Friday, March 2, 2007

China (CN) Zhejiang Province Ningbo Region

Ningbo Region (宁波市 Níng-shì)


Ningbo is a major city with a population of 1 100 000. The city of Zhenhai (200 000) in Zhenhai District and the major towns of Beilun (55 000) in Beilun District and Cicheng (25 000) in Jiangbei District are in the Ningbo metropolitan area. The major city of Cixi (1 000 000), the cities of Yuyao (250 000) and Ninghai (100 000), and the major towns of Fenghua (90 000) and Xiangshan (70 000) are county seats in the region. The major towns of Kandun (35 000) in Cixi Metropolitan County, Shipu (30 000) in Xiangshan County, Shengshan (28 000), Xinpu (25 000), and Longshan (22 000) in Cixi Metropolitan County, and Xikou (20 000) in Fenghua Metropolitan County are also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Ningbo Region contains the Ningbo metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, and 2 ordinary counties. It has an area of 9 672 km² and the population is 5 963 362.

The Ningbo metropolitan area has an area of 2 634 km² and a population of 2 422 126 within its new boundary. Ningbo proper has a population of 630 716 in 15 street committees and 1 special street committee. The 2000 Census gives a population of 884 242 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 468 230 in 238 km² for Ningbo, which suggests about 350 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 5.3% and a 2004 estimated population of 1 100 000 corresponding to the measured area of 60 km².

Beilun District (北仑区 Běilún-) 585 km²

1 street committee, 7 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 1 special street committee (382 278): 宁波大榭开发区街道 23513 新碶镇 91359 小港镇 66057 大碶镇 55836 霞浦镇 24826 柴桥镇 47381 白峰镇 17312 郭巨镇 17454 三山乡 10727 梅山乡 12285 宁波开发区虚拟街道 15528

Xiaogang (
小港 Xiǎogǎng) is a suburb of Zhenhai in Zhenhai District.

Beilun is in Xinqi urban township (
新碶 Xīnqì) and has an area of 12 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.

Daqi (
大碶 ) has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Xiapu (
霞浦 Xiá) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Maojia (毛家 Máojiā) in Xiaogang urban township has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.

Haishu District (海曙区 Hǎishǔ-) 29.4 km²

6 street committees of Ningbo, 1 urban township, 1 rural township (349 739): 灵塔街道 29303 鼓楼街道 27960 月湖街道 35620 南门街道 61229 西门街道 77028 自云街道 47317 段塘镇 28816 西郊乡 42466

Duantang (
段塘 Duàntáng) and Xijiao ( 西郊 jiāo) are suburbs of Ningbo.

Jiangbei District (
江北区 Jiāngběi-) 209 km²

4 street committees of Ningbo, 4 urban townships, 1 rural township, 1 special street committee of Ningbo (271 223):
中马街道 28075 白沙街道 20261 孔浦街道 31004 文教街道 32816 甬江镇 27528 庄桥镇 33244 洪塘镇 25514 慈城镇 43457 乍浦乡 15009 宁波大学虚拟街道 14315

Yongjiang (
甬江 Yǒngjiāng) and Zhuangqiao (庄桥 Zhuāngqiáo) are suburbs of Ningbo.

Cicheng (
慈城 chéng) has an area of 4.9 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Jiangdong District (
江东区 Jiāngdōng-) 37.7 km²

5 street committees of Ningbo, 2 rural townships (292 552):
百丈街道 53549 东胜街道 36701 明楼街道 39521 白鹤街道 55565 东柳街道 40452 东郊乡 23931 福明乡 42833

Dongjiao (
东郊 Dōngjiāo) and Fuming (福明 míng) are suburbs of Ningbo.

Yinzhou District (
鄞州区 Yínzhōu-) 1 527 km²

Yinxian County: 21 urban townships, 2 rural townships (854 627): 瞻岐镇 23111 咸祥镇 27089 塘溪镇 28644 东钱湖镇 44890 东吴镇 16682 五乡镇 32985 邱隘镇 77453 下应镇 56963 云龙镇 32594 横溪镇 29128 姜山镇 64415 茅山镇 18091 钟公庙镇 68630 高桥镇 52733 横街镇 37212 集士港镇 41061 古林镇 61354 石锲镇 57408 洞桥镇 19870 鄞江镇 26397 章水镇 21408 龙观乡 13985 杖锡乡 2524

On February 1, 2002, the Ningbo metropolitan area annexed Yinxian County.

Shiqie (
石锲 Shíqiè) is a suburb of Ningbo.

Jiangshan (
姜山 Jiāngshān) has an area of 4.0 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.

Qiu'ai (
邱隘 Qiū'ài) has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 17 000. In addition, Meixu (梅墟 Méi) in Qiu'ai urban township has an area of 2.6 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.

Wuxiang (
五乡 xiāng) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Hengxi (
横溪 Héng) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Xianxiang (
咸祥 Xiánxiáng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Tangxi (
塘溪 Táng) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Zhenhai District (镇海区 Zhènhǎi-) 367 km²

5 urban townships, 1 rural township (271 707):
城关镇 148613 贵驷镇 23048 骆驼镇 44283 解浦镇 12786 庄市镇 30067 河头乡 12910

Zhenhai is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 28 km² and an estimated population of 200 000. Zhenhai has a suburb in Beilun District.

Luotuo (
骆驼 Luòtuo) has an area of 7.0 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.

