Sunday, March 4, 2007

China (CN) Zhejiang Province Jinhua Region

Jinhua Region (金华市 Jīnhuá-shì)


Jinhua is a city with a population of 400 000. The cities of Yiwu (300 000), Dongyang (120 000), and Yongkang (120 000) and the major towns of Lanxi (90 000), Pujiang (60 000), and Wuyi (40 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Jinhua Region contains the Jinhua metropolitan area, 3 metropolitan counties, and 4 ordinary counties. Its area is 10 919 km² and its population is 4 571 881.

The Jinhua metropolitan area has an area of 2 045 km² and a population of 900 659. Jinhua proper has a population of 263 649 in 7 street committees and 1 special street committee. The 2000 Census gives a population of 322 775 with suburbs. Using a 5% growth rate typical of this part of China, the 2004 estimated population is 400 000 corresponding to the measured area of 36 km².

Jindong District (金东区 Jīndōng-) 657 km²

Jinhua County: 15 urban townships, 8 rural townships (475 800): 孝顺镇 59846 傅村镇 21086 曹宅镇 37908 塘雅镇 24485 澧浦镇 29710 岭下镇 13161 江东镇 10305 雅畈镇 18959 安地镇 10846 白龙桥镇 53779 琅琊镇 15942 蒋堂镇 28100 汤溪镇 39587 罗埠镇 29959 洋埠镇 12786 源东乡 14032 赤松乡 12102 长山乡 11106 箬阳乡 3184 沙畈乡 11218 塔石乡 7899 岭上乡 5385 莘畈乡 4415

On December 30, 2000, the Jinhua metropolitan area annexed Jinhua County. At the same time, part of Wuchang District became part of the new Jindong District. The 2000 Census population of Jindong District is 275 341.

Duohu (
多湖 Duō), listed under Wucheng District, is a suburb of Jinhua.

Wucheng District (婺城区 chéng-qū) 1 388 km²

7 street committees of Jinhua, 4 urban townships, 5 rural townships, 1 special street committee of Jinhua, 1 special rural township (424 859): 城东街道 39346 城中街道 32190 城西街道 12645 城北街道 52089 江南街道 50384 三江街道 32606 西关街道 29600 罗店镇 16347 多湖镇 21653 仙桥镇 13824 秋滨镇 18886 苏盂乡 13926 东孝乡 20829 竹马乡 10608 乾西乡 18587 新狮乡 26034 浙江师范大学虚拟街道 14789 双龙风景区管委会虚拟乡 516

On December 30, 2000, the Jinhua metropolitan area annexed Jinhua County. At the same time, part of Wuchang District was annexed by Jindong District. The corrected 2000 Census population is 625 318.

Qianxi (乾西 Qián) and Qiubin (
秋滨 Qiūbīn) are suburbs of Jinhua.

Bailongqiao (
白龙桥 Báilóngqiáo), listed under Jindong District has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.

Dongyang Metropolitan County (
东阳市 Dōngyáng-shì) 1 739 km²

22 urban townships, 4 rural townships (753 094): 吴宁镇 200754 上卢镇 19235 六石镇 31465 怀鲁镇 17328 李宅镇 13726 北江镇 27671 巍山镇 43000 虎鹿镇 26225 歌山镇 10219 佐村镇 9386 东阳江镇 13849 郭宅镇 13291 湖溪镇 23940 横店镇 82009 马宅镇 21595 三联镇 22073 千样镇 20128 防军镇 21356 南马镇 42805 大联镇 20266 黄田畈镇 29562 画溪镇 17456 宅口乡 4838 三单乡 9762 上村乡 6366 八达乡 4789

Dongyang is in Wuning urban township (
吴宁 níng) and has an area of 11.5 km² and an estimated population of 120 000.

Lanxi Metropolitan County (
兰溪市 Lánxī-shì) 1 310 km²

12 urban townships, 13 rural townships (607 196):
兰江镇 155395 马达镇 15738 游埠镇 33634 永昌镇 36485 诸葛镇 23154 女埠镇 42982 黄店镇 18214 厚仁镇 12424 香溪镇 23951 马涧镇 27125 墩头镇 27403 横溪镇 24257 灵洞乡 21198 张坑乡 12815 盂湖乡 15369 水亭畲族乡 19228 赤溪乡 15996 朱家乡 4881 芝堰乡 8360 官塘乡 16806 石渠乡 9662 柏社乡 18596 横木乡 7613 下陈乡 5541 白沙乡 10369

Lanxi is in Lanjiang urban township (
兰江 Lánjiāng) and has an area of 8.9 km² and an estimated population of 90 000.

