Monday, February 26, 2007

China (CN) Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Ordos Region

Ordos Region (鄂尔多斯市 È'ěrdsī-shì)


Dongsheng, the capital, is a city with a population of 200 000. The major towns of Shulinzhao (90 000, in Dalad Banner), Xuejiawan (50 000, in Jungar Banner), Aleshaoqi (25 000, in Otog Front Banner), Altan Xiret (25 000, in Ejin Horo Banner), Ulan (25 000, in Otog Banner), Xin (22 000, in Hanggin Banner), and Dabqig (20 000, in Uxin Banner) are county seats in the region. The major town of Qipanjing (20 000) in Otog Banner is also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Ordos Region contains the Dongsheng metropolitan area and 7 banners. Its area is 86 752 km² and its population is 1 369 766.

Dongsheng District (东胜区 Dōngshèng-qū) 2 137 km²

4 street committees of Dongsheng, 5 urban townships, 5 rural townships (252 566): 交通街道 53396 公园街道 36270 林荫街道 35399 建设街道 54545 泊尔江海子镇 4746 柴登镇 4965 罕台镇 6222 万利镇 4796 铜川镇 5953 巴音敖包乡 2542 漫赖乡 4484 布日都梁乡 3984 羊场壕乡 32120 潮脑粱乡 3144

Dongsheng (179 610) has an area of 16.5 km² and an estimated population of 200 000.

Dalad Banner (
达拉特旗 lā-qí) 8 192 km²

9 urban townships, 13 rural townships, 1 Mogolian township (311 608):
树林召镇 81120 白泥井镇 14975 大树湾镇 18105 解放滩镇 14694 高头窑镇 9239 耳子壕镇 8509 新民堡镇 8123 中和西镇 7806 吉格斯太镇 14376 乌兰乡 7657 四村乡 11920 昭君坟乡 5523 树林召乡 39295 王爱召乡 9753 榆林子乡 8613 德胜泰乡 11487 蓿亥图乡 5846 呼斯梁乡 4980 青达门乡 7160 盐店乡 5352 敖包梁乡 5823 马场壕乡 6181 展旦召苏木 5071

Shulinzhao (
树林召 Shùlínzhào), the county seat, has an area of 12.5 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.

Huangniuyingzi (黄牛营子 Huángniúyíngzi) in
Deshengtai rural township (德胜泰 shèngtài) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Ejin Horo Banner (
伊金霍洛旗 jīn Huòluò-qí) 5 958 km²

7 urban townships, 3 Mongolian townships, 6 rural townships (147 739):
阿勒腾席热镇 29440 新街镇 9345 乌兰木伦镇 24722 纳林陶亥镇 5794 台吉召镇 6990 纳林希里镇 11938 红庆河镇 9016 台格苏木 8331 苏布尔嘎苏木4981 伊金霍洛苏木4622 新庙乡7321 哈巴格希乡5255 合同庙乡3832 公尼召乡7307 布连乡5564 布尔台格乡3281

Altan Xiret (
阿勒腾席热 Āténg ), the county seat, has an area of 3.9 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Hanggin Banner (
杭锦旗 Hángjǐn-) 18 903 km²

7 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 6 Mongolian townships (122 744):
锡尼镇 24033 巴拉贡镇 11829 呼和木独镇 7584 吉日嘎朗图镇 12142 独贵塔拉镇 9800 巴音乌素镇 7433 伊和乌紊镇 7542 杭锦淖尔乡 6786 塔然高勒乡 4711 阿门其日格乡 4481 胜利乡 5852 四十里粱乡 5148 巴音恩格尔苏木 2436 浩绕柴达木苏木 4438 夭斯图苏木 3091 阿日斯楞图苏木 1988 巴音补拉格苏木 2186 图古日格苏木 1264

Xin (
锡尼 ), the county seat, has an area of 4.3 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Balagong (
巴拉贡 gòng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.

Ih Us (伊和乌素
, XZQH has 伊和乌紊) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Jungar Banner (
准格尔旗 Zhǔngé'ěr-) 7 535 km²

7 urban townships, 20 rural townships (271 298):
薛家湾镇 57251 沙圪堵镇 20307 马栅镇 21920 东孔兑镇 11028 魏家峁镇 10991 纳林镇 10579 神山镇 5383 长滩乡 6835 海子塔乡 7182 巴润哈岱乡 3265 哈岱高勒乡 14985 窑沟乡 10466 大路乡 6936 十二连城乡 6242 蓿亥图乡 13065 布尔陶亥乡 7854 德胜西乡 4334 暖水乡 5758 四道柳乡 2447 准格尔召乡 4278 羊市塔乡 7219 乌日图高勒乡 6366 大路峁乡 3889 敖斯润陶亥乡 3513 布尔敦高勒乡 3693 西营子乡 4351 沙圪堵乡 11161

Xuejiawan (
薛家湾 Xuējiāwān), the county seat, has an area of 4.6 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.

Shagedu (
沙圪堵 Shā) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Otog Banner (
鄂托克旗 Ètuō-qí) 20 064 km²

6 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 4 Mongolian townships (100 072): 乌兰镇 26002 棋盘井镇 13976 碱柜镇 7179 包乐浩晓镇 2588 察汉淖尔镇 5431 沙井镇 10686 木凯淖尔乡 3835 公其日嘎乡 4582 阿尔巴斯苏木 10494 新召苏木 4338 查布苏木 5992 苏米图苏木 4969

Ulan (
乌兰 lán), the county seat, has an area of 4.1 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Qipanjing (
棋盘井 Qípánjǐng) has an area of 4.3 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

Otog Front Banner (
鄂托克前旗 Ètuō Qián) 12 318 km²

5 urban townships, 1 rural township, 3 Mongolian townships (66 866):
敖勒召其镇26492 三段地镇5542 上海庙镇2230 昂素镇6271 城川镇9782 二道川乡4173 布拉格苏木4259 毛盖图苏木3594 珠和苏木4523

Aleshaoqi (
敖勒召其 Áolèshào) , the county seat, has an area of 4.1 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Uxin Banner (
乌审旗 shěn-) 11 645 km²

6 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 2 Mongolian townships (96 873):
达布察克镇20556 合同查干淖尔镇7643 图克镇3886 沙尔利格镇6809 陶利镇4358 乌兰陶勒盖镇3828 河南乡15937 纳林河乡10973 巴彦柴达木乡2698 黄陶勒盖乡2890 呼吉尔图特乡3933 乌兰什巴尔台乡2762 浩勒报吉乡3394 嘎鲁图苏木4896 乌审召苏木2310

Dabqig (
达布察克 chá), the county seat, has an area of 3.1 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

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