡 3308 鸳鸯乡 5031
Shiyan--Bailang (白浪 Báilàng) has an area of 3.9 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Zhangwan District (张湾区 Zhāngwān-qū) 652 km²
4 street committees of Shiyan, 2 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Shiyan (321 969): 花果街道 43964 红卫街道 55263 车城街道 101752 汉江街道 61872 黄龙镇 15162 柏林镇 9884 舒家乡 4461 方滩乡 7207 大路乡 5861 西沟乡 5242 茅坪乡 5982 西城开发区虚拟街道 5319
Shiyan--Huaguo (花果 Huāguǒ) has an area of 2.6 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Danjiangkou District (丹江口市 Dānjiāngkǒu-shì) 3 121 km²
5 street committees of Danjiangkou, 11 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 1 special urban township (501 126): 均州路街道 43078 大坝路街道 47601 丹赵路街道 34286 新港街道 9915 三官殿街道 27930 土关垭镇 13186 浪河镇 22959 丁家营镇 15841 六里坪镇 54685 盐池河镇 11499 均县镇 27885 习家店镇 36600 蒿坪镇 11938 石鼓镇 15596 凉水河镇 29277 官山镇 13731 牛河乡 9941 土台乡 17142 白杨坪乡 3250 凤凰乡 5874 武当山特区虚拟镇 48912
Danjiangkou (162 810) has an area of 6.8 km² and an estimated population of 100 000.
Liuliping (六里坪 Liùlǐpíng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Wudangshan (武当山 Wǔdāngshān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Fangxian County (房县 Fángxiàn) 5 110 km²
7 urban townships, 17 rural townships, 1 special rural township (471 311): 城关镇 74786 军店镇 39436 化龙堰镇 25812 土城镇 16193 大木厂镇 21086 青峰镇 22563 门古镇 18525 红塔乡 40427 白窝乡 24603 窑淮乡 18432 板桥铺乡 12777 姚坪乡 15617 秦口乡 13518 通省乡 14844 中堰河乡 14807 榔口乡 11175 沙河乡 12902 万峪乡 10719 桥上乡 12218 安阳乡 6521 上龛乡 8523 中坝乡 12799 九道乡 12659 迥龙乡 4850 五台林场虚拟乡 5519
Fangxian is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 3.1 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Yunxi County (郧西县 Yúnxī-xiàn) 3 509 km²
9 urban townships, 14 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui) (492 015): 城关镇 61357 土门镇 27879 上津镇 29103 店子镇 26306 夹河镇 23450 羊尾镇 23505 观音镇 27813 马安镇 23135 河夹镇 20826 茅坪乡 8642 香口乡 20275 六斗乡 8265 槐树乡 7280 关防乡 17893 湖北口回族乡 24518 景阳乡 18416 泥沟乡 16124 六郎乡 28659 黑虎乡 13101 涧池乡 19176 五顶乡 14096 童元乡 14202 安家乡 11319 三官洞乡 6675
Yunxi is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Yunxian County (郧县 Yúnxiàn) 3 863 km²
15 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 2 special rural townships (584 315): 城关镇 75147 安阳镇 34096 杨溪镇 22090 青曲镇 24576 白桑镇 12833 南化镇 32575 白浪镇 11510 刘洞镇 17897 谭山镇 29488 梅铺镇 27607 青山镇 18359 茶店镇 24764 柳陂镇 36063 鲍峡镇 21723 胡家营镇 23595 桂花乡 12246 大堰乡 16469 大柳乡 14195 高庙乡 19021 黄柿乡 20580 辽瓦乡 16329 安城乡 19796 五峰乡 14413 东河乡 9247 叶大乡 8093 叶滩乡 9414 原种场虚拟乡 11081 红岩背林场虚拟乡 1108
Yunxian is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 2.8 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Zhushan County (竹山县 Zhúshān-xiàn) 3 586 km²
10 urban townships, 15 rural townships (438 787): 城关镇 43903 溢水镇 23758 麻家渡镇 21581 宝丰镇 34093 擂鼓镇 27221 秦古镇 26654 得胜镇 29346 田家镇 12991 官渡镇 15689 茅塔镇 11304 潘口乡 15576 牌楼乡 7408 黄栗乡 21404 竹坪乡 27175 大庙乡 12778 三台乡 11016 双台乡 7275 楼台乡 10597 沧浪乡 10894 文峰乡 17582 深河乡 13974 峪口乡 12696 梁家乡 6309 柳林乡 10167 洪坪乡 7396
Zhushan is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Zhuxi County (竹溪县 Zhúxī-xiàn) 3 279 km²
7 urban townships, 13 rural townships (338 534): 城关镇 44536 蒋家堰镇 34037 中峰镇 30400 水坪镇 35705 县河镇 22165 泉溪镇 14297 丰溪镇 13502 龙坝乡 19201 洛河乡 13229 鄂坪乡 10924 汇湾乡 20489 龙滩乡 9278 天宝乡 11556 兵营乡 14927 新洲乡 15788 马家河乡 7988 瓦沧乡 3033 桃源乡 7487 向坝乡 7038 双桥乡 2954
Zhuxi is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
Shiyan is a major city with a population of 500 000. The major towns of Shiyan--Bailang (40 000) in Maojian District and Shiyan--Huaguo (40 000) in Zhangwan District are in the Shiyan metropolitan area. The city of Danjiangkou (100 000) and the major towns of Fangxian (22 000) and Yunxian (20 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Shiyan Region contains the Shiyan metropolitan area, Danjiangkou Metropolitan County, and 5 counties. Its area is 23 698 km² and its population is 3 415 912.
