Sunday, February 18, 2007

China (CN) Jilin Province Changchun Region

Changchun Region (长春市 Chángchūn-shì)


Changchun is a major city with a population of 2 800 000. The major towns of Shuangyang (70 000) in Shuangyang District, Xinglongshan (22 000) in Kuancheng District and Datun (20 000) in Chaoyang District are in the Changchun metroopolitan area. The city of Yushu (100 000) and the major towns of Dehui (90 000), Nong'an (80 000), and Jiutai (75 000) are county seats in the region. The major towns of Jiutai--Yingcheng/Huoshiling (45 000) in Jiutai Metropolitan County are also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Changchun Region contains the Changchun metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, and one ordinary county. Its area is 20 565 km² and its population is 7 135 439.

In 2005, the Changchun metropolitan area annexed parts of Dehui Metropolitan County and Jiutai Metropolitan County. The areas given are for the new districts.

The Changchun metropolitan area has an area of 4 682 km² and a 2000 Census population of 3 389 458 within the new boundary. This area is divided into 6 districts. The city of Changchun has a population of 2 211 222 in 39 street committees and 1 special street committee. The 2000 Census gives a population of 2 554 752 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 1 757 083 in 1 116 km² for the Changchun metropolitan area, which suggests about 1 600 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 2.6%. This rate gives an estimate for 2004 of 2 800 000 corresponding to the measured area of 210 km². Other estimates in the metropolitan area are given under the corresponding districts.

Chaoyang District (朝阳区 Cháoyáng-) 379 km²

8 street committees of Changchun, 3 urban townships, 1 rural township (714 437): 南站街道 42274 桂林街道 74232 南湖街道 76366 永昌街道 61812 重庆街道 46182 清和街道 79938 红旗街道 100340 湖西街道 100848 大屯镇 39550 乐山镇 25919 永春镇 17100 双德乡 49876

Shuangde (双德 Shuāng) is a suburb of Changchun.

Datun (大屯 tún) has an area of 5.0 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

Sanjiazi (三家子 Sānjiāzi) in Shuangde rural township
has an area of 3.3 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.

Erdao District (
二道区 Èrdào-qū) 965 km²

6 street committees of Changchun, 3 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Changchun (478 002): 东盛街道 55765人、吉林街道 41129人、荣光街道 64806人、东站街道 43472人、远达街道 26181人、八里堡街道 36512人、三道镇 17917人、劝农山镇 16929人、泉眼镇 16197人、英俊乡 54686人、四家乡 11278人、经济技术开发区虚拟街道 93130人

In 2005, Erdao District annexed part of Jiutai Metropolitan County. The 2000 Census population within the new boundary is 585 607.

Sandao (三道 Sāndào) and Yingjun (英俊 Yīngjùn) are suburbs of Changchun.

Kalun (卡伦 lún), formerly in Jiutai Metropolitan County,
has an area of 3.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Longjiapu (龙家堡 Lóngjiā), formerly in Jiutai Metropolitan County,
has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Kuancheng District (宽城区 Kuānchéng-qū) 877 km²

9 street committees of Changchun, 2 urban townships, 1 rural township (479 349): 新发街道 33701人、站前街道 62763人、南广街道 24118人、东广街道 13619人、群英街道 41325人、兴业街道 52537人、凯旋街道 42870人、团山街道 25882人、柳影街道 53361人、兴隆山镇 57732人、兰家镇 22531人、奋进乡 48910人

In 2005, Kuancheng District annexed part of Dehui Metropolitan County. The 2000 Census population within the new boundary is 536 545.

Fenjin (奋进 Fènjìn) is a suburb of Changchun.

Xinglongshan (兴隆山 Xīnglóngshān)
has an area of 4.4 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Mishazi (
米沙子 shāzi), formerly in Dehui Metropolitan County, has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.

Wanbao (万宝 Wànbǎo), formerly in Dehui Metropolitan County, has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Lüyuan District (
绿园区 Lǜyuán-qū) 301 km²

6 street committees of Changchun, 2 urban townships, 1 rural township (617 153): 正阳街道 79865人、普阳街道 76614人、锦程街道 168789人、春城街道 42324人、铁西街道 61471人、青年路街道 42025人、合心镇 21698人、西新镇 53105人、城西乡 71262人

Chengxi (城西 Chéng) and Xixin (西新 xīn) are suburbs of Changchun.

