Fuzhou Region (福州市 - )
Fuzhou is a major city with a population of 2 300 000. The city of Mawei (110 000) in Mawei District is in the Fuzhou metropolitan area. The city of Fuqing (130 000) and the major towns of Changle (85 000), Lianjiang (55 000), Pingtan (55 000), Luoyuan (45 000), Minhou (45 000), and Minqing (30 000) are county seats in the region. The city of Honglu (110 000) in Fuqing Metropolitan County and the major towns of Shangjie (70 000) in Minhou County, Jinfeng (55 000) in Changle Metropolitan County, Longtian (50 000) in Fuqing Metropolitan County, Qingkou (45 000) in Minhou County, Zhanggang (30 000) in Changle Metropolitan County, Jiangyin (28 000), Chengtou (22 000) and Dongge (22 000) in Fuqing Metropolitan County, Xiangqian (22 000) in Minhou County, Xiapu (22 000) in Fuqing Metropolitan County, Guantou (20 000) in Lianjiang County, Guhuai (20 000) and Jiangtian (20 000) in Changle Metropolitan County and Yuxi (20 000) in Fuqing Metropolitan County are also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Fuzhou Region contains the Fuzhou metropolitan area, 2 metropolitan counties, and 6 counties. Its area is 12 153 km² and its population is 6 386 015. The area and population do not include Mazu rural township of Lianjiang County, which is controlled by the Republic of China government on Taiwan.
The Fuzhou metropolitan area has an area of 1 015 km² and a population of 2 124 435. The city of Fuzhou has a population of 1 136 890 in 31 street committees and 2 special street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 1 888 175 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 1 129 251 in 1 083 km² for the Fuzhou metropolitan area, which suggests about 750 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 5.3%. This rate gives an estimate for 2004 of 2 300 000 corresponding to the measured area of 91 km².
Cangshan District (仓山区 ) 146 km²
7 street committees of Fuzhou, 5 urban townships, 2 special street committees of Fuzhou, 1 special urban township (482 039): 仓前街道 24537人、东升街道 9270人、对湖街道 27030人、临江街道 22131人、三叉街街道 20291人、上渡街道 12569人、下渡街道 32312人、仓山镇 46264人、城门镇 90302人、盖山镇 88931人、建新镇 64359人、螺洲镇 19666人、福建师范大学虚拟街道 10472人、福建农业大学虚拟街道 9241人、红星农场虚拟镇 4664人
Cangshan (仓山 ), Chengmen (城门 ), Geshan (盖山 ), and Jianxin (建新 ) are suburbs of Fuzhou.
Gulou District (鼓楼区 ) 35.7 km²
9 street committees of Fuzhou, 1 urban township (559 858): 鼓东街道 39267人、鼓西街道 54435人、温泉街道 48391人、东街街道 28924人、南街街道 54169人、安泰街道 33166人、华大街道 66557人、水部街道 34546人、五凤街道 79406人、洪山镇 120997人
Hongshan (洪山 ) is a suburb of Fuzhou.
Jin'an District (晋安区 ) 567 km²
3 street committees of Fuzhou, 4 urban townships, 4 rural townships (510 611): 茶园街道 78667人、王庄街道 37455人、象园街道 45654人、鼓山镇 150970人、新店镇 88259人、岳峰镇 76873人、宦溪镇 11132人、岭头乡 5511人、寿山乡 6860人、日溪乡 6754人、鼓岭乡 2476人
Gushan (鼓山 ), Xindian (新店 ), and Yuefeng (岳峰
Mawei District ( ) are suburbs of Fuzhou.马尾区 ) 248 km²
1 street committee of Mawei, 3 urban townships (203 527): 罗星街道 60446人、马尾镇 32462人、江镇 41241人、琅岐镇 69378人
Mawei (60 446) has an area of 13.5 km² and an estimated population of 110 000. Maweizhen (马尾镇 ) is a suburb of Mawei.
Taijiang District (台江区
12 street commitees of Fuzhou (368 400): ) 18.0 km²瀛洲街道 50110人、后洲街道 14249人、义洲街道 35460人、新港街道 39229人、上海街道 67170人、双杭街道 20844人、苍霞街道 11433人、帮洲街道 16759人、茶亭街道 32560人、洋中街道 28557人、鳌峰街道 24871人、宁化街道 27158人
Changle Metropolitan County (长乐市 ) 724 km²
15 urban townships, 2 rural townships, 1 special urban township (689 815): 吴航镇 67390人、营前镇 39396人、首占镇 25431人、玉田镇 36680人、松下镇 17676人、江田镇 41770人、古槐镇 48860人、文武砂镇 17906人、鹤上镇 56987人、漳港镇 51077人、湖南镇 26541人、金峰镇 87989人、文岭镇 34185人、梅花镇 17952人、潭头镇 58935人、罗联乡 9226人、猴屿乡 9591人、航城未批镇 42223人
Changle is in Wuhang urban township (吴航 ) and has an area of 5.7 km² and an estimated population of 85 000.
Jinfeng (金峰 ) has an area of 4.7 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.
Zhanggang (漳港 ) has an area of 2.8 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.
Guhuai (古槐 ) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 20 000. In addition, Beidang (北垱 ) in Guhuai urban township has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 14 000.
