Chengde is a city with a population of 150 000. Shuangluan (25 000) and Shuangluan--Chengde Gangtie (25 000) are major towns in the Chengde metropolitan area. Yingshouyingzi (22 000) is in the separate Yingshouyingzi Mining District metropolitan area. The major towns of Pingquan (35 000), Weichang (35 000), Chengdexian (30 000), Longhua (30 000), Fengning (25 000), Xinglong (25 000), and Luanping (22 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Chengde Region contains the Chengde metropolitan area, Yingshouyingzi Mining District metropolitan area, 5 counties, and 3 autonomous counties. It has an area of 39 519 km² and a population of 3 324 121.
The Chengde metropolitan area has an area of 561 km² and a population of 368 516. This area is divided into 2 districts.
Shuangqiao District (Shuāngqiáo-qū 双桥区) 311 km²
7 street committees of Chengde, 5 urban townships (275 061): 西大街街道 20354 头道牌楼街道 14928 潘家沟街道 23877 中华路街道 25164 新华路街道 20901 石洞子沟街道 28695 桥东街道 21177 水泉沟镇 19959 狮子沟镇 21609 牛圈子沟镇 39488 大石庙镇 25232 冯营子镇 13677
Chengde (155 096) contains two urban areas. Chengde has an area of 9.7 km² and an estimated population of 150 000. Chengde--4.5 km N of Chengde has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.
Dashimiao (大石庙 Dàshímiào) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Shuangluan District (双滦区 Shuāngluán-qū) 250 km²
4 urban townships, 1 special street committee (93 455): 双塔山镇 35769 滦河镇 16930 大庙镇 9783 偏桥子镇 7280 承德钢铁公司虚拟街道 23693
Shuangluan is in Shuangtashan urban township (双塔山 Shuāngtǎshān) and has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Shuangluan--Chengde Gangtie (承德钢铁公司 Chéngdé Gāngtiě Gōngsī), a steel enterprise, has an area of 5.8 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Yingshouyingzi Mining District (鹰手营子矿区 Yīngshǒuyíngzi-kuàngqū) 148 km²
4 urban townships (68 735): 鹰手营子镇 30207 北马圈子镇 12504 寿王坟镇 13523 汪家庄镇 12501
Yingshouyingzi has an area of 3.9 km² and an estimated population of 22 000. In addition, an unidentifed urban area 4.5 km E of Yingshouyingzi in Yingshouyingzi urban township has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Beimaquanzi (北马圈子 Běimǎquānzi) has an area of 4.1 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.
Shouwangfen (寿王坟 Shòuwángfén) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 9 000. Its urban township is an exclave surrounded by Xinglong County with an area of 60.2 km².
Chengde County (承德县 Chéngdé-xiàn) 3 990 km²
8 urban townships, 15 rural townships, 2 ethnic rural townships (Manchu) (447 345): 下板城镇 65580 上板城镇 36812 甲山镇 21620 六沟镇 29411 三沟镇 19858 头沟镇 23404 高寺台镇 15896 双蜂寺镇 23318 东小白旗乡 9083 鞍匠乡 15153 刘杖子乡 10491 新杖子乡 12323 孟家院乡 10835 大营子乡 8958 八家乡 9829 上谷乡 19755 满杖子乡 8997 石灰窑乡 19210 五道河乡 8023 岔沟乡 15083 岗子满族乡 7449 磴上乡 15979 两家满族乡 9453 三家乡 21342 仓子乡 9483
Chengdexian is in Xiabancheng urban township (下板城 Xiàbǎnchéng) and has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.
Longhua County (隆化县 Lónghuà-xiàn) 5 474 km²
10 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 8 ethnic rural townships (4 Manchu, 3 Manchu-Mongolian, 1 Mongolian) (373 773): 隆化镇 71311 韩麻营镇 18850 中关镇 9841 七家镇 11190 汤头沟镇 25466 张三营镇 22000 唐三营镇 24413 蓝旗镇 16363 步古沟镇 14121 郭家屯镇 20078 荒地乡 15369 章吉营乡 14916 茅荆坝乡 8698 尹家营满族乡 7695 庙子沟蒙古族满族乡 5428 偏坡营满族乡 11130 山湾乡 8881 八达营蒙古族乡 11792 太平庄满族乡 8772 旧屯满族乡 6412 西阿超满族蒙古族乡 8381 白虎沟满族蒙古族乡 6792 碱房乡 6033 韩家店乡 11569 湾沟门乡 8272
Longhua has an area of 4.6 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.