Nanguan District (
南关区 Nánguān-) 497 km²

11 street committees of Changchun, 4 urban townships, 1 rural township (576 658): 南岭街道 87902人、自强街道 38946人、民康街道 32315人、新春街道 42536人、长通街道 41822人、全安街道 49651人、曙光街道 51250人、永吉街道 44533人、桃源街道 29707人、永兴街道 28309人、新立城镇 21035人、大南镇 20157人、玉潭镇 14342人、净月镇 26604人、幸福乡 47549人

Jingyue (净月 Jìngyuè) and Xingfu (幸福 Xìngfú) are suburbs of Changchun.

Xiaojie (小街 Xiǎojiē) and an unidentified urban area 3 km S of Xiaojie in Xinlicheng urban township (新立城 Xīnchéng) have areas of 2.0 km² and 1.6 km² and estimated populations of 8 000 and 8 000.

Shuangyang District (双阳区 Shuāngyáng-) 1 663 km²

4 street committees of Shuangyang, 5 urban townships, 4 rural townships (359 058): 云山街道 47262人、平湖街道 57780人、奢岭街道 27984人、山河街道 32726人、新安镇 21533人、鹿乡镇 21614人、太平镇 25434人、土顶镇 20238人、齐家镇 24814人、石溪乡 25434人、佟家乡 18825人、长岭乡 22945人、双营子乡 13369人

Shuangyang (165 752)
has an area of 10.5 km² and an estimated population of 70 000. Shanhe (山河 Shānhé) and Sheling (奢岭 Shēlǐng) and street committees lie outside the urban area.

Xin'an (新安 Xīn'ān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Luxiang (鹿乡 xiāng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Qijia (
齐家 jiā) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Dehui Metropolitan County (德惠市 Déhuì-shì) 3 096 km²

4 street committees of Dehui, 15 urban townships, 8 rural townships (878 349): 胜利街道 46342人、和平街道 31325人、惠发街道 10406人、建设街道 68055人、大青嘴镇 34841人、郭家镇 39186人、松花江镇 38105人、达家沟镇 33371人、大房身镇 31784人、岔路口镇 53499人、朱城子镇 29866人、米沙子镇 28766人、万宝镇 28430人、夏家店镇 27084人、布海镇 21793人、天台镇 37598人、菜园子镇 40596人、杨树镇 29832人、升阳镇 23057人、松柏乡 17166人、同太乡 22441人、和平乡 26999人、边岗乡 44640人、五台乡 33931人、朝阳乡 38479人、沃皮乡 18946人、三胜乡 21811人

In 2005, the Changchun metropolitan area annexed part of Dehui Metropolitan County. The area within the new boundary has a 2000 Census population of 821 153.

Dehui (156 128) has an area of 12 km² and an estimated population of 90 000. Dehui--3 km S of Dehui has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 6 000. Dehui--Songbo (松柏 Sōngbò) in Huifa street committee (惠发 Huì) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 4 500.

Guojia (
郭家 Guōjiā) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.

(布海 hǎi) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.

Zhuchengzi (
朱城子 Zhūchéngzi) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 4 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 4.5 km NE of Zhuchengzi in Zhuchengzi urban township has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Chalukou (
岔路口 Chàlùkǒu) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Wopi (
沃皮 ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Taipingzhuang (太平庄 Tàipíngzhuāng) in Biangang rural township (
边岗 Biāngǎng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Jiutai Metropolitan County (九台市 Jiǔtái-shì) 2 875 km²

