Tuesday, February 27, 2007

China (CN) Hubei Province Huanggang Region

Huanggang Region (黄冈市 Huánggāng-shì)


Huanggang is a city with a population of 150 000. The major towns of Qichun (75 000), Wuxue (75 000), Macheng (70 000), Xishui (55 000), Hong'an (40 000), Huangmei (35 000), and Tuanfeng (20 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Qizhou (22 000) in Qichun County is also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Huanggang Region contains the Huanggang metropolitan area, 2 metropolitan counties, and 7 ordinary counties. Its area is 17 453 km² and its population is 7 109 047.

Huangzhou District (黄州区 Huángzhōu-) 353 km²

3 street committees of Huanggang, 3 urban townships, 1 rural township, 2 special urban townships, 1 special rural township (373 568): 赤壁街道 168526 东湖街道 13179 禹王街道 24413 路口镇 24838 堵城镇 30029 陈策楼镇 28136 陶店乡 24308 黄州火车站开发区虚拟镇 5235 黄州区开发区虚拟镇 41538 南湖农场虚拟乡 13366

Huanggang (206 118) has an area of 12.5 km² and an estimated population of 150 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 4.5 km E of Huanggang
has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Ducheng (
堵城 chéng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Macheng Metropolitan County (
麻城市 chéng-shì) 3 599 km²

3 street committees of Macheng, 14 urban townships, 3 rural townships (1 129 047):
龙池桥街道 70403 鼓楼街道 65813 南湖街道 67711 中馆驿镇 71206 宋埠镇 69230 歧亭镇 33521 白果镇 94669 夫子河镇 40839 阎家河镇 44945 盐田河镇 44654 张家畈镇 59462 木子店镇 58446 三河口镇 53259 黄土岗镇 50658 福田河镇 51626 乘马岗镇 62639 顺河镇 63225 铁门岗乡 67505 龟山乡 44131 熊家铺乡 15105

Macheng (203 927)
has an area of 8.1 km² and an estimated population of 70 000.

Baiguo (
白果 Báiguǒ) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Songbu (
宋埠 Sòng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Wuxue Metropolitan County (
武穴市 xué-shì) 1 246 km²

4 street committees of Wuxue, 9 urban townships, 3 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 1 special rural township (719 426):
武穴街道 102245 刊江街道 36880 田镇街道 27184 龙坪街道 46684 梅川镇 52011 两路镇 32708 余川镇 44734 花桥镇 36682 郑公塔镇 42739 大金镇 42007 石佛寺镇 58832 四望镇 43676 大法寺镇 51505 横岗乡 12695 南泉乡 35508 太平乡 23871 武穴开发区虚拟镇 23348 万丈湖农场虚拟乡 6117

Wuxue (212 993)
has an area of 8.2 km² and an estimated population of 75 000. In addition, Wuxue--Longping (龙坪 Lóngpíng) and Wuxue--Tianzhen (田镇 Tiánzhèn) have areas of 1.3 km² and 1.2 km² and estimated populations of 9 000 and 8 500.

Meichuan (
梅川 Méichuān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Huangmei County (
黄梅县 Huángméi-xiàn) 1 701 km²

12 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 2 special rural townships (966 416):
黄梅镇 103392 孔垄镇 75713 小池镇 64431 下新镇 8318 大河镇 34521 停前镇 39489 五祖镇 25853 濯港镇 56803 蔡山镇 63924 新开镇 64536 独山镇 30227 分路镇 53498 柳林乡 18417 杉木乡 44734 长岭乡 21129 苦竹乡 33377 王枫乡 37230 白湖乡 23617 张河乡 33773 李英乡 24418 刘佐乡 20225 王埠乡 27711 徐港乡 21823 龙感湖农场虚拟乡 37175 张湖农场虚拟乡 2082

Xiaochi (
小池 Xiǎochí) is a suburb of Jiujiang in Jiujiang Region of Jiangxi Province.

has an area of 4.5 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Longganhu Nongchang (
龙感湖农场 LónggǎnNóngchǎng), a state farm, has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Konglong (
孔垄 Kǒnglǒng) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Fenlu (
分路 Fēn) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Hong'an County (
红安县 Hóng'ān-xiàn) 1 796 km²