Xiepu (
解浦 Xiè) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Zhuangshi (庄市 Zhuāngshì) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Cixi Metropolitan County (
慈溪市 xī-shì) 1 154 km²

23 urban townships (1 214 537): 山镇 183620人、龙山镇 22445人、三北镇 23637人、范市镇 25183人、掌起镇 65178人、师桥镇 54232人、鸣鹤镇 26033人、观城镇 70485人、附海镇 33586人、桥头镇 40011人、匡堰镇 26675人、逍林镇 50887人、新浦镇 62164人、胜山镇 44486人、横河镇 83665人、坎墩镇 56143人、崇寿镇 33507人、宗汉镇 79067人、庵东镇 44945人、天元镇 32249人、长河镇 49894人、周巷镇 67633人、杭州湾镇 39012人

Cixi is in Hushan urban township (浒
shān, XZQH is missing the ) and has an area of 105 km² and an estimated population of 1 000 000. Changhe (长河 Cháng), Fanshi (范市 Fànshì), Guancheng (观城 Guānchéng), Henghe (横河 Héng), Kuangyan (匡堰 Kuāngyàn), Sanbei (三北 Sānběi), Shiqiao (师桥 Shīqiáo), Tianyuan (天元 Tiānyuán), Xiaolin (逍林 Xiāolín), Zhangqi (掌起 Zhǎng), Zhouxiang (周巷 Zhōuxiàng), Zonghan (宗汉 Zōnghàn) are suburbs of Cixi. Cixi has suburbs in Yuyao Metropolitan County. With suburbs, the area has a 2000 Census population of 828 422.

Kandun (
坎墩 Kǎndūn) has an area of 5.6 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Shengshan (
胜山 Shèngshān) has an area of 4.9 km² and an estimated population of 28 000.

Xinpu (
新浦 Xīn) has an area of 4.1 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Longshan (龙山 Lóngshān)
has an area of 3.9 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Andong (
庵东 Āndōng) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Fenghua Metropolitan County (
奉化市 Fènghuà-shì) 1 249 km²

12 urban townships, 7 rural townships (471 558): 大桥镇 128818 溪口镇 49907 江口镇 33462 西坞镇 26722 尚田镇 2g388 莼湖镇 25526 萧王庙镇 30376 裘村镇 24273 大堰镇 13568 斑溪镇 13075 方桥镇 10842 桐照镇 17746 白杜乡 11528 节奇乡 17607 楼岩乡 8308 跸驻乡 9000 松岙乡 11671 董李乡 5920 斑竹乡 3821

Fenghua is in Daqiao urban township (
大桥 qiáo) and has an area of 10 km² and an estimated population of 90 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 4.5 km N of Fenghua and Shenbao (沈鲍 Shěnbào) in Fenghua urban township have areas of 3.6 km² and 1.6 km² and estimated populations of 1 000 and 8 000.

Xikou (溪口 kǒu) has an area of 2.8 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

Chunhu (
莼湖 Chún) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Shangtian (尚田 Shàngtián) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Yuyao Metropolitan County (余姚市 yáo-shì) 1 527 km²

20 urban townships, 2 rural townships (852 719): 余姚镇 226425 临山镇 41929 黄家埠镇 38574 小曹娥镇 28306 泗门镇 61334 低塘镇 64319 朗霞镇 39273 马渚镇 49111 老方桥镇 14704 牟山镇 19200 丈亭镇 30952 三七市镇 29493 河姆渡镇 21104 肖东镇 26537 梁辉镇 39843 大隐镇 8754 陆埠镇 33853 粱弄镇 30297 大岚镇 11433 四明山镇 9928 洪山乡 14153 鹿亭乡 13197

Langxia (
朗霞 Lǎngxiá) is a suburb of Cixi in Cixi Metropolitan County.

has an area of 22 km² and an estimated population of 250 000. Lianghui (梁辉 Liánghuī) is a suburb of Yuyao.

Simen (
泗门 mén) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.

Mazhu (
马渚 zhǔ) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Ninghai County (
宁海县 Nínghǎi-xiàn) 1 931 km²

15 urban townships, 4 rural townships (518 186):
城关镇 153398 长街镇 35165 力洋镇 18955 明港镇 22208 一市镇 15279 岔路镇 19885 前童镇 18342 桑洲镇 16141 黄坛镇 17735 梅林镇 27430 桥头胡镇 20806 大佳何镇 15391 强蛟镇 14134 西店镇 47544 深甽镇 29130 胡陈乡 13062 茶院乡 16597 越溪乡 13466 双峰乡 3518

Ninghai is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 12.5 km² and an estimated population of 100 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 6 km NE of Ninghai in Chengguan urban township has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Xidian (
西店 diàn) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.

Meilin (
梅林 Méilín) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Dajiahe (
大佳何 jiā) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Xiangshan County (
象山县 Xiàngshān-xiàn) 1 176 km²

14 urban townships, 5 rural townships (484 236):
丹城镇 104539 石浦镇 81982 爵溪镇 17862 西周镇 26551 鹤浦镇 29790 贤庠镇 21263 墙头镇 19507 泗洲头镇 12278 定塘镇 26724 昌国镇 10771 涂茨镇 16918 大徐镇 14156 新桥镇 20885 下沈镇 12099 东陈乡 17853 晓塘乡 14017 黄避岙乡 9437 茅洋乡 9899 高塘岛乡 17705

Xiangshan is in Dancheng urban township (
丹城 Dānchéng) and has an area of 8.6 km² and an estimated population of 70 000.

Shipu (
石浦 Shí) has an area of 3.8 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Juexi (
爵溪 Jué) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.

Xizhou (
西周 zhōu) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.

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