The Shiyan metropolitan area has an area of 1 230 km² and a population of 589 824. The city of Shiyan has a population of 519 268 in 8 street committees and 1 special street committee. The 2000 Census gives a population of 437 436 in the central street committees. The 1982 Census gives a population of 301 375 in 1 230 km² in the Shiyan metropolitan area, suggesting about 220 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 3.9% and a 2004 estimated population of 500 000 corresponding to the measured area of 25 km².
Maojian District (茅箭区 Máojiàn-qū) 578 km²
4 street committees of Shiyan, 1 urban township, 4 rural townships (267 855): 武当街道 54268 二堰街道 75648 五堰街道 83314 白浪街道 37868 大川镇 4615 小川乡 1264 大坪乡 2539 茅塔乡 3308 鸳鸯乡 5031
Shiyan--Bailang (白浪 Báilàng) has an area of 3.9 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Zhangwan District (张湾区 Zhāngwān-qū) 652 km²
4 street committees of Shiyan, 2 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Shiyan (321 969): 花果街道 43964 红卫街道 55263 车城街道 101752 汉江街道 61872 黄龙镇 15162 柏林镇 9884 舒家乡 4461 方滩乡 7207 大路乡 5861 西沟乡 5242 茅坪乡 5982 西城开发区虚拟街道 5319
Shiyan--Huaguo (花果 Huāguǒ) has an area of 2.6 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Danjiangkou District (丹江口市 Dānjiāngkǒu-shì) 3 121 km²
5 street committees of Danjiangkou, 11 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 1 special urban township (501 126): 均州路街道 43078 大坝路街道 47601 丹赵路街道 34286 新港街道 9915 三官殿街道 27930 土关垭镇 13186 浪河镇 22959 丁家营镇 15841 六里坪镇 54685 盐池河镇 11499 均县镇 27885 习家店镇 36600 蒿坪镇 11938 石鼓镇 15596 凉水河镇 29277 官山镇 13731 牛河乡 9941 土台乡 17142 白杨坪乡 3250 凤凰乡 5874 武当山特区虚拟镇 48912
Danjiangkou (162 810) has an area of 6.8 km² and an estimated population of 100 000.
