Hechi Region (河池市
Hechi is a city with a population of 110 000. The major towns of Yizhou (60 000) and Dahua (50 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Hechi Region contains the Hechi metropolitan area, Yizhou Metropolitan County, 4 ordinary counties, and 5 autonomous counties. Its area is 33 494 km² and its population is 3 523 693.
Jinchengjiang District (金城江区 ) 2 340 km²
Hechi Metropolitan County: 7 urban townships, 7 rural townships (318 348): 金城江镇 121911 东江镇 32350 六圩镇 24560 六甲镇 14051 河池镇 18213 拔贡镇 14161 九圩镇 19196 白土乡 14471 五圩乡 12595 下考乡 6414 侧岭乡 9512 保平乡 10429 长老乡 13309 三旺乡 7176
On June 18, 2002, Hechi became a metropolitan area.
Hechi is in Jinchengjiang urban township and has an area of 9.4 km² and an estimated population of 110 000.
Yizhou Metropolitan County (宜州市 ) 3 869 km²
7 urban townships, 12 rural townships, 2 ethnic rural townships (Yao) (549 434): 庆远镇 85255 三岔镇 15405 洛西镇 23219 怀远镇 43315 德胜镇 42861 石别镇 25801 北山镇 25696 祥贝乡 16482 流河乡 21333 三合乡 13010 屏南乡 19402 洛东乡 21230 矮山乡 27327 太平乡 20169 福龙瑶族乡 33524 北牙瑶族乡 31338 拉利乡 14474 同德乡 16164 安马乡 19756 拉浪乡 12588 龙头乡 21085
Yizhou is in Qingyuan urban township (庆远 ) and has an area of 6.3 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Desheng (德胜 ) has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Donglan County (东兰县 ) 2 435 km²
5 urban townships, 15 rural townships, 3 ethnic rural townships (Yao) (246 715): 东兰镇 36379 隘洞镇 25989 三石镇 13378 武篆镇 13194 长乐镇 18486 泗孟乡 11484 切学乡 7599 坡拉乡 8381 四合乡 4857 五联瑶族乡 5362 中山瑶族乡 6836 兰木乡 8315 弄占乡 6504 长江乡 13811 兰阳乡 10013 巴畴乡 7801 金谷乡 10261 堂房乡 4588 三弄瑶族乡 4449 大同乡 7034 坡豪乡 6132 板坡乡 5490 坡峨乡 10372
There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.
Fengshan County (凤山县 ) 1 743 km²
1 urban township, 7 rural townships, 3 ethnic rural townships (Yao) (164 807): 凤城镇 35027 袍里乡 10651 砦牙乡 14437 长洲乡 19380 乔音乡 16102 林峒乡 10741 金牙瑶族乡 11510 更沙乡 8281 中亭乡 11164 平乐瑶族乡 18348 江洲瑶族乡 9166
There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.
Nandan County (南丹县 ) 3 902 km²
8 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 3 ethnic rural townships (1 Miao, 2 Yao) (318 844): 城关镇 37083 大厂镇 58636 车河镇 28983 小场镇 22797 芒场镇 24313 六寨镇 27757 月里镇 21774 吾隘镇 15936 罗富乡 24179 巴定乡 13272 中堡苗族乡 6673 八圩瑶族乡 19782 里湖瑶族乡 17659
Nandan is in Chengguan urban township (城关 ) and has an area of 3.9 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.
Dachang (大厂 ) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.
Tian'e County (天峨县 ) 3 196 km²
2 urban townships, 8 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Yao) (141 649): 六排镇 31333 向阳镇 16466 岜暮乡 10752 八腊瑶族乡 7803 老鹏乡 9967 纳直乡 6255 更新乡 13398 燕来乡 8619 下老乡 11511 坡结乡 12221 三堡乡 13324
Tian'e is in Liupai urban township (六排 ) and has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.
Bama Yao Autonomous County (巴马瑶族自治县 ) 1 966 km²
1 urban township, 11 rural townships (218 724): 巴马镇 56034 燕洞乡 21665 甲篆乡 19778 那社乡 13764 所略乡 22333 局桑乡 8715 西山乡 10473 平洞乡 7517 东山乡 9470 凤凰乡 8681 百林乡 14377 那桃乡 25917
Bama has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Dahua Yao Autonomous County (大化瑶族自治县 ) 2 754 km²
3 urban townships, 16 rural townships (367 970): 大化镇 51959 都阳镇 22142 岩滩镇 27721 共和乡 18612 贡川乡 23028 百马乡 17433 古河乡 5962 古文乡 7943 江南乡 28311 羌圩乡 18090 乙圩乡 13782 北景乡 14875 板兰乡 5576 板升乡 22193 七百弄乡 14351 镇西乡 12044 雅龙乡 13715 六也乡 24529 流水乡 25704
Dahua has an area of 5.5 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Du'an Yao Autonomous County (都安瑶族自治县 ' ) 4 092 km²
2 urban townships, 20 rural townships (543 019): 安阳镇 32099 高岭镇 56178 澄江乡 45252 古山乡 8584 地苏乡 42200 三弄乡 12958 东庙乡 19053 五竹乡 11189 大兴乡 28837 下坳乡 31251 隆福乡 13732 保安乡 26019 板岭乡 28499 永安乡 17926 三只羊乡 15971 龙湾乡 15386 菁盛乡 22329 拉烈乡 30905 百旺乡 29479 加贵乡 20028 拉仁乡 20512 九渡乡 14632
Du'an is in Anyang urban township (安阳 Ānyáng) and has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County (环江毛南族自治县 4 558 km²
7 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Miao) (332 067): 思恩镇 42736 水源镇 32169 洛阳镇 37857 川山镇 31770 明伦镇 31496 东兴镇 19383 上朝镇 11877 大才乡 10960 上南乡 4266 下南乡 17492 木论乡 5331 大安乡 20667 长美乡 24981 龙岩乡 19729 驯乐苗族乡 21353
Huanjiang is in Si'en urban township (思恩 ) and has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Luocheng Mulao Autonomous County (罗城仫佬族自治县 ) 2 639 km²
8 urban townships, 5 rural townships (322 116): 东门镇 74356 龙岸镇 42224 黄金镇 20817 小长安镇 32373 桥头镇 13779 四把镇 37540 天河镇 19707 怀群镇 18939 宝坛乡 17657 下里乡 10055 乔善乡 17111 纳翁乡 5707 兼爱乡 11851
Luocheng is in Dongmen urban township (东门 ) and has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
)Friday, March 16, 2007
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