Tuesday, February 27, 2007

China (CN) Hubei Province Shiyan Region

Shiyan Region (十堰市 Shíyàn-shì)


Shiyan is a major city with a population of 500 000. The major towns of Shiyan--Bailang (40 000) in Maojian District and Shiyan--Huaguo (40 000) in Zhangwan District are in the Shiyan metropolitan area. The city of Danjiangkou (100 000) and the major towns of Fangxian (22 000) and Yunxian (20 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Shiyan Region contains the Shiyan metropolitan area, Danjiangkou Metropolitan County, and 5 counties. Its area is 23 698 km² and its population is 3 415 912.

The Shiyan metropolitan area has an area of 1 230 km² and a population of 589 824. The city of Shiyan has a population of 519 268 in 8 street committees and 1 special street committee. The 2000 Census gives a population of 437 436 in the central street committees. The 1982 Census gives a population of 301 375 in 1 230 km² in the Shiyan metropolitan area, suggesting about 220 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 3.9% and a 2004 estimated population of 500 000 corresponding to the measured area of 25 km².

Maojian District (茅箭区 Máojiàn-qū) 578 km²

4 street committees of Shiyan, 1 urban township, 4 rural townships (267 855): 武当街道 54268 二堰街道 75648 五堰街道 83314 白浪街道 37868 大川镇 4615 小川乡 1264 大坪乡 2539 茅塔乡 3308 鸳鸯乡 5031

Shiyan--Bailang (
白浪 Báilàng) has an area of 3.9 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Zhangwan District (
张湾区 Zhāngwān-qū) 652 km²

4 street committees of Shiyan, 2 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Shiyan (321 969):
花果街道 43964 红卫街道 55263 车城街道 101752 汉江街道 61872 黄龙镇 15162 柏林镇 9884 舒家乡 4461 方滩乡 7207 大路乡 5861 西沟乡 5242 茅坪乡 5982 西城开发区虚拟街道 5319

Shiyan--Huaguo (花果 Huāguǒ)
has an area of 2.6 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

Danjiangkou District (
丹江口市 Dānjiāngkǒu-shì) 3 121 km²

5 street committees of Danjiangkou, 11 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 1 special urban township (501 126):
均州路街道 43078 大坝路街道 47601 丹赵路街道 34286 新港街道 9915 三官殿街道 27930 土关垭镇 13186 浪河镇 22959 丁家营镇 15841 六里坪镇 54685 盐池河镇 11499 均县镇 27885 习家店镇 36600 蒿坪镇 11938 石鼓镇 15596 凉水河镇 29277 官山镇 13731 牛河乡 9941 土台乡 17142 白杨坪乡 3250 凤凰乡 5874 武当山特区虚拟镇 48912

Danjiangkou (162 810)
has an area of 6.8 km² and an estimated population of 100 000.

Liuliping (
六里坪 Liùpíng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.

Wudangshan (
武当山 dāngshān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Fangxian County (
房县 Fángxiàn) 5 110 km²

7 urban townships, 17 rural townships, 1 special rural township (471 311): 城关镇 74786 军店镇 39436 化龙堰镇 25812 土城镇 16193 大木厂镇 21086 青峰镇 22563 门古镇 18525 红塔乡 40427 白窝乡 24603 窑淮乡 18432 板桥铺乡 12777 姚坪乡 15617 秦口乡 13518 通省乡 14844 中堰河乡 14807 榔口乡 11175 沙河乡 12902 万峪乡 10719 桥上乡 12218 安阳乡 6521 上龛乡 8523 中坝乡 12799 九道乡 12659 迥龙乡 4850 五台林场虚拟乡 5519

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 3.1 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.

Yunxi County (
郧西县 Yúnxī-xiàn) 3 509 km²

9 urban townships, 14 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui) (492 015):
城关镇 61357 土门镇 27879 上津镇 29103 店子镇 26306 夹河镇 23450 羊尾镇 23505 观音镇 27813 马安镇 23135 河夹镇 20826 茅坪乡 8642 香口乡 20275 六斗乡 8265 槐树乡 7280 关防乡 17893 湖北口回族乡 24518 景阳乡 18416 泥沟乡 16124 六郎乡 28659 黑虎乡 13101 涧池乡 19176 五顶乡 14096 童元乡 14202 安家乡 11319 三官洞乡 6675

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Yunxian County (
郧县 Yúnxiàn) 3 863 km²

15 urban townships, 11 rural townships, 2 special rural townships (584 315):
城关镇 75147 安阳镇 34096 杨溪镇 22090 青曲镇 24576 白桑镇 12833 南化镇 32575 白浪镇 11510 刘洞镇 17897 谭山镇 29488 梅铺镇 27607 青山镇 18359 茶店镇 24764 柳陂镇 36063 鲍峡镇 21723 胡家营镇 23595 桂花乡 12246 大堰乡 16469 大柳乡 14195 高庙乡 19021 黄柿乡 20580 辽瓦乡 16329 安城乡 19796 五峰乡 14413 东河乡 9247 叶大乡 8093 叶滩乡 9414 原种场虚拟乡 11081 红岩背林场虚拟乡 1108

Yunxian is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 2.8 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.

Zhushan County (
竹山县 Zhúshān-xiàn) 3 586 km²

10 urban townships, 15 rural townships (438 787):
城关镇 43903 溢水镇 23758 麻家渡镇 21581 宝丰镇 34093 擂鼓镇 27221 秦古镇 26654 得胜镇 29346 田家镇 12991 官渡镇 15689 茅塔镇 11304 潘口乡 15576 牌楼乡 7408 黄栗乡 21404 竹坪乡 27175 大庙乡 12778 三台乡 11016 双台乡 7275 楼台乡 10597 沧浪乡 10894 文峰乡 17582 深河乡 13974 峪口乡 12696 梁家乡 6309 柳林乡 10167 洪坪乡 7396

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.

Zhuxi County (
竹溪县 Zhú-xiàn) 3 279 km²

7 urban townships, 13 rural townships (338 534):
城关镇 44536 蒋家堰镇 34037 中峰镇 30400 水坪镇 35705 县河镇 22165 泉溪镇 14297 丰溪镇 13502 龙坝乡 19201 洛河乡 13229 鄂坪乡 10924 汇湾乡 20489 龙滩乡 9278 天宝乡 11556 兵营乡 14927 新洲乡 15788 马家河乡 7988 瓦沧乡 3033 桃源乡 7487 向坝乡 7038 双桥乡 2954

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.

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