Liuliping (六里坪 Liùlǐpíng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Wudangshan (武当山 Wǔdāngshān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Fangxian County (房县 Fángxiàn) 5 110 km²
7 urban townships, 17 rural townships, 1 special rural township (471 311): 城关镇 74786 军店镇 39436 化龙堰镇 25812 土城镇 16193 大木厂镇 21086 青峰镇 22563 门古镇 18525 红塔乡 40427 白窝乡 24603 窑淮乡 18432 板桥铺乡 12777 姚坪乡 15617 秦口乡 13518 通省乡 14844 中堰河乡 14807 榔口乡 11175 沙河乡 12902 万峪乡 10719 桥上乡 12218 安阳乡 6521 上龛乡 8523 中坝乡 12799 九道乡 12659 迥龙乡 4850 五台林场虚拟乡 5519
Fangxian is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 3.1 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Yunxi County (郧西县 Yúnxī-xiàn) 3 509 km²
9 urban townships, 14 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui) (492 015): 城关镇 61357 土门镇 27879 上津镇 29103 店子镇 26306 夹河镇 23450 羊尾镇 23505 观音镇 27813 马安镇 23135 河夹镇 20826 茅坪乡 8642 香口乡 20275 六斗乡 8265 槐树乡 7280 关防乡 17893 湖北口回族乡 24518 景阳乡 18416 泥沟乡 16124 六郎乡 28659 黑虎乡 13101 涧池乡 19176 五顶乡 14096 童元乡 14202 安家乡 11319 三官洞乡 6675
Yunxi is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Yunxian County (郧县 Yúnxiàn) 3 863 km²
15 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 2 special rural townships (584 315): 城关镇 75147 安阳镇 34096 杨溪镇 22090 青曲镇 24576 白桑镇 12833 南化镇 32575 白浪镇 11510 刘洞镇 17897 谭山镇 29488 梅铺镇 27607 青山镇 18359 茶店镇 24764 柳陂镇 36063 鲍峡镇 21723 胡家营镇 23595 桂花乡 12246 大堰乡 16469 大柳乡 14195 高庙乡 19021 黄柿乡 20580 辽瓦乡 16329 安城乡 19796 五峰乡 14413 东河乡 9247 叶大乡 8093 叶滩乡 9414 原种场虚拟乡 11081 红岩背林场虚拟乡 1108
Yunxian is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 2.8 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Zhushan County (竹山县 Zhúshān-xiàn) 3 586 km²
10 urban townships, 15 rural townships (438 787): 城关镇 43903 溢水镇 23758 麻家渡镇 21581 宝丰镇 34093 擂鼓镇 27221 秦古镇 26654 得胜镇 29346 田家镇 12991 官渡镇 15689 茅塔镇 11304 潘口乡 15576 牌楼乡 7408 黄栗乡 21404 竹坪乡 27175 大庙乡 12778 三台乡 11016 双台乡 7275 楼台乡 10597 沧浪乡 10894 文峰乡 17582 深河乡 13974 峪口乡 12696 梁家乡 6309 柳林乡 10167 洪坪乡 7396
Zhushan is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Zhuxi County (竹溪县 Zhúxī-xiàn) 3 279 km²
7 urban townships, 13 rural townships (338 534): 城关镇 44536 蒋家堰镇 34037 中峰镇 30400 水坪镇 35705 县河镇 22165 泉溪镇 14297 丰溪镇 13502 龙坝乡 19201 洛河乡 13229 鄂坪乡 10924 汇湾乡 20489 龙滩乡 9278 天宝乡 11556 兵营乡 14927 新洲乡 15788 马家河乡 7988 瓦沧乡 3033 桃源乡 7487 向坝乡 7038 双桥乡 2954
Zhuxi is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
China (CN) Hubei Province Yichang Region
Yichang Region (宜昌市 Yíchāng-shì)
Yichang is a major city with a population of 600 000. The major towns of Yiling (75 000) and Sandouping (28 000) in Yiling District are in the Yichang metropolitan area. The major towns of Dangyang (50 000), Yidu (50 000), Zhijiang (40 000), and Zigui (35 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Yichang Region contains the Yichang metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, 3 ordinary counties, and 2 autonomous counties. Its area is 21 081 km² and its population is 4 149 308.
The Yichang metropolitan area has an area of 4 247 km² and a population of 1 337 946. The city of Yichang has a population of 612 229 in 16 street committees and 1 special street committee. The 2000 Census gives a population of 545 691 in the central street committees. The 1982 Census gives a population of 363 579 in 165 km² for the Yichang metropolitan area, suggesting about 350 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 2.5% and a 2004 estimated population of 600 000 corresponding to the measured area of 31 km².
Dianjun District (点军区 Diǎnjūn-qū) 529 km²
1 street committee of Yichang, 2 rural townships (48 612): 朱市街街道 13711 点军乡 21656 联棚乡 13245
The street committee lies outside the urban area.
Wujiagang District (伍家岗区 Wǔjiāgǎng-qū) 69 km²
4 street committees of Yichang, 1 rural township (184 000): 万寿桥街道 45545 大公桥街道 31377 宝塔河街道 30817 伍家岗街道 32937 伍家乡 43324
Xiling District (西陵区 Xīlíng-qū) 89.8 km²
7 street committees of Yichang, 1 rural township, 1 special street committee of Yichang, 1 special rural township (427 299): 西陵街道 67948 学院街道 24216 云集街道 68456 鼓楼街道 46728 西坝街道 43401 葛洲坝街道 42696 夜明珠街道 71081 窑湾乡 18931 宜昌开发区虚拟街道 40489 峡口风景区虚拟乡 3353
Xiaoting District (猇亭区 Xiāotíng-qū) 118 km²
3 street committees of Yichang, 1 special street committee of Yichang (52 827): 古老背街道 20641 虎牙街道 13968 云池街道 15771 三峡航空小区虚拟街道 2447
These street committees lie outside the urban area of Yichang.
