Wednesday, February 28, 2007

China (CN) Hunan Province Hengyang Region

Hengyang Region (衡阳市 Héngyáng-shì)


Hengyang is a major city with a population of 650 000. The city of Leiyang (110 000) and the major towns of Qidong (40 000), Changning (25 000), Hengshan (25 000), and Hengyangxian (20 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Hengyang Region contains the Hengyang metropolitan area, Nanyue District, 2 metropolitan counties, and 5 ordinary counties. Its area is 15 302 km² and its population is 6 784 891.

The Hengyang metropolitan area has an area of 722 km² and a population of 825 628. The city of Hengyang has a population of 611 952 in 19 street committees. The 1982 Census gives a population of 527 039 in 337 km² for the Hengyang metropolitan area, suggesting about 400 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 2.4% and a 2004 estimated population of 650 000 corresponding to the measured area of 33 km².

Populations in the metropolitan area are given in XZQH separately from the districts: 19 street committees of Hengyang, 1 urban township, 7 rural townships, 1 special urban township: 江东区辖7个街道;总人口177909人:广东路街道43485人、东风路街道21600人、冶金街道20368人、苗圃街道52168人、粤汉街道19851人、东阳街道5513人、新湘街道14924人。  城南区辖5个街道;总人口195001人:先锋街道20424人、雁峰街道40484人、西站街道55499人、黄茶岭街道45814人、白沙洲街道32780人。  城北区辖6个街道;总人口233674人:人民路街道21985人、青山街道39665人、蒸湘街道87670人、潇湘街道33916人、五一街道30028人、合江街道20410人。  郊区辖1个街道、1个镇、7个乡;总人口219044人:黄沙湾街道5368人、茶山坳镇23893人、东阳渡乡29464人、和平乡32857人、酃湖乡21815人、西湖乡27788人、岳屏乡17871人、松木乡17082人、湘江乡30736人、高新技术产业开发区虚拟镇12170人

Shigu District (石鼓区 Shí-qū) 112 km²

The districts of the Hengyang metropolitan area were reorganized on April 4, 2001. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

An unidentified urban area 9 km NE of Hengyang in an unknown urban township has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Yanfeng District (雁峰区 Yànfēng-qū) 93 km²

The districts of the Hengyang metropolitan area were reorganized on April 4, 2001. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Zhengxiang District (蒸湘区 Zhēngxiāng-qū) 111 km²

The districts of the Hengyang metropolitan area were reorganized on April 4, 2001. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Zhuhui District (珠晖区 Zhūhuīyuè-qū) 227 km²

The districts of the Hengyang metropolitan area were reorganized on April 4, 2001. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Dongyangdu (东阳渡 Dōngyáng) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Nanyue District (南岳区 Nányuè-qū) 179 km²

1 street committee of Nanyue, 1 urban township, 2 rural townships (53 423): 祝融街道 16092 南岳镇 31459 岳林乡 2018 龙风乡 2249 拜殿乡 1605

Nanyue (16 092) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Changning Metropolitan County (
常宁市 Chángníng-shì) 2 052 km²

16 urban townships, 6 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Yao) (795 223):
宜阳镇 67354 柏坊镇 58246 松柏镇 70352 烟洲镇 33714 荫田镇 33285 白沙镇 28668 西岭镇 30072 盐湖镇 22583 三角塘镇 28631 洋泉镇 62182 庙前镇 15163 罗桥镇 32883 板桥镇 38649 胜桥镇 41280 官岭镇 39075 新河镇 29666 宜潭乡 38842 蓬塘乡 41684 兰江乡 31768 大堡乡 27734 江河乡 13741 弥泉乡 1766 蒲竹瑶族乡 7885

Changning is in Yiyang urban township (
宜阳 yáng) and has an area of 3.7 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Leiyang Metropolitan County (
耒阳市 Lěiyáng-shì) 2 649 km²

3 street committees of Leiyang, 13 urban townships, 18 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Leiyang (1 180 235): 蔡子池街道 119009 灶市街道 43742 水东江街道 22453 黄市镇 36604 小水镇 63010 公平圩镇 40109 泗门洲镇 37886 三都镇 34792 南阳镇 45699 竹市镇 31156 夏塘镇 39185 龙塘镇 30734 哲桥镇 47517 永济镇 29842 遥田镇 28623 新市镇 39394 洲陂乡 15978 亮源乡 22478 马水乡 29395 太平圩乡 19612 导子乡 29218 东湖圩乡 37191 上架乡 17969 沙明乡 5542 大义乡 37800 磨形乡 14952 南京乡 23435 仁义乡 38383 余庆乡 28528 长坪乡 27796 太和圩乡 34004 坛下乡 23285 大市乡 54194 肥田乡 25791 虚拟街道 4929

Leiyang (190 133)
has an area of 11.5 km² and an estimated population of 100 000.

