Thursday, February 22, 2007

China (CN) Shanxi Province Taiyuan Region

Taiyuan Region (太原市 Tàiyuán-shì)


Taiyuan is a major city with a population of 2 500 000. The major town of Xiaodian (60 000) is in the Taiyuan metropolitan area. The major towns of Gujiao (75 000), Qingxu (45 000), and Yangqu (30 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Taiyuan Region contains the Taiyuan metropolitan area, Gujiao Metropolitan County, and 3 ordinary counties. Its area is 6 959 km² and its population is 3 344 392.

The Taiyuan metropolitan area has an area of 1 460 km² and a population of 2 558 382. The city of Taiyuan has a population of 1 958 145 in 39 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 2 197 765 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 1 774 713 in 3 044 km² for the Taiyuan metropolitan area, suggesting about 1 200 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 3.4% and a 2004 estimated population of 2 500 000 corresponding to the measured area of 200 km².

Jiancaoping District (尖草坪区 Jiāncǎopíng-) 286 km²

7 street committees of Taiyuan, 4 urban townships, 4 rural townships (338 417): 尖草坪街道 30382 光社街道 20762 上兰街道 14827 南寨街道 56648 迎新街街道 19043 古城街道 21974 汇丰街道 57981 柴村镇 31638 上兰镇 8065 向阳镇 17042 阳曲镇 14412 马头水乡 4288 柏板乡 11312 西墕乡 4446 新城乡 25597

Xiangyang (
向阳 Xiàngyáng) and Xincheng (新城 Xīnchéng) are suburbs of Taiyuan.

Shanglan (
上兰 Shànglán) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.

Yangqu (
阳曲 Yáng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

An unidentified urban area 2.5 km E of Shanglan in an unknown township has an area of 1.6
km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Jinyuan District (
晋源区 Jìnyuán-qū) 287 km²

2 street committees of Taiyuan, 4 urban townships (180 165): 义井街道 33028 罗城街道 19475 金胜镇 31956 晋源镇 36505 晋祠镇 35412 姚村镇 23789

Jinsheng (
金胜 Jīnshèng) is a suburb of Taiyuan.

Jinyuanzhen (
晋源镇 Jìnyuánzhèn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Wanbailin District (
万柏林区 Wànbǎilín-qū) 305 km²

11 street committees of Taiyuan, 5 rural townships (556 931):
千峰街道 47795 下元街道 109678 和乎街道 70695 兴华街道 23150 万柏林街道 35237 杜儿坪街道 25789 白家庄街道 20763 南寒街道 51932 开城里街道 7862 官地街道 18391 大虎沟街道 16582 小井峪乡 86272 西铭乡 19381 东社乡 11089 王封乡 6734 化客头乡 5581

Dongshe (东社 Dōngshè), Huaketou (化客头 Huàtóu), and Xiaojinggu (小井峪 Xiǎojǐng) are suburbs of Taiyuan.

Xiaodian District (小店区 Xiǎodiàn-) 295 km²

5 street committees of Taiyuan, 2 urban townships, 2 rural townships (491 250): 坞城街道 101757 营盘街道 83002 北营街道 37746 平阳街道 74313 黄陵街道 39257 小店镇 60439 北格镇 37196 西温庄乡 25498 刘家堡乡 32042

Xiaodian has an area of 6.0 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.

Xinghualing District (杏花岭区 Xìnghuālǐng-) 170 km²

9 street committees of Taiyuan, 3 rural townships (520 702): 巨轮街道 75614 三桥街道 77952 鼓楼街道 32471 杏花岭街道 32981 坝陵桥街道 33676 大东关街道 42497 职工新街街道 41849 敦化坊街道 74601 涧河街道 68392 杨家峪乡 16937 中涧河乡 16880 小返乡 6852

Yangjiang (
杨家峪 Yángjiā) and Zhongjianhe (中涧河 Zhōngjiàn) are suburbs of Taiyuan.

Yingze District (
迎泽区 Yíngzé-) 117 km²

6 street committees of Taiyuan, 2 rural townships (470 917):
柳巷街道 34088 文庙街道 63839 庙前街道 64643 迎泽街道 102945 桥东街道 114S56 老军营街道 59972 郝庄乡 28266 孟家井乡 2608

Haozhuang (
郝庄 Hǎozhuāng) is a suburb of Taiyuan.

Gujiao Metropolitan County (
古交市 jiāo-shì) 1 540 km²

5 street committees of Gujiao, 3 urban townships, 12 rural townships (205 702):
东曲街道 34575 西曲街道 33126 屯兰街道 12495 马兰街道 14563 镇城底街道 19015 古交镇 7053 河口镇 12222 镇城底镇 7878 河南乡 4168 大南坪乡 3497 曹坪乡 2920 阁上乡 1255 加乐泉乡 4421 梭峪乡 9266 姬家庄乡 6900 岔口乡 8930 常安乡 8469 原相乡 5431 草庄头乡 5585 邢家社乡 3933

Gujiao (113 774) has an area of 8.6
km² and an estimated population of 75 000. Gujiao--Malan (马兰 Mǎlán) and Gujiao--Tunlan (屯兰 Túnlán) have areas of 2.2 km² and 2.1 km² and estimated populations of 15 000 and 13 000.

Loufan County (
娄烦县 Lóufán-xiàn) 1 290 km²

3 urban townships, 9 rural townships (109 412):
娄烦镇 24077 静游镇 11370 杜交曲镇 7472 庙湾乡 6926 龙泉乡 6418 河杨树底乡 4704 四家坪乡 3229 马家庄乡 11299 罗家岔乡 7023 盖家庄乡 5271 米峪镇乡 9781 夭池店乡 11842

has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.

Qingxu County (
清徐县 Qīng-xiàn) 607 km²

4 urban townships, 9 rural townships (328 787):
清源镇 60027 徐沟镇 26983 东于镇 28841 盂封镇 16862 马峪乡 15186 碾底乡 4928 吴村乡 23423 柳杜乡 19930 西谷乡 20230 王答乡 50923 扬房乡 14225 高花乡 19604 集义乡 27625

Qingxu is in Qingyuan urban township (
清源 Qīngyuán) and has an area of 5.2 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.

Wangda (
王答 Wáng) has an area of 2.6 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Xugou (
徐沟 gōu) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Yangqu County (
阳曲县 Yáng-xiàn) 2 062 km²

4 urban townships, 11 rural townships (142 109):
黄寨镇 34331 大盂镇 13951 东黄水镇 14886 泥屯镇 19373 高村乡 13180 北留乡 6071 候村乡 14521 岔上乡 3127 硅井店乡 11167 西凌井乡 1420 北小店乡 2387 西庄乡 1527 伙路坪乡 619 杨兴乡 3241 温川乡 2308

Yangqu is in Huangzhai urban township (
黄寨 Huángzhài) and has an area of 4.1 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Donghuangshui (
东黄水 Dōnghuángshuǐ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

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