Sunday, March 18, 2007

China (CN) Xinjiang Province Qumul Rural Region

Qumul Rural Region (قۇمۇل ۋىلايىت Qumul Wilayiti/哈密地区 Dìqū)


Qumul is a city with a population of 150 000. The major town of Barköl (20 000) is a county seat in the region. The major towns of Qumul--Tuha (40 000) and Sandaoling Kuangqu (22 000) in Qumul Metropolitan County are also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Qumul Rural Region contains Hami Metropolitan County, Aratürük County, and Barköl Kazakh Autonomous County. Its area is 138 919 km² and its population is 492 096.

Qumul Metropolitan County (قۇمۇل شەھرى Qumul Shehri/哈密市 mì-shì) 81 794 km²

3 street committees of Qumul, 4 urban townships, 12 rural townships, 2 ethnic rural townships (Kazakh), 1 special street committee of Qumul, 1 special urban township, 10 special rural townships (388 714): 东河区街道 47082人、西河区街道 13640人、新市区街道 78225人、雅满苏镇 2586人、七角井镇 2212人、星星峡镇 297人、二堡镇 11960人、沁城乡 7650人、乌拉台哈萨克民族乡 803人、双井子乡 746人、大泉湾乡 10836人、陶家宫乡 22315人、回城乡 8869人、花园乡 8572人、南湖乡 2405人、五堡乡 11391人、德外里都如克哈萨克乡 2425人、西山乡 2982人、天山乡 5940人、白石头乡 1494人、城郊乡 16969人、柳树沟乡 1144人、石油矿区虚拟街道 33594人、三道岭矿区虚拟镇 32369人、园林场虚拟乡 954人、伊吾军马场虚拟乡 3829人、兵团红星一场虚拟乡 7980人、兵团红星二场虚拟乡 7433人、兵团红星三场虚拟乡 4381人、兵团红星四场虚拟乡 4230人、兵团黄田农场虚拟乡 9515人、兵团火箭农场虚拟乡 12619人、兵团柳树泉农场虚拟乡 8972人、兵团红星二牧场虚拟乡 2295人

Qumul (172 541) has an area of 22 km² and an estimated population of 150 000. In addition, Qumul--Tuha (吐哈 ) in Shiyou Kuangqu special urban township (
石油矿区 Shíyóu Kuàngqū) has an area of 4.9 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Sandaoling Kuangqu (
三道岭矿区 Sāndàolǐng Kuàngqū) has an area of 3.2 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Bingtuan Hongxing Sanchang (
兵团红星三场 Bīngtuán Hóngxīng Sānchǎng) of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.

Erpu (
二堡 Èrpù) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.

Hongguang (红光 Hóngguāng) in an unknown township
has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

An unidentified urban area 17 km SE of Qumul in an unknown township
has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Aratürük County (ئارا تۈرۈك ناھىيىسى A
ratürük Nahiyisi/伊吾县 -xiàn) 19 821 km²

1 urban township, 5 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Kazakh), 1 special rural township (17 418):
伊吾镇 3022人、淖毛湖乡 3905人、苇子峡乡 594人、下马崖乡 688人、盐池乡 2840人、吐葫芦乡 2222人、前山哈萨克民族乡 2357人、兵团淖毛湖农场虚拟乡 1790人

There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0
km² or greater in this county.

Barköl Kazakh Autonomous County (باركۆل قازاق ئاپتونوم ناھىيىسى Barköl Qazaq Aptonom Nahiyisi/
巴里坤哈萨克自治县 Bālǐkūn Hāsàkèzú Zìzhìxiàn) 37 304 km²

2 urban townships, 10 rural townships, 2 special rural townships (85 964):
巴里坤镇 12552人、博尔羌吉镇 443人、萨尔乔克乡 4472人、海子沿乡 6229人、下涝坝乡 5273人、大河乡 17842人、奎苏乡 10018人、石人子乡 7531人、花园乡 6504人、三塘湖乡 1403人、大红柳峡乡 2915人、八墙子乡 1458人、兵团红山农场虚拟乡 6533人、兵团红星一牧场虚拟乡 2791人

The Kazakh name is
Barköl Qazaq Autonomiyalyq Audany.

Barköl has an area of 3.5 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

Bingtuan Hongshan Nongchang (
兵团红山农场 Bīngtuán Hóngshān Nóngchǎng) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

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