Hengdong County (
衡东县 Héngdōng-xiàn) 1 926 km²

11 urban townships, 13 rural townships, 1 special urban township (594 131):
城关镇 36817 石湾镇 31721 新塘镇 43850 大浦镇 40464 吴集镇 36707 甘溪镇 28156 杨林镇 26512 草市镇 28444 杨桥镇 28012 霞流镇 30621 荣桓镇 20692 莫井乡 10960 踏庄乡 13620 高塘乡 18599 高湖乡 26248 南湾乡 11971 横路乡 22908 白莲乡 24958 大桥乡 19106 三樟乡 18332 栗木乡 13372 珍珠乡 17847 石滩乡 27159 德圳乡 11644 七一二矿虚拟镇 5411

Xintang (
新塘 Xīntáng) is a suburb of Hengshan in Hengshan County.

Hengdong is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Shiwan (
石湾 Shíwān) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Hengnan County (
衡南县 Héngnán-xiàn) 2 621 km²

21 urban townships, 3 rural townships, 1 special urban township (982 217):
云集镇 36940 向阳镇 40816 廖田镇 25068 茶市镇 29934 冠市镇 40944 江口镇 50965 宝盖镇 43229 花桥镇 48131 铁丝塘镇 19245 泉溪镇 47816 洪山镇 38952 三塘镇 75736 谭子山镇 44664 鸡笼镇 42624 泉湖镇 34262 柞市镇 29216 茅市镇 53800 硫市镇 41370 栗江镇 57525 近尾洲镇 27860 车江镇 42946 相市乡 27089 洲市乡 37901 松江乡 42576 川口钨矿虚拟镇 2608

Santang (
三塘 Sāntáng), which is not the county seat, has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Hengshan County (
衡山县 Héngshān-xiàn) 936 km²

8 urban townships, 10 rural townships (381 300):
开云镇 50784 白果镇 30396 东湖镇 18834 萱洲镇 18812 长江镇 29210 新桥镇 24516 马迹镇 11543 店门镇 26297 贺家乡 15800 永和乡 26276 沙泉乡 18087 福田铺乡 16111 岭坡乡 12074 望峰乡 10944 长青乡 17460 贯塘乡 16799 江东乡 16030 师古乡 21327

Hengshan is in Kaiyun urban township (
开云 Kāiyún) and has an area of 3.2 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Hengyang County (
衡阳县 Héngyáng-xiàn) 2 502 km²

14 urban townships, 11 rural townships (1 087 777):
西渡镇 143772 集兵镇 29312 呆鹰岭镇 47511 杉桥镇 21432 井头镇 59958 演陂镇 37399 金兰镇 67040 洪市镇 50507 曲兰镇 43594 金溪镇 33398 界牌镇 28456 渣江镇 61622 三湖镇 48336 台源镇 49757 樟木乡 25023 岣嵝乡 20907 角山乡 24848 岘山乡 56273 关市乡 43191 栏栊乡 20249 库宗乡 42148 大安乡 36625 溪江乡 33625 石市乡 46495 长安乡 16299

Hengyangxian (
衡阳县 Héngyángxiàn) is in Xidu urban township (西渡 ) and has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

Qidong County (
祁东县 dōng-xiàn) 1 871 km²

19 urban townships, 4 rural townships (884 957):
洪桥镇 125851 白鹤铺镇 41627 金桥镇 42534 鸟江镇 25304 粮市镇 17546 河洲镇 30224 归阳镇 38346 过水坪镇 45161 双桥镇 40230 灵官镇 34927 风石堰镇 42338 白地市镇 63975 黄土铺镇 41559 石亭子镇 30100 官家嘴镇 34107 步云桥镇 61396 砖塘镇 35137 蒋家桥镇 35600 太和堂镇 50224 马杜桥乡 12736 风歧坪乡 11331 城连墟乡 22340 四明山乡 2364

Qidong is in Hongqiao urban township (
洪桥 ) and has an area of 4.1 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Baidishi (
白地市 Báishì) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

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