Xiamen Region (厦门市 )
Xiamen is a major city with a population of 1 500 000. The city of Tong'an (120 000) in Tong'an District and the major towns of Maxiang (50 000) in Xiang'an District, Haicang (25 000) in Haicang District, and Guankou (20 000) in Jimei District are in the Xiamen metropolitan area.
Detailed Analysis
Xiamen Region contains only the Xiamen metropolitan area. Its area is 1 569 km² and its population is 2 053 070. The city of Xiamen has a population of 887 787 in 13 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 1 254 613 with suburbs. Using a 5.0% growth rate gives an estimate for 2004 of 1 500 000 corresponding to the measured area of 84 km².
Haicang District (海沧区 ) 155 km²
Xinglin District: 1 street committee of Xinglin, 3 urban townships (227 007): 杏林街道 56433 杏林镇 84092 东孚镇 27434 海沧镇 59048
On April 26, 2003, part of Xinglin District became Haicang District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 86 482.
Haicang has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 25 000. Xin'an (新垵 Xīn'ǎn), Zhen'an (贞庵 ), and an unidentified urban area 3 km W of Haicang in Haicang urban township have areas of 6.3 km², 3.8 km², and 1.4 km² and estimated populations of 25 000, 12 000, and 2 500.
Huli District (湖里区
2 street committees of Xiamen, 1 urban township (413 316): ) 61 km²湖里街道 119374 殿前街道 104797 禾山镇 189145
Heshan (禾山
Jimei District ( ) is a suburb of Xiamen.集美区
3 urban townships (148 678): ) 268 km²集美镇37156人、灌口镇43759人、后溪镇67763人
On April 26, 2003, part of Xinglin District was annexed by Jimei District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 289 203.
Jimei, Xinglin (杏林 ), and Xinglinzhen (杏林镇
Guankou ( ) are suburbs of Xiamen. The last two are listed here under Haicang District.灌口 ) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 20 000.
Siming District (思明区 ) 75 km²
Gulangyu District: 1 street committee (19 640)
Siming District: 5 street committees of Xiamen (136 579): 恩明街道15131人、中华街道18498人、文安街道 14764人、厦港街道46147人、滨海街道42039人
Kaiyuan District: 6 street committees of Xiamen (527 037): 鹭江街道53390人、公园街道78448人、梧村街道 79457人、筼筜街道128516人、莲前街道101278人、嘉莲街道85948人
On April 26, 2003, Siming District annexed Gulangyu District and Kaiyuan District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 683 256.
Gulangyu (鼓浪屿
Tong'an District ( ) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.同安区
12 urban townships, 2 special urban townships (580 813): 大同镇 80457 莲花镇 32869 汀溪镇 17740 新民镇 52516 西柯镇 60241 五显镇 37060 洪塘镇 38750 新圩镇 38121 内厝镇 35175 马巷镇 81882 新店镇 76272 大嶝镇 18795 凤南农场虚拟镇 7563 大帽山农场虚拟镇 3372
On April 26, 2003, part of Tong'an District became Xiang'an District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 330 568.
Tong'an is in Datong urban township ( ) 658 km²大同 ) and has an area of 9.8 km² and an estimated population of 120 000. Xinmin (新民
Pantu (潘涂 ) in Xike urban township ( ) is a suburb of Tong'an.西柯 ) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Xiang'an District (翔安区 ) 352 km²
On April 26, 2003, part of Tong'an District became Xiang'an District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 250 245. The urban townships are listed under Tong'an District.
Maxiang (马巷 ) has an area of 4.1 km² and an estimated population of 50 000.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
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