Friday, March 2, 2007

China (CN) Jiangxi Province Xinyu Region

Xinyu Region (新余市 Xīn-shì)


Xinyu is a city with a population of 200 000. The major town of Fenyi (80 000) is a county seat in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Xinyu Region contains the Xinyu metropolitan area and Fenyi County. Its area is 3 164 km² and its population is 1 071 820.

Yushui District (渝水区 shuǐ-qū) 1 776 km²

1 street committee of Yushui, 10 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 2 special street committees of Yushui, 2 special urban townships (778 391): 城关街道 125881 水北镇 44825 下村镇 39566 良山镇 1954Z 水西镇 53445 罗坊镇 54788 姚圩镇 25089 观巢镇 25922 欧里镇 18788 河下镇 18397 珠珊镇 32059 鹄山乡 15379 人和乡 19004 马洪乡 22411 北岗乡 13781 沙土乡 99268 界水乡 12751 东边乡 5961 南安乡 13404 新溪乡 14507 南英乡 1465 九龙山乡 7596 新钢公司山下片虚拟街道 47404 新余铁路办事处虚拟街道 10961 新钢公司山上片虚拟镇 29128 省花鼓山煤矿虚拟镇 6969

Xinyu (184 246) has an area of 19 km² and an estimated population of 200 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 3.5 km NE of Xinyu in the street committee area
has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.

Liangshan (
良山 Liángshān) has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.

Fenyi County (
分宜县 Fēnyí-xiàn) 1 388 km²

5 urban townships, 8 rural townships (293 429):
分宜镇 86301 杨桥镇 44395 湖泽镇 20033 松山镇 8187 双林镇 25962 凤阳乡 21981 新祉乡 8676 大岗山乡 8968 苑坑乡 7647 洞村乡 11359 高岚乡 15021 操场乡 17263 洋江乡 17636

has an area of 8.1 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.

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