Zhangsanying (张三营 Zhāngsānyíng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Luanping County (滦平县 Luánpíng-xiàn) 3 195 km²
7 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 11 ethnic rural townships (Manchu) (309 532): 滦平镇 47034 长山峪镇 19852 红旗镇 13028 金沟屯镇 17359 虎什哈镇 19844 巴克什营镇 17626 张百湾镇 22656 平坊满族乡 6597 安纯沟门满族乡 12093 西地满族乡 18307 陈栅子乡 12175 付营子乡 16780 小营满族乡 10627 西沟满族乡 6564 邓厂满族乡 2513 五道营子满族乡 4391 马营子满族乡 9095 付家店满族乡 4941 火斗山乡 14329 两间房乡 9161 涝洼乡 6540 大屯满族乡 18020
Luanping has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Pingquan County (平泉县 Píngquán-xiàn) 3 297 km²
7 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 7 ethnic rural townships (3 Manchu, 3 Manchu-Mongolian, 1 Mongolian) (436 917): 平泉镇 89471 黄土梁子镇 19402 榆树林子镇 31352 杨树岭镇 26970 七沟镇 25367 小寺沟镇 22491 党坝镇 24759 王土房乡 5518 沙坨子乡 27991 柳溪满族乡 11067 七家岱满族乡 8298 平房满族蒙古族乡 15881 蒙和乌苏蒙古族乡 11991 茅兰沟满族蒙古族乡 18835 台头山乡 19432 许杖子满族乡 5027 松树台乡 17654 道虎沟乡 16617 南五十家子蒙古族满族乡 20473 郭杖子满族乡 18321
Pingquan has an area of 5.1 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Xinglong County (兴隆县 Xīnglóng-xiàn) 3 116 km²
7 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 2 ethnic rural townships (Manchu) (303 861): 兴隆镇 61127 半壁山镇 20362 挂兰峪镇 12742 茅山镇 14188 六道河镇 15628 平安堡镇 18044 北营房镇 14150 南天门满族乡 6936 孤山子乡 10759 八卦岭满族乡 13713 陡子峪乡 6502 上石洞乡 3724 北水泉乡 12331 下台子乡 10598 大杖子乡 17209 蘑菇峪乡 17356 三道河乡 15533 蓝旗营乡 13331 安子岭乡 5631 大水泉乡 13997
Xinglong has an area of 3.1 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Fengning Manchu Autonomous County (丰宁满族自治县 Fēngníng Mǎnzú Zìzhìxiàn) 8 747 km²
9 urban townships, 16 urban townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Mongolian) (341 561): 大阁镇 70011 大滩镇 19230 鱼儿山镇 12382 土城镇 14717 黄旗镇 13702 凤山镇 35199 波罗诺镇 9998 黑山咀镇 19446 天桥镇 8524 万胜永乡 3922 四岔口乡 6968 苏家店乡 5203 外沟门乡 5506 草原乡 5288 窟窿山乡 3476 小坝子乡 4031 五道营乡 7098 南关蒙古族乡 16175 选将营乡 12760 西官营乡 11353 王营乡 5625 北头营乡 6892 胡麻营乡 14591 石人沟乡 15099 汤河乡 7558 杨木栅子乡 6807
Fengning is in Dage urban township (大阁 Dàgé) and has an area of 3.6 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Kuancheng Manchu Autonomus County (宽城满族自治县 Kuānchéng Mǎnzú Zìzhìxiàn) 1 933 km²
5 urban townships, 13 rural townships (221 887): 宽城镇 49487 龙须门镇 20439 峪耳崖镇 24616 板城镇 20231 汤道河镇 19977 化皮溜子乡 8696 塌山乡 5720 饽罗台乡 7044 孟子岭乡 6701 独石沟乡 1265 碾子峪乡 14470 东大地乡 5195 铧尖乡 7464 东黄花川乡 4828 亮甲台乡 6759 苇子沟乡 6676 大字沟门乡 5258 大石柱子乡 7061
Kuancheng has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Weichang Manchu-Mongolian Autonomous County (围场满族蒙古族自治县 Wéichǎng Mǎnzú-Měnggǔzú Zìzhìxiàn) 9 058 km²
7 urban townships, 30 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 1 special rural township (451 994): 围场镇 59097 四合永镇 24729 克勒沟镇 17411 棋盘山镇 20857 半截塔镇 10534 朝阳地镇 16624 朝阳湾镇 17807 道坝子乡 9006 龙头山乡 10479 腰站乡 20819 黄土坎乡 13050 四道沟乡 7398 兰旗卡伦乡 10152 银窝沟乡 15909 新地乡 16857 广发永乡 9343 育太和乡 7159 郭家湾乡 10461 杨家湾乡 10445 大唤起乡 9184 哈里哈乡 9755 新拨乡 14189 张家湾乡 4571 宝元栈乡 9422 山湾子乡 9410 三义永乡 8974 姜家店乡 7363 下伙房乡 7946 燕格柏乡 5592 牌楼乡 8973 城子乡 11073 老窝铺乡 3129 御道口乡 4345 石桌子乡 5858 大头山乡 10388 南山嘴乡 4238 西龙头乡 4421 塞罕坝机械林场虚拟镇 1619 国营御道口牧场虚拟乡 3407
Weichang has an area of 4.7 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Siheyong (四合永 Sìhéyǒng) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.
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