Monday, February 19, 2007

China (CN) Jilin Province Songyuan Region

Songyuan Region (松原市 Sōngyuán-shì)


Songyuan is a city with a population of 180 000. The city of Songyuan--6 km N of Songyuan (140 000) is in the Songyuan metropolitan area. The major towns of of Changling (35 000), Fuyu (35 000), and Qian'an (35 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Taipingchuan (22 000) in Changling County is also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Songyuan Region contains the Songyuan metropolitan area, 3 ordinary counties, and Qian Gorlos Mongolian Autonomous County. Its area is 20 159 km² and its population is 2 766 036.

Ningjiang District (宁江区 Níngjiāng-qū) 1 269 km²

13 street committees of Songyuan, 4 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special rural township (538 469): 团结街道 17510人、文化街道 30068人、民主街道 23135人、临江街道 21354人、新区街道 14292人、前进街道 24841人、和平街道 44408人、工农街道 20951人、沿江街道 37042人、铁西街道 27416人、繁荣街道 34335人、建设街道 23296人、石化街道 13790人、大洼镇 20681人、风华镇 14524人、善友镇 20712人、毛都站镇 26652人、新城乡 32459人、朝阳乡 19439人、伯都乡 12949人、新民乡 12690人、兴原乡 41944人、华侨农场虚拟乡 3981人

Songyuan (332 438) contains two urban areas. Songyuan
has an area of 16.5 km² and an estimated population of 180 000. Songyuan--6 km N of Songyuan has an area of13.5 km² and an estimated population of 140 000.

Xincheng (
新城 Xīnchéng) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Dawa (
大洼 ) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Maoduzhan (毛都站 Máozhàn) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 4 500. In addition, Jiangjiaweizi (姜家围子 Jiāngjiāwéizi) in Maoduzhan urban township has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Bodu (
伯都 ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Kalunfangzi (
卡伦房子 lúnfángzi) and He'erqile (贺尔其勒 'ěr) in Xingyuan rural township have areas of 1.1 km² and 1.0 km² and estimated populations of 3 500 and 3 000.

Changling County (
长岭县 Chánglǐng-xiàn) 5 787 km²

12 urban townships, 19 rural townships, 1 special rural township (625 830):
长岭镇 69201人、太平川镇 36582人、巨宝镇 32680人、太平山镇 25329人、前七号镇 26757人、新安镇 25187人、三青山镇 33477人、大兴镇 20696人、北正镇 12041人、流水镇 24629人、永久镇 20935人、利发盛镇 16285人、广太乡 16541人、龙风乡 9881人、东六号乡 20701人、集体乡 17522人、光明乡 18585人、三县堡乡 20899人、海青乡 12126人、前进乡 19482人、东岭乡 14573人、二里界乡 17761人、腰坨子乡 18145人、八十八乡 13621人、十家户乡 10099人、永升乡 13584人、三团乡 15621人、三十号乡 11117人、七撮乡 6236人、新风乡 12750人、双龙乡 9312人、腰井子牧场虚拟乡 3475人

has an area of 8.0 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Taipingchuan (
太平川 Tàipíngchuān) has an area of 5.5 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Xin'an (
新安 Xīn'ān) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Qianqihao (
前七号 Qiánhào) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.

Jubao (
巨宝 bǎo) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500. In addition, an unidentified urban area 11.5 km W of Jubao in Jubao urban township has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 4 500.

