Thursday, February 22, 2007

China (CN) Heilongjiang Province Suihua Region

Suihua Region (绥化市 Suíhuà-shì)


Suihua is a city with a population of 200 000. The cities of Zhaodong (160 000) and Anda (130 000) and the major towns of Hailun (65 000), Suiling (45 000), Lanxi (40 000), Qing'an (40 000), Wangkui (35 000), Mingshui (30 000), and Qinggang (30 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Suihua Region contains the Suihua metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, and 6 ordinary counties. Its area is 35 211 km² and its population is 5 055 541.

The Suihua metropolitan area has one district:

Beilin District (北林区 Běilín-qū) 2 723 km²

6 street committees of Suihua, 12 urban townships, 13 rural townships (800 207): 紫来街道 37325 爱路街道 33216 大有街道 88645 吉泰街道 75898 东兴街道 19746 北林街道 12810 宝山镇 32420 绥胜镇 22744 西长发镇 41569 永安镇 25380 太平川镇 25008 津河镇 18526 利民镇 17616 四方台镇 27594 张维镇 18406 秦家镇 31381 双河镇 22228 三河镇 25832 连岗乡 23353 红旗乡 16633 新华乡 29112 兴福乡 21149 东富乡 32351 隆太乡 12824 东津乡 10908 民吉乡 16685 三井乡 13469 新生乡 10695 联合乡 12052 五营乡 21443 兴和乡 3189

Suihua (267 460)
has an area of 18 km² and an estimated population of 200 000.

Sifangtai (
四方台 Sìfāngtái) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Yong'an (
永安 Yǒng'ān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 3 500.

Shuanghe (
双河 Shuāng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Zhangwei (
张维 Zhāngwéi) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Anda Metropolitan County (安达市 Āndá-shì) 3 586 km²

10 urban townships, 9 rural townships (473 091): 安达镇 190813 任民镇 24419 天泉镇 22397 万宝山镇 25245 昌德镇 19913 升平镇 22811 羊草镇 17656 老虎岗镇 13393 中本镇 12979 太平庄镇 10594 文化乡 9866 四平山乡 10601 火石山乡 13379 吉星岗乡 15980 卧里屯乡 17518 青肯泡乡 15840 南来乡 15920 光锋乡 4802 辽源乡 8965

has an area of 17 km² and an estimated population of 130 000.

Renmin (
任民 Rènmín) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Hailun Metropolitan County (海伦市 Hǎilún-shì) 4 667 km²

7 urban townships, 22 rural townships, 3 special rural townships (720 008): 海伦镇 108787 海北镇 27823 伦河镇 31979 东风镇 15669 祥富镇 25790 海兴镇 28022 共合镇 29688 建城乡 7953 同心乡 14883 前进乡 16600 向荣乡 24450 长发乡 17978 东方红乡 19026 护林乡 11957 南兴乡 11971 海南乡 20316 共荣乡 25553 乐业乡 17279 福民乡 20811 丰山乡 24449 永富乡 21694 新兴乡 15763 百祥乡 16882 联发乡 21080 永和乡 29241 爱民乡 23754 爱国乡 20049 扎音河乡 24057 双录乡 24328 国有林场虚拟乡 3477 红光农场虚拟乡 8842 海伦农场虚拟乡 9857

Hailun has an area of 9.5 km² and an estimated population of 65 000.

Haibei (海北 Hǎiběi)
has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Lunhe (伦河 Lún) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.

Haixing (海兴 Hǎixīng)
has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Zhaodong Metropolitan County (肇东市 Zhàodōng-shì) 4 330 km²

10 urban townships, 16 rural townships (832 657): 肇东镇 174525 尚家镇 39364 姜家镇 27838 里木店镇 22623 五站镇 29943 四站镇 26583 涝洲镇 16619 五里明镇 32429 昌五镇 38047 宋站镇 39258 新城乡 19102 海城乡 23007 先进乡 17615 太平乡 22945 民主乡 17170 黎明乡 24088 东发乡 31303 合居乡 18797 西八里乡 24998 德昌乡 31042 洪河乡 26089 跃进乡 29295 向阳乡 27705 安民乡 24179 宣化乡 26355 明久乡 21738

has an area of 18 km² and an estimated population of 160 000.

