Wednesday, February 7, 2007

China (CN) Guangdong Province Maoming Region

Maoming Region (茂名市 Màomíng-shì)


Maoming is a city with a population of 450 000. The cities of Gaozhou (120 000), Huazhou (120 000), and Xinyi (100 000) and the major town of Dianbai (90 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Zhenlong (25 000) in Xinyi Metropolitan County is also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Maoming Region contains the Maoming metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, and Dianbai County. Its area is 11 445 km² and its population is 5 238 426.

The Maoming metropolitan area has an area of 879 km² and a population of 1 051 574.

Maogang District (茂港区 Màogǎng-) 372 km²

On January 22, 2001, the Maoming metropolitan area annexed part of Dianbai County, which became Maogang District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 407 273.

Maoming Alkene Plant B (茂名乙烯厂 Màomíng chǎng) in Qijing urban township (七迳 jìng, XZQH has 七径) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 2 500.

Maonan District (茂南区 Màonán-) 507 km²

7 street committees of Maoming, 1 special street committee of Maoming, 8 urban townships (644 301): 红旗街道 26089 河西街道 19406 河东街道 62679 露天矿街道 15634 新华街道 10815 官渡街道 99554 站前街道 30061 金塘镇 57424 公馆镇 57543 新坡镇 33586 镇盛镇 49420 鳌头镇 71818 袂花镇 41160 高山镇 22720 山阁镇 30378 茂南开发区虚拟街道 16014

Maoming (280 252)
has an area of 35 km² and an estimated population of 450 000. Gaoshan (高山 Gāoshān), Gongguan (公馆 Gōngguǎn), and Xinpo (新坡 Xīn) are suburbs of Maoming.

Gaozhou Metropolitan County (
高州市 Gāozhōu-shì) 3 276 km²

6 street committees of Gaozhou, 27 urban townships, 3 special urban townships (1 219 132):
西岸街道 25937 石仔岭街道 31095 山美街道 16983 中山街道 66052 南湖街道 27985 金山街道 34322 谢鸡镇 48220 新垌镇 55289 云潭镇 32005 分界镇 41458 根子镇 57159 泗水镇 49072 石鼓镇 58477 镇江镇 33145 祥山镇 22831 沙田镇 27666 南塘镇 39533 荷花镇 35577 石板镇 28664 东岸镇 44652 大潮镇 15213 大井镇 38047 潭头镇 28385 长坡镇 55385 石龙镇 16187 大坡镇 53270 平山镇 28814 深镇镇 20558 马贵镇 26848 古丁镇 24457 曹江镇 59800 顿梭镇 30079 荷塘镇 24138 团结农场虚拟镇 8710 胜利农场虚拟镇 7804 火星农场虚拟镇 5315

Gaozhou (202 374)
has an area of 10.5 km² and an estimated population of 120 000. Jinshan street committee (金山 Jīnshān) lies outside the urban area.

Sinopec Maoming Refining (中石油茂名炼化 Zhōngshíyóu Màomíng Liànhuà) in Jinshan street committee
has an area of 2.6 km² and an estimated population of zero.

Huazhou Metopolitan County (
化州市 Huàzhōu-shì) 2 354 km²

3 street committees of Huazhou, 20 urban townships, 1 special street committee of Huazhou, 6 special urban townships (1 007 796):
河西街道 55959 东山街道 49333 下郭街道 34644 长岐镇 45176 同庆镇 49413 杨梅镇 56421 良光镇 49831 笪桥镇 30855 南盛镇 26102 丽岗镇 36787 新安镇 41499 官桥镇 32791 石湾镇 30305 林尘镇 43572 中垌镇 48665 合江镇 59730 那务镇 52296 播扬镇 32187 宝圩镇 15791 平定镇 66246 文楼镇 43905 江湖镇 19549 兰山镇 18023 鉴江开发区虚拟街道 40121 新时代农场虚拟镇 3904 新华农场虚拟镇 4567 和平农场虚拟镇 5469 红阳农场虚拟镇 4623 红峰农场虚拟镇 3985 建设农场虚拟镇 6047

Huazhou (180 057)
has an area of 11 km² and an estimated population of 120 000.

Xinyi Metropolitan County (
信宜市 Xìnyí-shì) 3 081 km²

23 urban townships (907 978):
东镇镇 171995 镇隆镇 44325 水口镇 51695 北界镇 41014 高坡镇 18067 丁堡镇 33902 池洞镇 53125 金垌镇 26640 径口镇 23348 朱砂镇 28539 安莪镇 18136 旺沙镇 17999 贵子镇 30601 怀乡镇 61426 茶山镇 18064 洪冠镇 29069 白石镇 43900 大成镇 31982 钱排镇 43230 合水镇 31979 新宝镇 26743 平塘镇 35037 思贺镇 27162

Xinyi is in Dongzhen urban township (
东镇 Dōngzhèn) and has an area of 8.0 km² and an estimated population of 100 000.

Zhenlong (
镇隆 Zhènlóng) has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Dianbai County (
电白县 Diànbái-xiàn) 1 855 km²

25 urban townships, 4 special urban townships (1 459 219):
马踏镇 57595 岭门镇 58561 爵山镇 47227 电城镇 81297 树仔镇 46855 龙山镇 34908 麻岗镇 54245 旦场镇 59769 沙院镇 42058 小良镇 48560 七径镇 66687 坡心镇 70737 羊角镇 116266 林头镇 78029 大衙镇 29304 霞洞镇 80518 观珠镇 73862 沙琅镇 57298 黄岭镇 31930 望夫镇 26067 罗坑镇 24287 那霍镇 41572 博贺镇 26142 水东镇 89284 南海镇 62965 陈村虚拟镇 42634 曙光农场虚拟镇 7716 水丰农场虚拟镇 2063 电白盐场虚拟镇 783

On January 22, 2001, the Maoming metropolitan area annexed part of Dianbai County. The corrected 2000 Census population is 1 051 946.

Dianbai is in Shuidong urban township (
水东 Shuǐdōng) and has an area of 7.3 km² and an estimated population of 90 000. Chencun (陈村 Chéncūn) is a suburb of Dianbai.

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