Lifasheng (利发盛 shèng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Dongling (
东岭 Dōnglǐng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Qianjin (
前进 Qiánjìn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Fuyu County (扶余县 Fúyú-xiàn) 4 464 km²

8 urban townships, 18 rural townships, 1 special rural township (733 746): 长春岭镇 32586人、五家站镇 43057人、陶赖昭镇 32235人、三岔河镇 84194人、蔡家沟镇 36833人、弓棚子镇 28341人、三井子镇 26854人、增盛镇 34639人、四马架乡 27018人、永平乡 29294人、社里乡 24296人、新站乡 25204人、万发乡 34304人、更新乡 25199人、大林乡 25715人、徐家店乡 19155人、伊家店乡 23620人、石桥乡 20691人、三义乡 18262人、肖家乡 21162人、榆树沟乡 22836人、新成局乡 23936人、七家子乡 17725人、大三家子乡 21812人、二龙山乡 16738人、拉林乡 14428人、伊家店农场虚拟乡 3612人

Fuyu is in Sanchahe urban township (
三岔河 Sānchà) and has an area of 4.7 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Caijiagou (
蔡家沟 Càijiāgōu) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Zengsheng (
增盛 Zēngshèng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Sanjingzi (
三井子 Sānjǐngzi) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Changchunling (
长春岭 Chángchūnlǐng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Taolaizhao (
陶赖昭 Táolàizhāo) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500. In addition, Taobei (陶北 Táoběi) in Taolaizhao urban township has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Xinzhan (
新站 Xīnzhàn) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Sheli (
社里 Shè) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Qian'an County (乾安县 Qián'ān-xiàn) 3 522 km²

6 urban townships, 9 rural townships (300 745): 乾安镇 79957人、大布苏镇 15213人、永字镇 22519人、让字镇 23944人、所字镇 10949人、安字镇 27612人、余字乡 13911人、暑字乡 7475人、才字乡 8923人、道字乡 8954人、兰字乡 14532人、仙字乡 16331人、严字乡 15059人、赞字乡 22028人、鳞字乡 13338人

has an area of 6.8 km² and an estimated population of 35 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 3 km E of Qian'an in Qian'an urban township has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Dabusu (
大布苏 ) has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Shuizi (水字 Shuǐ, XZQH has
永字) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

An unidentified urban area 23 km E of Qian'an in Rangzi urban township (
让字 Ràngzi) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Qian Gorlos Mongolian Autonomous County (前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县 Qián Guō'ěrluósī Měnggǔzú Zìzhìxiàn) 5 117 km²

9 urban townships, 16 rural townships, 4 special rural townships (567 246): 前郭镇 61267人、新庙镇 21941人、长山镇 42607人、深井子镇 23170人、乌兰图嘎镇 26525人、查于花镇 20153人、王府站镇 31884人、八郎镇 18596人、哈拉毛都镇 23993人、宝甸乡 13635人、平风乡 28158人、穆家乡 16403人、重新乡 18091人、蒙古屯乡 8492人、达里巴乡 11144人、吉拉吐乡 20145人、新立乡 22109人、洪泉乡 18893人、大山乡 18723人、套浩太乡 13779人、长龙乡 19389人、乌兰塔拉乡 19568人、东三家子乡 14675人、孤店乡 16424人、乌兰敖都乡 11305人、红旗农场虚拟乡 9393人、红光农场虚拟乡 8458人、红星牧场虚拟乡 4369人、查干花种畜场虚拟乡 3957人

Qian Gorlos is in Qianguo urban township (
前郭 Qiánguō) and has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.

Wangfuzhan (
王府站 Wángfǔzhàn) has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.

Xinmiao (新庙 Xīnmiào) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Qagan Hua (
查干花 Chágàn Huā) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.

Shenjingzi (深井子 Shēnjǐngzi) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.

Changshan (
长山 Chángshān) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 6 500. In addition, in an unidentified urban area 3.5 km N of Changshan in Changshan urban township has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Wulantala (
乌兰塔拉 lán) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Baodian (
宝甸 Bǎodiàn) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Ulan Tug (乌兰图嘎 lán ) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Wulan'aodu (
乌兰敖都 lánáo) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Dalba (
达里巴 ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Dashan (大山 Dàshān) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Gudian (
孤店 diàn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Wuyi (五一 Wǔyī)
in an unknown township has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

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