Fushun is a major city with a population of 1 500 000. The major towns of Qingyuan (25 000) and Xinbin (22 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Fushun Region contains the Fushun metropolitan area, Fushun County, and 2 autonomous counties. Its area is 11 271 km² and its population is 2 260 290.
The Fushun metropolitan area has an area of 748 km² and a population of 1 434 447. This area is divided into 4 districts. The city of Fushun has a population of 1 356 529 in 34 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 1 394 666 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 1 192 814 in 713 km² for the Anshan metropolitan area, which suggests about 1 100 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 1.3%. This rate gives an estimate for 2004 of 1 500 000 corresponding to the measured area of 93 km².
In 2004, the Fushun metropolitan area annexed part of Fushun County. The areas are given for the new districts. Chinese-reading readers may consult for the details of the reorganization.
Dongzhou District (东洲区) 227 km²
10 street committees of Fushun, 2 rural townships (345 778): 搭连街道 28688 东洲街道 76547 张匐街道 8976 龙凤街道 43009 新屯街道 33338 万新街道 34071 老虎台街道 37359 平山街道 14998 南花园街道 22291 刘山街道 19536 碾盘乡 9678 千金乡 17287
In 2004, this district annexed part of Fushun County. The area transferred has an area of 35 km² and a population of 37 500. The 2000 Census populations of the transferred area are given under Fushun County.
Fushun--Zhangdang (章党 Zhāngdǎng), formerly known as Fuxinxian, has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 7 000. The street committee is listed under Fushun County, of which it was the county seat.
Nianpan (碾盘 Niǎnpán) is a suburb of Fushun.
Shuncheng District (顺城区 Shùnchéng-qū) 277 km²
7 street committees of Fushun, 1 urban township, 2 rural townships (397 617): 河东街道 30970 施家街道 21217 新华街道 53800 抚顺城街道 75310 将军堡街道 92897 戈布街道 48720 戈布新村街道 19469 前甸镇 19055 河北乡 20612 会元乡 15567
Wanghua District (望花区 Wànghuā-qū) 214 km²
11 street committees of Fushun, 1 urban township (387 473): 建设街道 55753 五老街道 19684 古城子街道 22134 演武街道 11477 朴屯街道 47106 光明街道 29302 和平街道 50078 新民街道 36988 工农街道 36759 田屯街道 16088 李石街道 45773 塔峪镇 16331
Xinfu District (新抚区 Xīnfǔ-qū) 30 km²
6 street committees of Fushun (303 579): 永安台街道 63177 站前街道 67475 福民街道 65310 新抚街道 46275 榆林街道 20340 公园街道 41002
Fushun County (抚顺县 Fǔshùn-xiàn) 2 315 km²
1 street committee of Fuxinxian, 3 urban townships, 9 rural townships (223 297): 章党街道 28459 章党镇 26670 石文镇 22525 后安镇 17508 哈达乡 28100 上马乡 19604 兰山乡 6118 拉古乡 17067 救兵乡 21525 夹河乡 8865 海浪乡 13223 汤图乡 7495 马圈子乡 6138
Fuxinxian and part of Zhangdang urban township were annexed by the Fushun metropolitan area in 2000.
Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County (清原满族自治县 Qīngyuán Mǎnzú Zìzhìxiàn) 3 921 km²
9 urban townships, 5 rural townships (317 842): 清原镇 86489 红透山镇 31656 草市镇 15367 南山城镇 27393 南口前镇 23428 夏家堡镇 27936 英额门镇 16645 湾甸子镇 15635 大孤家镇 18983 敖家堡乡 9765 北三家乡 14796 土口子乡 14154 大苏河乡 8595 枸乃甸乡 7000
Qingyuan has an area of 3.3 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County (新宾满族自治县 Xīnbīn Mǎnzú Zìzhìxiàn) 4 287 km²
9 urban townships, 6 rural townships (284 704): 新宾镇 63189 永陵镇 37451 南杂木镇 20313 旺清门镇 14034 平顶山镇 18354 苇子峪镇 14745 木奇镇 18792 上夹河镇 15678 大四平镇 21146 红升乡 8035 北四平乡 8895 响水河子乡 7751 红庙子乡 13580 榆树乡 13139 下夹河乡 9602
Xinbin has an area of 3.3 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Yongling (永陵 Yǒnglíng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
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