Yiwu Metropolitan County (
义乌市 wū-shì) 1 103 km²

16 urban townships, 5 rural townships (912 670):
稠城镇 234827 江东镇 97272 稠江镇 81578 后宅镇 49324 佛堂镇 63263 赤岸镇 16371 毛店镇 15390 义亭镇 46510 上溪镇 28937 吴店镇 15857 荷叶塘镇 24508 苏溪镇 49699 大陈镇 37835 楂林镇 15231 廿三里镇 50157 下骆宅镇 23495 东河乡 17111 夏演乡 19484 东塘乡 8184 塔山乡 7406 倍磊乡 10231

Yiwu is in Choucheng urban township (
稠城 Chóuchéng) and has an area of 26 km² and an estimated population of 300 000.

Suxi (
苏溪 ) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Fotang (
佛堂 táng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Yongkang Metropolitan County (
永康市 Yǒngkāng-shì) 1 049 km²

15 urban townships, 7 rural townships (557 067):
古丽镇 178187 石柱镇 23807 前仓镇 14542 舟山镇 10253 芝英镇 51855 方岩镇 21528 胡库镇 19196 古山镇 30469 桥下镇 19437 西溪镇 14112 四路镇 14437 唐先镇 28478 清溪镇 34203 象珠镇 15636 花街镇 22418 永祥乡 6868 新店乡 16066 新楼多 7578 柏岩乡 6774 棠溪乡 4038 中山乡 7156 八字墙乡 10029

Yongkang is in Guli urban township (
古丽 ) and has an area of 11.5 km² and an estimated population of 120 000.

Zhiying (
芝英 Zhīyīng) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Gushan (
古山 shān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Shizhu (
石柱 Shízhù) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Pan'an County (
磐安县 Pán'ān-xiàn) 1 196 km²

9 urban townships, 11 rural townships (175 834):
安文镇 34658 新渥镇 12686 冷水镇 8069 仁川镇 11198 尖山镇 10996 玉山镇 13414 尚湖镇 14484 大盘镇 6225 方前镇 9372 深泽乡 11009 双蜂乡 4031 墨林乡 2205 窃川乡 3242 双溪乡 4887 万苍乡 7678 胡宅乡 9374 九和乡 4462 盘峰乡 2984 维新乡 1899 高二乡 2961

Pan'an is in Anwen urban township (
安文 Ānwén) and has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.

Pujiang County (
浦江县 jiāng-xiàn) 900 km²

9 urban townships, 7 rural townships (364 138):
浦阳镇 113800 黄宅镇 38553 白马镇 26777 郑家坞镇 12963 郑宅镇 28305 岩头镇 20343 潘宅镇 12474 杭坪镇 14114 檀溪镇 11865 七里乡 18408 治平乡 19986 前吴乡 12408 花桥乡 7029 花桥乡 9006 大畈乡 7794 中余乡 10313

Pujiang is in Puyang urban township (
浦阳 yáng) has an area of 6.0 km² and an estimated population of 60 000.

Wuyi County (
武义县 yì-xiàn) 1 577 km²

6 urban townships, 1 ethnic urban township (She) (301 223):
武阳镇 83933 柳城畲族镇 16821 履坦镇 12822 桐琴镇 21548 泉溪镇 18095 王宅镇 24098 桃溪镇 14773 茭道乡 10286 邵宅乡 14805 桃溪滩乡 9586 大田乡 8853 新宅乡 8148 宣武乡 5461 明山乡 2631 白姆乡 10395 俞源乡 9341 坦洪乡 5387 云华乡 5613 西联乡 5643 新塘乡 1692 竹客乡 3106 三港乡 3892 大溪口乡 4294

Wuyi is in Wuyang urban township (
武阳 yáng) and has an area of 4.6 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.

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