Thursday, February 22, 2007

China (CN) Shanxi Province Shuozhou Region

Shuozhou Region (朔州市 Shuòzhōu-shì)


Shuozhou is a city with a population of 180 000. The major towns of Pinglu (55 000) and Shentou (28 000) are in the Shuozhou metropolitan area. The major towns of Huairen (90 000), Shanyin (80 000), and Yingxian (55 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Shuozhou Region contains the Shuozhou metropolitan area and 4 counties. Its area is 10 662 km² and its population is 1 451 875.

The Shuozhou metropolitan area has an area of 4 107 km² and a population of 563 896.

Pinglu District (平鲁区 Pínglǔ-) 2 314 km²

1 street committee of Pinglu, 2 urban townships, 18 rural townships (175 258): 城关街道 21915 井坪镇 41635 平鲁城镇 4654 白堂乡 9682 下水头乡 6755 下木角乡 4490 只泥泉乡 2022 双碾乡 5718 刘家窑乡 3949 阻虎乡 3685 高石庄乡 5811 蒋家坪乡 2670 骆驼山乡 2764 周花板乡 2256 西水界乡 5712 向阳堡乡 10565 东平太乡 3728 下面高乡 10957 花圪坨乡 3544 陶村乡 13556 榆乡 9190

Pinglu (21 915) has an area of 7.3 km² and an estimated population of 55 000. Jingping (
井坪 Jǐngpíng) is a suburb of Pinglu.

Shuocheng District (朔城区 Shuòchéng-qū) 1 793 km²

3 street committees of Shuozhou, 2 urban townships, 15 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Shuozhou (388 638): 北城街道 60676 南城街道 21094 神电街道 19343 神头镇 30403 利民镇 6812 城关乡 64273 下团堡乡 28274 小平易乡 30092 大夫庄乡 10914 寇庄乡 7373 窑子头乡 8795 梵王寺乡 4751 沙塄河乡 11811 贾庄乡 18223 滋润乡 13474 福善庄乡 12123 汴子瞳乡 7822 神武乡 7491 南榆林乡 5476 暖崖乡 2951 平朔虚拟街道 16467

Shuozhou (117 580) has an area of 19.5 km² and an estimated population of 180 000. Chengguan (
城关 Chéngguān) is a suburb of Shuozhou.

Shentou (
神头 Shéntóu) has an area of 4.9 km² and an estimated population of 28 000.

Huairen County (
怀仁县 Huáirén-xiàn) 1 230 km²

6 urban townships, 7 rural townships (286 054):
城关镇 91194 小峪镇 32509 鹅毛口镇 14536 吴家窑镇 10018 金沙滩镇 25201 毛皂镇 7907 何家堡乡 19874 新家园乡 18919 亲和乡 23198 海北头乡 14930 马辛庄乡 7422 里八庄乡 8002 河头乡 12344

Huairen is in
in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 10.0 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.

Jinshatan (
金沙滩 Jīnshātān) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

An unidentified urban area in Xinjiayuan rural township (
新家园 Xīnjiāyuán) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Shanyin County (
山阴县 Shānyīn-xiàn) 1 652 km²

4 urban townships, 17 rural townships, 1 special urban township (217 299):
岱岳镇 37572 玉井镇 13216 北周庄镇 12904 山阴城镇 15719 吴马营乡 5863 史家屯乡 2531 马营乡 6217 偏岭乡 3530 冻牛坡乡 2141 下喇叭乡 2983 甘庄乡 3983 苑家辛庄乡 4688 合盛堡乡 10803 岱岳乡 29556 安荣乡 6806 泥河乡 5652 薛乡 6927 后所乡 14338 张庄乡 8143 黑圪塔乡 5781 马营庄乡 15509 山阴农牧场虚拟镇 2437

Shanyin is in Daiyue urban township (
岱岳 Dàiyuè) and has an area of 9.6 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.

Beizhouzhuang (北周庄 Běizhōuzhuāng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Yingxian County (
应县 Yìngxiàn) 1 708 km²

3 urban townships, 16 rural townships (279 483):
城关镇 59146 南河种镇 24160 下社镇 21821 镇子梁乡 17657 边耀乡 5626 义井乡 15938 臧寨乡 18615 大营乡 7545 大黄巍乡 11395 杏寨乡 18653 下马峪乡 12316 南泉乡 13422 北曹山乡 14484 大临河乡 20773 北楼口乡 6119 三条岭乡 2707 白马石乡 6023 双钱树乡 1806 梨树坪乡 1277

Yingxian is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 7.4 km² and an estimated population of 55 000. In addition, Xiaosuiren (小穗稔 Xiǎosuìrěn) in Chengguan urban township has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Xiashe (
下社 Xiàshè) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Nanhezhong (
南河种 Nánzhòng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Youyu County (右玉县 Yòu-xiàn) 1 965 km²

3 urban townships, 13 rural townships (105 143):
粱家油坊镇 35382 右玉城镇 7557 威远堡镇 8600 牛心堡乡 4284 白头里乡 4933 高家堡乡 6349 元堡子乡 7571 西碾头乡 2765 威坪堡乡 2682 丁家窑乡 3463 杨千河乡 3802 杀虎口乡 2455 李达窑乡 6375 破虎堡乡 2249 欧家村乡 3008 高墙框乡 3668

Yuyu is in Liangjia Youfang urban township (Liángjiā Yóufáng) and
has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

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