Wednesday, February 28, 2007

China (CN) Hunan Province Loudi Region

Loudi Region (娄底市 Lóu-shì)


Loudi is a city with a population of 250 000. The major towns of Lengshuijiang (90 000), Lianyuan (70 000), Xinhua (60 000), and Shuangfeng (30 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Heqing (28 000) in Lengshuijiang Metropolitan county is also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Loudi Region contains the Loudi metropolitan area, 2 metropolitan counties, and 2 ordinary counties. Its area is 8 107 km² and its population is 3 783 233.

Louxing District (娄星区 Lóuxīng-qū) 428 km²

4 street committees of Louxing, 3 urban townships, 7 rural townships (398 577): 乐坪街道 56554 花山街道 34902 黄泥塘街道 52390 长青街道 62716 杉山镇 24643 万宝镇 19071 西阳镇 22835 大科乡 17264 涟滨乡 29431 百亩乡 12867 小碧乡 13684 双江乡 14804 石井乡 18500 茶园乡 18916

Loudi (206 562) has an area of 20 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.

Lengshuijiang Metropolitan County (
冷水江市 Lěngshuǐjiāng-shì) 436 km²

4 street committees of Lengshuijiang, 5 urban townships, 7 rural townships (339 701):
冷水江街道 81038 锡矿山街道 16370 沙塘湾街道 14607 布溪街道 15343 禾青镇 28222 岩口镇 17889 渣渡镇 18818 铎山镇 22041 毛易镇 18217 潘桥乡 14729 三尖乡 17918 金竹山乡 15421 梓龙乡 9164 矿山乡 14269 中连乡 23520 同兴乡 12135

Lengshuijiang (127 358)
has an area of 10 km² and an estimated population of 90 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 8.5 km NE of Lengshuijiang and Lengshuijiang--Xikuangshan (锡矿山 kuàngshān) in the street committee area have areas of 2.7 km² and 1.1 km² and estimated populations of 22 000 and 9 000.

Heqing (
禾青 qīng) has an area of 3.3 km² and an estimated population of 28 000.

Lianyuan Metropolitan County (
涟源市 Liányuán-shì) 1 895 km²

1 street committee of Lianyuan, 15 urban townships, 4 rural townships (996 893):
蓝田街道 57479 六亩塘镇 55012 石马山镇 71268 安平镇 43446 湄江镇 47874 伏口镇 51354 桥头河镇 93920 七星街镇 73242 杨市镇 72248 枫坪镇 23910 斗笠山镇 49475 水洞底镇 42212 白马镇 37549 茅塘镇 25305 荷塘镇 46310 金石镇 52507 三甲乡 41535 龙塘乡 64648 古塘乡 18723 渡头塘乡 28876

Lianyuan (57 479)
has an area of 8.2 km² and an estimated population of 70 000.

Fengping (
枫坪 Fēngpíng) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Qixingjie (
七星街 Qīxīngjiē) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 7 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 2 km SE of Qixingjie has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Shuangfeng County (
双峰县 Shuāngfēng-xiàn) 1 713 km²

13 urban townships, 3 rural townships (840 626):
永丰镇 88040 荷叶镇 51405 井字镇 31906 梓门桥镇 61235 杏子铺镇 66583 走马街镇 61869 蛇形山镇 62017 洪山殿镇 44234 甘棠镇 70230 三塘铺镇 44793 青树坪镇 62109 花门镇 53995 锁石镇 31929 石牛乡 39060 沙塘乡 27663 印塘乡 43558

Shuangfeng is in Yongfeng urban township (
永丰 Yǒngfēng) and has an area of 4.0 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Xinhua County (
新化县 Xīnhuà-xiàn) 3 635 km²

18 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 2 special rural townships (1 207 436):
上梅镇 121354 石冲口镇 54465 洋溪镇 65317 槎溪镇 30398 水车镇 35363 文田镇 21301 奉家镇 21003 炉观镇 59667 游家镇 62120 西河镇 61336 孟公镇 64395 琅塘镇 49949 白溪镇 62116 圳上镇 56759 吉庆镇 43682 温塘镇 49792 田坪镇 34152 桑梓镇 57338 曹家镇 55486 科头乡 36109 维山乡 34561 天门乡 11606 荣华乡 23064 金凤乡 15742 油溪乡 27087 坐石乡 24617 梅苑开发区虚拟镇 21928 大熊山国有林场虚拟乡 3235 古台山国有耕场虚拟乡 3494

Xinhua is in Shangmei urban township (
上梅 Shàngméi) and has an area of 7.2 km² and an estimated population of 60 000.

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