10 urban townships, 1 rural township, 1 special rural township (648 400):
城关镇 129320 七里坪镇 87554 八里湾镇 36176 永佳河镇 68020 上新集镇 40832 高桥镇 58221 二程镇 46601 华河镇 54175 觅儿寺镇 34355 太平桥镇 30647 杏花乡 59153 火连畈农场虚拟乡 3346

Hong'an is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.7 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Luotian County (
罗田县 Luótián-xiàn) 2 129 km²

8 urban townships, 12 rural townships (554 196):
凤山镇 82852 骆驼坳镇 34562 石桥铺镇 20022 大河岸镇 33308 九资河镇 27372 胜利镇 33866 河铺镇 30220 三里畈镇 38886 北丰乡 26004 白莲河乡 21241 古庙河乡 22263 匡河乡 19374 肖家坳乡 13750 白庙河乡 19418 大地坳乡 9382 落梅河乡 21060 廖家坳乡 21044 平湖乡 22291 七道河乡 20961 大崎乡 36320

Luotian is in Fengshan urban township (
凤山 Fèngshān) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.

Qichun County (
蕲春县 chūn-xiàn) 2 398 km²

14 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 1 special rural township (949 479):
漕河镇 117971 赤东镇 23468 蕲州镇 68138 管窑镇 29891 茅山镇 21152 彭思镇 26243 横车镇 59644 株林镇 28339 刘河镇 63317 狮子镇 38241 青石镇 36684 张榜镇 41261 檀林镇 33653 大同镇 31014 清水河乡 27913 三渡乡 38711 黄土岭乡 25694 马畈乡 34595 达城乡 23123 大公乡 25989 花园乡 28624 桐梓乡 28120 向桥乡 43610 孙冲乡 18868 田桥乡 16827 八里湖虚拟乡 18389

Qichun is in Caohe urban township (
漕河 Cáo) and has an area of 8.5 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.

Qizhou (
蕲州 zhōu) has an area of 3.2 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Tuanfeng County (
团风县 Tuánfēng-xiàn) 833 km²

8 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special rural township (375 931):
团风镇 68039 淋山河镇 39934 方高坪镇 27599 迥龙山镇 33324 马曹庙镇 23412 上巴河镇 33217 总路嘴镇 25976 但店镇 25912 溢流河乡 21457 贾庙乡 21870 杜皮乡 20157 磙子河乡 20967 王家坊乡 12411 黄州监狱虚拟乡 1656

has an area of 3.3 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

Xishui County (
浠水县 shuǐ-xiàn) 1 949 km²

14 urban townships, 12 rural townships (1 008 569):
清泉镇 153756 巴驿镇 49287 巴河镇 42372 竹瓦镇 45228 汪岗镇 34963 团陂镇 43313 关口镇 29775 白莲镇 21956 蔡河镇 33788 洗马镇 32374 丁司当镇 36269 兰溪镇 31506 马垅镇 32201 散花镇 45284 麻桥乡 31973 西河乡 26890 朱店乡 32592 松山乡 39530 华桂乡 29953 大灵乡 29188 三店乡 36031 胡河乡 24044 绿杨乡 30591 堰桥乡 25915 六神港乡 28160 余堰乡 41630

Xishui is in Qingquan urban township (
清泉 Qīngquán) and has an area of 6.7 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.

Yingshan County (
英山县 Yīngshān-xiàn) 1 449 km²

8 urban townships, 10 rural townships (384 015):
温泉镇 72312 南河镇 18616 红山镇 22428 金家铺镇 28066 石头咀镇 24913 草盘地镇 23926 雷家店镇 23265 杨柳湾镇 34204 方家咀乡 30723 彭家畈乡 13463 百丈河乡 7291 孔家坊乡 20092 父子岭乡 5887 张家咀乡 13707 詹家河乡 8518 过路滩乡 15073 土门河乡 7902 三门河乡 13629

Yingshan is in Wenquan urban township (
温泉 Wēnquán) and has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.

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