Jiangtian (江田 ) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Heshang (鹤上 ) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 18 000. In addition, Jinma (金马 ) in Heshang urban township has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Fuqing Metropolitan County (福清市 ) 1 932 km²
1 street committee of Fuqing, 20 urban townships, 2 special urban townships (1 174 540): 融城街道 91174人、音西镇 83629人、宏路镇 67453人、阳下镇 45824人、海口镇 88732人、城头镇 46517人、南岭镇 5647人、龙田镇 114493人、江镜镇 79825人、港头镇 66099人、高山 镇 60248人、沙埔镇 43273人、三山镇 95976人、东瀚镇 36194人、渔溪镇 48554人、上迳镇 30747人、新厝镇 28337人、江阴镇 64816人、东张镇 28630人、镜洋镇 30772人、一都镇 10214人、江镜华侨农场虚拟镇 3896人、东阁华侨农场虚拟镇 3490人
Fuqing (91 174) has an area of 10.5 km² and an estimated population of 130 000. Yinxi (音西
Honglu ( ) is a suburb of Fuqing.宏路 ) has an area of 8.9 km² and an estimated population of 110 000.
Longtian (龙田 ) has an area of 3.9 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Jiangyin (江阴 ) has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 28 000. In addition, Xiapu (下堡 ) in Jiangyin urban township has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Chengtou (城头 ) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 22 000. In addition, Houfeng (后俸 ) in Chengtou urban township has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Yuxi (渔溪 ) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Gaoshan (高山 ) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Haikou (海口 ) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000. In addition, Dongge (东阁 ) in Haikou urban township has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Jiangjing (江镜 ) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Lianjiang County (连江县 ) 1 191 km²
16 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (She) (599 962): 凤城镇 59534人、敖江镇 34954人、东岱镇 31745人、琯头镇 66550人、晓澳镇 35634人、东湖镇 15318人、丹阳镇 26745人、长龙镇 11964人、透堡镇 18106人、马鼻镇 37791人、官坂镇 27586人、筱埕镇 26899人、黄岐镇 24130人、苔菉镇 27301人、浦口镇 34070人、坑园镇 20957人、潘渡乡 17129人、江南乡 24921人、蓼沿乡 26212人、安凯乡 16538人、下宫乡 12243人、小沧畲族乡 3635人
The area and population do not include Mazu rural township (马祖
Lianjiang is in Fengcheng urban township ( ), which is controlled by the Republic of China government on Taiwan.凤城 ) and has an area of 5.0 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.
Guantou (琯头 ) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Dongdai/Pukou (东岱/浦口 ) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 18 000.
Luoyuan County (罗源县 ) 1 079 km²
6 urban townships, 4 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (She) (232 351): 凤山镇 55568人、松山镇 33410人、起步镇 26771人、中房镇 19727人、飞竹镇 13585人、鉴江镇 12105人、白塔乡 13323人、洪洋乡 12068人、西兰乡 12825人、霍口畲族乡 14779人、碧里乡 18190人
Luoyuan is in Fengshan urban township (凤山 ) and has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Minhou County (闽侯县 ) 2 130 km²
9 urban townships, 7 rural townships, 1 special rural township (580 048): 甘蔗镇 47798人、白沙镇 32106人、南屿镇 50045人、尚干镇 17909人、祥谦镇 52834人、青口镇 68873人、南通镇 42319人、上街镇 62393人、荆溪镇 47494人、竹岐乡 27600人、鸿尾乡 31696人、洋里乡 25943人、大湖乡 29102人、廷坪乡 28661人、闽江乡 3893人、小箬乡 8560人、江洋农场虚拟乡 2822人
Minhou is in Ganzhe urban township (甘蔗 ) and has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Shangjie (上街 ) has an area of 6.7 km² and an estimated population of 70 000.
Qingkou (青口 ) has an area of 5.8 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Xiangqian (祥谦 ) has an area of 2.9 km² and an estimated population of 22 000.
Jingxi (荆溪 ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 12 000. In addition, Baitou (白头 ) in Jingxi urban township has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Shanggan (尚干 ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Minqing County (闽清县 ) 1 469 km²
11 urban townships, 7 rural townships (288 598): 梅城镇 35432人、梅溪镇 22416人、白樟镇 20048人、金沙镇 12948人、白中镇 18641人、池园镇 22332人、坂东镇 39293人、塔庄镇 21217人、省璜镇 17639人、雄江镇 5195人、东桥镇 18451人、云龙乡 11410人、上莲乡 7690人、佳头乡 866人、后佳乡 3329人、三溪乡 8362人、桔林乡 6339人、下祝乡 16990人
Minqing is in Meicheng urban township (梅城 ) and has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.
Pingtan County (平潭县 ) 371 km²
7 urban townships, 8 rural townships (371 922): 潭城镇 65728人、苏澳镇 31053人、流水镇 47231人、澳前镇 39975人、北厝镇 31026人、平原镇 22257人、敖东镇 29857人、白青乡 16628人、屿头乡 15130人、大练乡 6043人、芦洋乡 5292人、中楼乡 20587人、东庠乡 9264人、岚城乡 22512人、南海乡 9339人
Pingtan is in Tancheng urban township (潭城 ) and has an area of 4.3 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.
Yongtai County (永泰县 ) 2 243 km²
9 urban townships, 12 rural townships (324 344): 樟城镇 19658人、嵩口镇 31763人、梧桐镇 32377人、葛岭镇 17105人、城峰镇 21730人、清凉镇 12128人、长庆镇 21113人、同安镇 28227人、樟洋镇 28845人、塘前乡 4694人、富泉乡 7013人、岭路乡 7839人、赤锡乡 13730人、伏口乡 12001人、盖洋乡 8643人、东洋乡 8289人、霞拔乡 15617人、盘谷乡 8420人、红星乡 8758人、白云乡 12632人、丹云乡 3762人
Yongtai is in Zhangcheng urban township (樟城 ) and has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
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