Changwu (
昌五 Chāng) has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.

Songzhan (
宋站 Sòngzhàn) has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Wuzhan (
五站 zhàn) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Sizhan (
四站 zhàn) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.

Wuliming (
五里明 míng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 4 500.

Shangjia (
尚家 Shàngjiā) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Lanxi County (兰西县 Lánxī-xiàn) 2 499 km²

5 urban townships, 14 rural townships (428 377): 兰西镇 53392 榆林镇 34160 临江镇 33472 平山镇 22806 河口镇 10286 康荣乡 23602 兰郊乡 31720 红光乡 22260 北安乡 19029 兰河乡 25698 长岗乡 24844 长江乡 21403 红星乡 16107 奋斗乡 15491 胜利乡 13574 远大乡 19303 星火乡 15238 燎原乡 14645 移新乡 11347

has an area of 7.0 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Yulin (
榆林 lín) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Linjiang (
临江 Línjiāng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

Mingshui County (明水县 Míngshuǐ-xiàn) 2 308 km²

5 urban townships, 10 rural townships (294 482): 明水镇 55049 兴仁镇 16061 永兴镇 23860 崇德镇 22168 通达镇 20623 团结乡 21411 双兴乡 16914 东兴乡 9253 永久乡 17487 树人乡 12428 光荣乡 15477 繁荣乡 13715 通泉乡 20493 育林乡 18253 友爱乡 11290

has an area of 5.8 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Qing'an County (庆安县 Qìng'ān-xiàn) 5 607 km²

6 urban townships, 12 rural townships (358 363):
庆安镇 68165 民乐镇 15845 大罗镇 19683 平安镇 17965 勤劳镇 17343 久胜镇 25707 元宝乡 21363 建民乡 18282 巨宝山乡 13706 新民乡 15669 新胜乡 15368 两利乡 12160 丰收乡 15607 丰田乡 8191 发展乡 9959 同乐乡 17453 致富乡 21208 欢胜乡 18240 柳河农场虚拟镇 4364 国有林场管理虚拟乡 2085

has an area of 6.5 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Qinggang County (青冈县 Qīnggāng-xiàn) 2 686 km²

6 urban townships, 13 rural townships (410 534): 青冈镇 82612 芦河镇 21675 永丰镇 22650 中和镇 23061 兴华镇 29795 祯祥镇 21168 昌盛乡 17113 柞岗乡 29224 城郊乡 14838 民政乡 23439 劳动乡 15670 互助乡 12603 建设乡 16505 德胜乡 12420 连丰乡 12952 新村乡 9735 富民乡 12334 迎春乡 19282 北兴乡 13458

has an area of 5.8 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Zhenxiang (
祯祥 Zhēnxiáng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 4 500.

Zhonghe (
中和 Zhōng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 4 500.

Xinghua (
兴华 Xīnghuá) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Suiling County (绥棱县 Suílíng-xiàn) 4 506 km²

4 urban townships, 10 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 1 special rural township (294 955): 绥棱镇 53970 上集镇 25117 四海店镇 6624 双岔阿镇 21179 靠山乡 15367 新曙光乡 8832 后头乡 15637 泥尔河乡 22502 长山乡 17475 克音河乡 15551 三吉台乡 9956 绥中乡 12490 阁山乡 16220 林兴乡 2948 绥棱林业局虚拟镇 43639 绥棱农场虚拟乡 7448

has an area of 7.5 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.

Shangji (
上集 Shàng) has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Sihaidian (
四海店 hǎidiàn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 4 000.

Wangkui County (望奎县 Wàngkuí-xiàn) 2 299 km²

7 urban townships, 12 rural townships (442 867): 望奎镇 78132 先锋镇 23347 通江镇 28471 卫星镇 38623 海丰镇 25591 莲花镇 22191 惠七镇 21764 环城乡 13410 东郊乡 19936 灵山乡 16693 后三乡 17985 富饶乡 12056 富源乡 19123 火箭乡 23260 敏三乡 13788 厢白乡 23076 灯塔乡 14192 东升乡 14091 恭六乡 17138

has an area of 6.4 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Xianfeng (
先锋 Xiānfēng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.

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