5 street committees of Jiutai, 12 urban townships, 13 rural townships (799 729): 团结街道 39094人、工农街道 38910人、南山街道 28242人、营城街道 28028人、火石岭街道 28121人、沐石河镇 32564人、城子街镇 25185人、其塔木镇 46386人、上河湾镇 27655人、西营城镇 23541人、土们岭镇 14265人、饮马河镇 22439人、龙家堡镇 33326人、卡伦镇 48992人、苇子沟镇 28419人、兴隆镇 21562人、东湖镇 25287人、九郊乡 36361人、春阳乡 17172人、纪家乡 17063人、庆阳乡 27756人、卢家乡 24524人、六台乡 24285人、胡家乡 22605人、莽卡乡 30820人、三台乡 21994人、二道沟乡 13125人、加工河乡 17199人、波泥河乡 17176人、鸡鸣山乡 17633人

In 2005, the Changchun metropolitan area annexed part of Jiutai Metropolitan County. The area within the new boundary has a 2000 Census population of 692 124.

Jiutai (162 395)
has an area of 10.5 km² and an estimated population of 75 000. Jiutai--Yingcheng/Huoshiling (营城/火石岭 Yíngchéng/Huǒshílǐng) has an area of 8.9 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.

Shanghewan (
上河湾 Shàngwān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Mushihe (
沐石河 shí) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Qitamu (
其塔木 ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Yushu Metropolitan County (榆树市 Yúshù-shì) 4 691 km²

4 street committees of Yushu, 16 urban townships, 20 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Korean) (1 155 670): 华昌街道 38942人、正阳街道 46746人、培英街道 22448人、城郊街道 29364人、五棵树镇 45244人、弓棚镇 35475人、闵家镇 33534人、大坡镇 32692人、黑林镇 28377人、土桥镇 23507人、新立镇 29803人、大岭镇 32312人、向阳镇 29316人、泗河镇 31617人、八号镇 29803人、刘家镇 29984人、秀水镇 26908人、保寿镇 35564人、怀家镇 24159人、新庄镇 37963人、育民乡 29840人、红星乡 32396人、大岗乡 23318人、武龙乡 27255人、太安乡 28121人、先峰乡 27609人、前进乡 19907人、大于乡 21843人、谢家乡 20482人、光明乡 22172人、十四户乡 18741人、青顶乡 20888人、于家乡 18604人、青山乡 27307人、延和朝鲜族乡 1356人、双井乡 32057人、恩育乡 32320人、城发乡 22750人、李合乡 23575人、福安乡 26960人、环城乡 34411人

Yushu (137 500)
has an area of 13 km² and an estimated population of 100 000.

Wukeshu (
五棵树 shù) has an area of 3.5 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Xinli (
新立 Xīn) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Baoshou (保寿 Bǎoshòu) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Gongpeng (
弓棚 Gōngpéng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Minjia (
闵家 Mǐnjiā) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Sihe (
泗河 ) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Dayu (
大于 Dàyú) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Nong'an County (农安县 Nóng'ān-xiàn) 5 221 km²

13 urban townships, 13 rural townships (1 076 134): 农安镇 204513人、伏龙泉镇 38114人、哈拉海镇 45845人、靠山镇 29032人、合隆镇 61674人、开安镇 59060人、烧锅镇 28034人、高家店镇 31105人、鲍家镇 23258人、华家镇 41131人、柴岗镇 26764人、三盛玉镇 38240人、巴吉垒镇 52010人、滨河乡 31135人、前岗乡 22626人、龙王乡 26893人、三岗乡 30033人、万顺乡 38740人、杨树林乡 36439人、新阳乡 20097人、永安乡 27812人、青山口乡 31037人、黄鱼圈乡 31021人、新农乡 34003人、万金塔乡 35048人、小城子乡 32470人

has an area of 11 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.

Fulongquan (
伏龙泉 lóngquán) has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.

Helong (
合隆 lóng) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Kaoshan (
靠山 Kàoshān) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.

Kai'an (
开安 Kāi'ān) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.

Halahai (
哈拉海 hǎi) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 5 000. In addition, Chezhan (车站 Chēzhàn) in Halahai urban township has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Sanshengyu (
三盛玉 Sānshèng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Baojia (
鲍家 Bàojiā) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Gaojiadian (
高家店 Gāojiādiàn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Wanjinta (
万金塔 Wànjīn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 8.5 km SW of Wanjinta in Wanjinta rural township has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Wanshun (
万顺 Wànshùn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

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