Friday, March 16, 2007

China (CN) Guizhou Province Guiyang Region

Guiyang Region (贵阳市 Guìyáng-shì)


Guiyang is a major city with a population of 1 650 000. The cities of Baiyun (110 000) and Guiyang--Sanqiao (110 000) and the major towns of Huaxi (50 000) and Wudang (40 000) are in the Guiyang metropolitan area. The major town of Qingzhen (35 000) is a county seat in the region. The major towns 3.5 km SE and 5 km S of Qingzhen in Qingzhen Metropolitan county (40 000 and 20 000) are also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Guiyang Region contains the Guiyang metropolitan area, Qingzhen Metropolitan County, and 3 ordinary counties. Its area is 8 034 km² and its population is 3 718 449.

The Guiyang metropolitan area has an area of 2 403 km² and a population of 2 374 270. The city of Guiyang has a population of 1 132 366 in 30 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 1 449 934 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 1 319 432 in 1 987 km² for the Guiyang metropolitan area, suggesting about 800 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 3.4% and an estimate for 2004 of 1 650 000 corresponding to the measured area of 50 km².

Baiyun District (白云区 Báiyún-qū) 260 km²

4 street committees of Baiyun, 3 rural townships, 2 ethnic rural townships (Buyi) (187 695): 大山洞街道 24476 龚家寨街道 41691 艳山红街道 19220 都拉营街道 8130 艳山红乡 36465 麦架乡 14569 都拉布依族乡 9153 沙文乡 23304 牛场布依族乡 10687

Baiyun (93 517)
has an area of 11.5 km² and an estimated population of 110 000.

Huaxi District (花溪区 Huā-) 963 km²

3 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 7 ethnic rural townships (6 Buyi-Miao, 1 Miao) (337 177): 花溪镇 63262 青岩镇 29968 石板镇 20908 花溪布依族苗族乡 58392 孟关苗族布依族乡 21123 小碧布依族苗族乡 17026 党武乡 18079 湖潮苗族布依族乡 27194 久安乡 12947 麦坪乡 18777 高坡苗族乡 18825 黔陶布依族苗族乡 9460 马铃布依族苗族乡 8380 燕楼乡 12836

Huaxi has an area of 3.9 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.

Nanming District (南明区 Nánmíng-) 89.2 km²

15 street committees of Guiyang, 2 rural townships (687 804): 新华路街道 24148 西湖路街道 61885 大南门街道 15298 中华南路街道 5661 市府路街道 10810 河滨街道 33020 遵义路街道 57922 兴关路街道 58843 沙冲路街道 50432 太慈桥街道 51166 花果园街道 44180 油榨街街道 59184 中曹司街道 32555 二戈寨街道 49052 龙洞堡街道 15817 后巢乡 76174 云关乡 41657

Houchao (
后巢 Hòucháo) and Yunguan (云关 Yúnguān) are suburbs of Guiyang.

Wudang District (
乌当区 dāng-) 962 km²

6 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 2 ethnic rural townships (Buyi) (319 619):
新添寨镇 61697 东风镇 28042 水田镇 13458 羊昌镇 11441 金华镇 39042 朱昌镇 22077 野鸭乡 85455 永乐乡 12390 下坝乡 12972 新堡布依族乡 4730 新场乡 16187 百宜乡 10241 偏坡布依族乡 1887

Wudang is in Xintianzhai urban township (
新添寨 Xīntiānzhài) and has an area of 3.2 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Jinyang Xinqu (金阳新区 Jīnyáng Xīn) in Yeya rural township (
野鸭) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.

Xiaohe District (小河区 Xiǎohé-) 63.1 km²

2 urban townships (142 987):
小河镇 129440人、金竹镇 13547人

Xiaohe is a suburb of Guiyang.

Yunyan District (云岩区 Yúnyán-) 67.5 km²

15 street committees of Guiyang, 1 urban township (698 988): 中华北路街道 9270 中华中路街道 15992 中山东路街道 51293 中山西路街道 15596 北京路街道 43569 延安中路街道 22472 市西路街道 35941 普陀路街道 27830 环城北路街道 21814 贵乌路街道 65009 黔灵东路街道 44062 威清路街道 23515 头桥街道 71194 三桥街道 66298 宅吉街道 48538 黔灵镇 136595

Qianling (
黔灵 Qiánlíng) is a suburb of Guiyang.

Guiyang--Sanqiao (
三桥 Sānqiáo) has an area of 7.3 km² and an estimated population of 110 000.

Qingzhen Metropolitan County (
清镇市 Qīngzhèn-shì) 1 492 km²

4 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 4 ethnic rural townships (3 Buyi-Miao, 1 Miao) (471 305):
红枫湖镇 152920 站街镇 77945 卫城镇 51595 新店镇 44611 王庄布依族苗族乡 17322 麦格苗族布依族乡 19239 暗流乡 17558 王庄布依族苗族乡 17975 流长苗族乡 40547 犁倭乡 31593

Qingzhen is in Hongfenghu urban township (
红枫湖 Hóngfēng) and has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 35 000. In addition, unidentified urban areas 3.5 km SE of Qingzhen and 5 km S of Qingzhen have areas of 3.2 km² and 2.1 km² and estimated populations of 40 000 and 20 000.

Kaiyang County (
开阳县 Kāiyáng-xiàn) 2 026 km²

6 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 3 ethnic rural townships (Buyi-Miao) (389 252):
城关镇 60008 双流镇 33926 金中镇 34937 冯三镇 33433 马场镇 37389 龙岗镇 34045 南龙乡 17015 永温乡 15475 宅吉乡 16937 花梨乡 23302 龙水乡 11955 米坪乡 6753 禾丰布依族苗族乡 14245 哨上布依族苗族乡 17300 高寨苗族布依族乡 22119 毛云乡 10413

Kaiyang is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.

Xifeng County (
息烽县 fēng-xiàn) 1 036 km²

4 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Miao) (221 583):
永靖镇 50457 温泉镇 20560 九庄镇 25870 小寨坝镇 32442 青山苗族乡 6153 西山乡 14644 养龙司乡 20146 石硐乡 20878 鹿窝乡 13398 流长乡 17035

Xifeng is in Yongjing urban township (
永靖 Yǒngjìng) and has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.

Xiuwen County (
修文县 Xiūwén-xiàn) 1 076 km²

4 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Buyi) (262 039):
龙场镇 72191 扎佐镇 41811 久长镇 27101 六广镇 23816 谷堡乡 19316 六屯乡 13165 小箐乡 18710 洒坪乡 13401 大石布依族乡 10618 六桶乡 21910

Xiuwen is in Longtang urban township (
龙场 Lóngchǎng) and has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

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