Tuesday, February 27, 2007

China (CN) Hubei Province Xiaogan Region

Xiaogan Region (孝感市 Xiàogǎn-shì)


Xiaogan is a city with a population of 250 000. The city of Yingcheng (100 000) and the major towns of Anlu (90 000), Hanchuan (75 000), Yunmeng (45 000), Dawu (35 000), and Xiaochang (25 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Makou (22 000) in Hanchuan Metropolitan County is also in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Xiaogan Region contains the Xiaogan metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, and 3 ordinary counties. Its area is 8 941 km² and its population is 4 992 537.

Xiaonan District (孝南区 Xiàonán-qū) 1 020 km²

4 street committees of Xiaogan, 8 urban townships, 3 rural townships, 2 special street committees of Xiaogan, 1 special urban township, 3 special rural townships (883 123): 书院街道 45120 新华街道 43303 广场街道 102461 车站街道 23863 新铺镇 57580 西河镇 27511 杨店镇 59481 陡岗镇 47902 肖港镇 100012 毛陈镇 54737 三汊镇 53044 祝站镇 41415 朋兴乡 47779 卧龙乡 49221 闵集乡 25974 开发区虚拟街道 49930 南大管委会虚拟街道 5343 朱湖农场虚拟镇 23712 园艺场虚拟乡 10892 东山头原种场虚拟乡 11293 野猪湖养殖场虚拟乡 2550

Xiaogan (270 020) has an area of 17 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.

Maochen (
毛陈 Máochén) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Xiaogang (
肖港 Xiàogǎng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.

Anlu Metropolitan County (
安陆市 Ānlù-shì) 1 355 km²

3 street committees of Anlu, 10 urban townships, 5 rural townships (611 990):
府城街道 86196 北城街道 30744 南城街道 23743 赵棚镇 39984 李店镇 34493 巡店镇 27270 棠棣镇 31606 雷公镇 22616 双河镇 16284 王义贞镇 32532 孛畈镇 37002 烟店镇 42815 伏水镇 42436 陈店乡 35744 辛榨乡 37870 桑树乡 16238 木梓乡 25304 接官乡 29113

Anlu (140 683)
has an area of 9.9 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.

Hanchuan Metropolitan County (
汉川市 Hànchuān-shì) 1 663 km²

15 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 special urban township, 4 special rural townships (1 057 396):
城关镇 144802 马口镇 58514 脉旺镇 41784 城隍镇 50119 分水镇 59597 沉湖镇 55496 田二河镇 40089 回龙镇 35008 新堰镇 39448 垌冢镇 20328 麻河镇 34267 刘家隔镇 27012 新河镇 36153 庙头镇 35686 杨林沟镇 44894 西江乡 45631 湾潭乡 25314 南河乡 38053 丁集乡 21865 马鞍乡 35305 里潭乡 28000 韩集乡 40682 杨水湖乡 17137 民乐乡 21874 中洲虚拟镇 19221 华严虚拟乡 13687 刁东虚拟乡 9834 三星垸虚拟乡 4425 刁汉湖虚拟乡 13171

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 8.5 km² and an estimated population of 75 000.

Makou (
马口 kǒu) has an area of 3.5 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Fenshui (
分水 Fēnshuǐ) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Yanglingou (
杨林沟 Yánglíngōu) has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.

Huayan (
华严 Huàyán) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Maiwang (
脉旺 Màiwàng) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000. In addition, Xinzhou (新洲 Xīnzhōu) in Maiwang urban township has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Tian'erhe (
田二河 Tián'èr) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.

Chenhu (
沉湖 Chén) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Yingcheng Metropolitan County (
应城市 Yìngchéng-shì) 1 103 km²

3 street committees of Yingcheng, 2 street committees, 10 urban townships, 1 special urban township (650 485):
城中街道 101778 城北街道 53097 四里棚街道 30937 东马坊街道 49670 长江埠街道 29306 田店镇 20168 杨河镇 49457 三合镇 37708 郎君镇 58221 黄滩镇 46009 天鹅镇 31552 义和镇 25453 陈河镇 55994 杨岭镇 37655 汤池镇 16864 南垸未批镇 6616

Yingcheng (185 812)
has an area of 10.5 km² and an estimated population of 100 000.

Changjiangbu (
长江埠 Chángjiāng) in Changjiangbu street committee has an area of 2.5 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.

Dongmafang (
东马坊 Dōngfāng) in Dongmafang street committee has an area of 2.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.

Xiaochang County (
孝昌县 Xiàochāng-xiàn) 1 217 km²

8 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 1 special rural township (612 166):
花园镇 111959 丰山镇 26839 周巷镇 57581 小河镇 48481 王店镇 43207 卫店镇 32028 白沙镇 47409 邹岗镇 61558 小悟乡 32111 季店乡 46244 花西乡 44003 陡山乡 49953 孝感市双峰山风景管理区虚拟乡 10793

Xiaochang is in Huayuan urban township (
花园 Huāyuán) and has an area of 3.8 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.

Dawu County (
大悟县 -xiàn) 1 979 km²

14 urban townships, 5 rural townships (605 786):
城关镇 69526 阳平镇 24760 芳畈镇 32987 新城镇 40660 夏店镇 31340 刘集镇 29446 河口镇 23982 四姑镇 25338 吕王镇 26594 黄站镇 15925 宣化镇 48886 丰店镇 31434 大新镇 33524 三里镇 26692 二郎乡 25972 高店乡 41786 彭店乡 30890 姚畈乡 13020 东新乡 33024

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.0 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Yunmeng County (
云梦县 Yúnmèng-xiàn) 604 km²

9 urban townships, 3 rural townships (571 591):
城关镇 109829 义堂镇 49547 曾店镇 40801 吴铺镇 40443 伍洛镇 39772 下辛店镇 64877 道桥镇 30782 隔蒲潭镇 60993 胡金店镇 33506 倒店乡 29016 沙河乡 39500 清明河乡 32525

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.6 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.

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