Yichang--Xiaoting is in Yunchi street committee (云池 Yúnchí) and has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
Yiling District (夷陵区 Yílíng-qū) 3 424 km²
Yichang County: 11 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 special urban township (625 208): 小溪塔镇 137179 樟村坪镇 17717 务渡河镇 29803 分乡镇 39025 太平溪镇 28959 三斗坪镇 35609 乐天溪镇 39425 龙泉镇 50612 艾家镇 8212 桥边镇 26920 鸦鹊岭镇 57358 殷家坪乡 8391 下堡坪乡 13887 栗子坪乡 10085 邓村乡 28453 晓峰乡 18345 上洋乡 9205 黄花乡 15010 金狮洞乡 7462 土城乡 24571 三峡坝区虚拟镇 18980
On March 22, 2001, the Yichang metropolitan area annexed Yichang County.
Yiling is in Xiaoxita urban township (小溪塔 Xiǎoxītǎ) and has an area of 6.2 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Sandouping (三斗坪 Sāndòupíng) has an area of 4.0 km² and an estimated population of 28 000.
Dangyang Metropolitan County (当阳市 Dāngyáng-shì) 2 159 km²
3 street committees of Dangyang, 8 urban townships, 6 rural townships, 1 special rural township (495 946): 玉阳街道 87219 坝陵街道 23695 玉泉街道 24830 慈化镇 31251 两河镇 32117 河溶镇 40298 育溪镇 32626 庙前镇 16383 干溪镇 22316 王店镇 22537 半月镇 31904 胡场乡 22043 官当乡 17695 脚东乡 15606 陈院乡 8664 烟集乡 24494 双莲乡 18042 草埠湖管理区虚拟乡 24226
Dangyang (135 744) has an area of 6.6 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Yidu Metropolitan County (宜都市 Yídū-shì) 1 357 km²
1 street committee of Yidu, 6 urban townships, 6 rural townships (385 779): 陆城街道 85627 红花套镇 28128 高坝洲镇 32403 聂家河镇 22400 松木坪镇 32627 洋溪镇 18202 枝城镇 55678 姚家店乡 24943 五眼泉乡 22448 潘家湾乡 16623 毛湖淌乡 16586 王家畈乡 16981 黎家坪乡 13133
Yidu (85 627) has an area of 6.7 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Zhicheng (枝城 Zhīchéng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Zhijiang Metropolitan County (枝江市 Zhījiāng-shì) 1 310 km²
1 street committee of Zhijiang, 11 urban townships, 1 rural township (508 835): 马家店街道 95299 安福寺镇 19814 紫荆岭镇 15015 自洋镇 39453 顾家店镇 30509 姚家港镇 15295 董市镇 40020 仙女镇 34822 问安镇 36603 七星台镇 48810 百里洲镇 91350 江口镇 23438 瑶华乡 18407
Zhijiang (95 299) has an area of 5.8 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Dongshi (董市 Dǒngshì) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Xingshan County (兴山县 Xīngshān-xiàn) 2 327 km²
7 urban townships, 6 rural townships (182 691): 高阳镇 39744 峡口镇 19487 南阳镇 7128 古夫镇 19850 黄粮镇 17111 高岚镇 11089 水月寺镇 14596 高桥乡 16051 湘坪乡 5811 平水乡 4440 榛子乡 10847 火石岭乡 7314 建阳坪乡 9223
Xingshan is in Gufu urban township (古夫 Gǔfū) and has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Yuan'an County (远安县 Yuǎn'ān-xiàn) 1 752 km²
6 urban townships, 3 rural townships (217 389): 鸣风镇 52913 花林寺镇 20635 旧县镇 27699 洋坪镇 36242 茅坪埸镇 20333 苟家垭镇 17537 河口乡 16774 晓坪乡 12120 望家乡 13136
Yuan'an is in Mingfeng urban township (鸣风 Míngfēng) and has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.
Zigui County (秭归县 Zǐguī-xiàn) 2 427 km²
7 urban townships, 7 rural townships (398 043): 茅坪镇 77966 香溪镇 35643 屈原镇 21472 沙溪镇 37831 两河口镇 31848 郭家坝镇 36208 杨林桥镇 28155 水田坝乡 36899 泄滩乡 15439 梅家河乡 19465 磨坪乡 13130 文化乡 18314 周坪乡 13479 芝兰乡 12194
Zigui is in Maoping urban township (茅坪 Máopíng) and has an area of 4.8 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Changyang Tujia Autonomous County (长阳土家族自治县 Chángyáng Tǔjiāzú Zìzhìxiàn) 3 430 km²
9 urban townships, 7 rural townships (416 782): 龙舟坪镇 47031 津洋口镇 41010 高家堰镇 22160 磨市镇 32932 都镇湾镇 35003 资丘镇 30099 渔峡口镇 20823 榔坪镇 25495 贺家坪镇 29647 大堰乡 37379 鸭子口乡 23458 麻池乡 21011 黄柏山乡 10210 火烧坪乡 8431 枝柘坪乡 16153 乐园乡 15940
There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.
Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County (五峰土家族自治县 Wǔfēng Tǔjiāzú Zìzhìxiàn) 2 072 km²
5 urban townships, 3 rural townships (205 897): 五峰镇 40016 长乐坪镇 24487 渔洋关镇 45650 仁和坪镇 24020 湾潭镇 17573 付家堰乡 17522 牛庄乡 8720 采花乡 27909
Yuyangguan (渔洋关 Yúyángguān) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Yichang is a major city with a population of 600 000. The major towns of Yiling (75 000) and Sandouping (28 000) in Yiling District are in the Yichang metropolitan area. The major towns of Dangyang (50 000), Yidu (50 000), Zhijiang (40 000), and Zigui (35 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Yichang Region contains the Yichang metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, 3 ordinary counties, and 2 autonomous counties. Its area is 21 081 km² and its population is 4 149 308.
The Yichang metropolitan area has an area of 4 247 km² and a population of 1 337 946. The city of Yichang has a population of 612 229 in 16 street committees and 1 special street committee. The 2000 Census gives a population of 545 691 in the central street committees. The 1982 Census gives a population of 363 579 in 165 km² for the Yichang metropolitan area, suggesting about 350 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 2.5% and a 2004 estimated population of 600 000 corresponding to the measured area of 31 km².
Dianjun District (点军区 Diǎnjūn-qū) 529 km²
1 street committee of Yichang, 2 rural townships (48 612): 朱市街街道 13711 点军乡 21656 联棚乡 13245
The street committee lies outside the urban area.
Wujiagang District (伍家岗区 Wǔjiāgǎng-qū) 69 km²
4 street committees of Yichang, 1 rural township (184 000): 万寿桥街道 45545 大公桥街道 31377 宝塔河街道 30817 伍家岗街道 32937 伍家乡 43324
Xiling District (西陵区 Xīlíng-qū) 89.8 km²
7 street committees of Yichang, 1 rural township, 1 special street committee of Yichang, 1 special rural township (427 299): 西陵街道 67948 学院街道 24216 云集街道 68456 鼓楼街道 46728 西坝街道 43401 葛洲坝街道 42696 夜明珠街道 71081 窑湾乡 18931 宜昌开发区虚拟街道 40489 峡口风景区虚拟乡 3353
Xiaoting District (猇亭区 Xiāotíng-qū) 118 km²
3 street committees of Yichang, 1 special street committee of Yichang (52 827): 古老背街道 20641 虎牙街道 13968 云池街道 15771 三峡航空小区虚拟街道 2447
These street committees lie outside the urban area of Yichang.
Yichang--Xiaoting is in Yunchi street committee (云池 Yúnchí) and has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
Yiling District (夷陵区 Yílíng-qū) 3 424 km²
Yichang County: 11 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 special urban township (625 208): 小溪塔镇 137179 樟村坪镇 17717 务渡河镇 29803 分乡镇 39025 太平溪镇 28959 三斗坪镇 35609 乐天溪镇 39425 龙泉镇 50612 艾家镇 8212 桥边镇 26920 鸦鹊岭镇 57358 殷家坪乡 8391 下堡坪乡 13887 栗子坪乡 10085 邓村乡 28453 晓峰乡 18345 上洋乡 9205 黄花乡 15010 金狮洞乡 7462 土城乡 24571 三峡坝区虚拟镇 18980
On March 22, 2001, the Yichang metropolitan area annexed Yichang County.
Yiling is in Xiaoxita urban township (小溪塔 Xiǎoxītǎ) and has an area of 6.2 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.
Sandouping (三斗坪 Sāndòupíng) has an area of 4.0 km² and an estimated population of 28 000.
Dangyang Metropolitan County (当阳市 Dāngyáng-shì) 2 159 km²
3 street committees of Dangyang, 8 urban townships, 6 rural townships, 1 special rural township (495 946): 玉阳街道 87219 坝陵街道 23695 玉泉街道 24830 慈化镇 31251 两河镇 32117 河溶镇 40298 育溪镇 32626 庙前镇 16383 干溪镇 22316 王店镇 22537 半月镇 31904 胡场乡 22043 官当乡 17695 脚东乡 15606 陈院乡 8664 烟集乡 24494 双莲乡 18042 草埠湖管理区虚拟乡 24226
Dangyang (135 744) has an area of 6.6 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Yidu Metropolitan County (宜都市 Yídū-shì) 1 357 km²
1 street committee of Yidu, 6 urban townships, 6 rural townships (385 779): 陆城街道 85627 红花套镇 28128 高坝洲镇 32403 聂家河镇 22400 松木坪镇 32627 洋溪镇 18202 枝城镇 55678 姚家店乡 24943 五眼泉乡 22448 潘家湾乡 16623 毛湖淌乡 16586 王家畈乡 16981 黎家坪乡 13133
Yidu (85 627) has an area of 6.7 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Zhicheng (枝城 Zhīchéng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Zhijiang Metropolitan County (枝江市 Zhījiāng-shì) 1 310 km²
1 street committee of Zhijiang, 11 urban townships, 1 rural township (508 835): 马家店街道 95299 安福寺镇 19814 紫荆岭镇 15015 自洋镇 39453 顾家店镇 30509 姚家港镇 15295 董市镇 40020 仙女镇 34822 问安镇 36603 七星台镇 48810 百里洲镇 91350 江口镇 23438 瑶华乡 18407
Zhijiang (95 299) has an area of 5.8 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Dongshi (董市 Dǒngshì) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Xingshan County (兴山县 Xīngshān-xiàn) 2 327 km²
7 urban townships, 6 rural townships (182 691): 高阳镇 39744 峡口镇 19487 南阳镇 7128 古夫镇 19850 黄粮镇 17111 高岚镇 11089 水月寺镇 14596 高桥乡 16051 湘坪乡 5811 平水乡 4440 榛子乡 10847 火石岭乡 7314 建阳坪乡 9223
Xingshan is in Gufu urban township (古夫 Gǔfū) and has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Yuan'an County (远安县 Yuǎn'ān-xiàn) 1 752 km²
6 urban townships, 3 rural townships (217 389): 鸣风镇 52913 花林寺镇 20635 旧县镇 27699 洋坪镇 36242 茅坪埸镇 20333 苟家垭镇 17537 河口乡 16774 晓坪乡 12120 望家乡 13136
Yuan'an is in Mingfeng urban township (鸣风 Míngfēng) and has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.
Zigui County (秭归县 Zǐguī-xiàn) 2 427 km²
7 urban townships, 7 rural townships (398 043): 茅坪镇 77966 香溪镇 35643 屈原镇 21472 沙溪镇 37831 两河口镇 31848 郭家坝镇 36208 杨林桥镇 28155 水田坝乡 36899 泄滩乡 15439 梅家河乡 19465 磨坪乡 13130 文化乡 18314 周坪乡 13479 芝兰乡 12194
Zigui is in Maoping urban township (茅坪 Máopíng) and has an area of 4.8 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Changyang Tujia Autonomous County (长阳土家族自治县 Chángyáng Tǔjiāzú Zìzhìxiàn) 3 430 km²
9 urban townships, 7 rural townships (416 782): 龙舟坪镇 47031 津洋口镇 41010 高家堰镇 22160 磨市镇 32932 都镇湾镇 35003 资丘镇 30099 渔峡口镇 20823 榔坪镇 25495 贺家坪镇 29647 大堰乡 37379 鸭子口乡 23458 麻池乡 21011 黄柏山乡 10210 火烧坪乡 8431 枝柘坪乡 16153 乐园乡 15940
There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.
Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County (五峰土家族自治县 Wǔfēng Tǔjiāzú Zìzhìxiàn) 2 072 km²
5 urban townships, 3 rural townships (205 897): 五峰镇 40016 长乐坪镇 24487 渔洋关镇 45650 仁和坪镇 24020 湾潭镇 17573 付家堰乡 17522 牛庄乡 8720 采花乡 27909
Yuyangguan (渔洋关 Yúyángguān) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
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