Saturday, February 17, 2007

China (CN) Anhui Province Bengbu Region

Bengbu Region (蚌埠市 Bèngbù-shì)


Bengbu is a major city with a population of 600 000. The major towns of Guzhen (35 000), Wuhe (35 000), and Huaiyuan (30 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Bengbu Region contains the Bengbu metropolitan area and 3 counties. Its area is 5 945 km² and its population is 3 288 329.

The Bengbu metropolitan area has an area of 601 km² and a population of 898 921. Bengbu proper has a population of 586 740 in 18 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 645 820 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 558 676 in 397 km² for Bengbu city, suggesting about 400 000 in the urban area. This gives a long-run growth rate of 2.7%. Using this rate, the 2004 estimated population corresponding to the measured area of 41 km² is 600 000.

Bengshan District (蚌山区 Bèngshān-qū) 83 km²

Zhongshi District: 7 street committees of Bengbu (118 178): 天桥街道 12737 青年街道 19466 纬二路街道 12954 胜利街道 27352 延安街道 23494 黄庄街道 19681 小蚌埠街道 2494

On January 10, 2004, Zhongshi District became Bengshan District and annexed parts of Dongshan, Suburban, and Xishan Districts. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Huaishang District (
淮上区 Huáishàng-) 232 km²

Suburban District: 2 urban townships, 6 rural townships (222 659):
长淮卫镇 35722 小蚌埠镇 44392 长青乡 14688 李楼乡 20888 燕山乡 23388 秦集乡 42075 雪华乡 15269 吴小街乡 26237

On January 10, 2004, Suburban District became Huaishang District and annexed parts of Zhongshan District, Guzhen County, and Huaiyuan County. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Changqing (
长青 Chángqīng), now divided between multiple districts, is a suburb of Bengbu. Xiaobengbu (小蚌埠 Xiǎobèngbù) is also a suburb of Bengbu.

Longzihu District (龙子湖Lóngzihú-) 162 km²

Dongshi District: 7 street committees of Bengbu (242 240): 解放街道 90667 东风街道 22807 治淮街道 28412 东升街道 33816 宏业村街道 28900 曹山街道 7626 龙湖新村街道 30012

On January 10, 2004, Dongshi District became Longzihu District and annexed parts of Zhongshi District and Suburban District.
A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Changhuaiwei (长淮卫 Chánghuáiwèi), listed here under Huaishang District, has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Yuhui District (禹会区 huì-) 125 km²

Xishi District: 5 street committees of Bengbu (226 322): 朝阳街道 27514 纬四街道 38729 大庆街道 65602 张公山街道 60432 钓鱼台街道 34045

On January 10, 2004, Xishi District became Yuhui District and annexed part of Suburban District. A corrected 2000 Census population is not available.

Guzhen County (
固镇县 zhèn-xiàn) 1 363 km²

8 urban townships, 10 rural townships (595 513):
城关镇 66589 王庄镇 36017 曹老集镇 42873 新马桥镇 30341 刘集镇 28398 湖沟镇 33444 任桥镇 38987 濠城镇 27920 磨盘张乡 22564 连站乡 40965 石湖乡 29578 九湾乡 26521 宋店乡 27727 仲抻兴乡 32842 唐南乡 27466 瓦疃乡 22092 杨庙乡 36230 何集乡 24959

On January 10, 2004, the Bengbu metropolitan area annexed part of Guzhen County. The corrected 2000 Census population is 552 640.

Guzhen is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.0 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Haocheng (
濠城 Háochéng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Wangzhuang (
王庄 Wángzhuāng) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Huaiyuan County (
怀远县 Huáiyuǎn-xiàn) 2 400 km²

11 urban townships, 18 rural townships, 1 special urban township (1 234 561):
城关镇 70299 包集镇 39882 龙亢镇 32105 河溜镇 47255 常坟镇 41224 马城镇 43485 双桥集镇 53928 魏庄镇 41778 五岔镇 43347 万福镇 47984 唐集镇 45597 燕集乡 29269 淝河乡 35777 朱疃乡 38659 找郢乡 49365 梅桥乡 46649 姚山乡 48988 褚集乡 40175 看疃乡 32580 陈集乡 35100 高庄乡 36559 古城乡 52077 东庙乡 31690 项桥乡 26630 徐圩乡 45660 双沟乡 39234 兰桥乡 36319 荆芡乡 47341 孝仪乡 46166 龙亢农场虚拟镇 9439

On January 10, 2004, the Bengbu metropolitan area annexed part of Huaiyuan County. The corrected 2000 Census population is 1 187 912.

Huaiyuan is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 4.5 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.

Changfen (
常坟 Chángfén) has an area of 2.2 km² and an estimated population of 13 000. In addition, Wangxiangzi (王巷子 Wángxiàngzi) in Changfen urban township has an area of 1.8 km² and an estimated population of 9 000.

Niuweizi (牛圩子 Niúwéizi) in Tangji urban township (
唐集 Táng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Wuhe County (
五河县 hé-xiàn) 1 580 km²

10 urban townships, 9 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui) (648 856): 城关镇 67233 新集镇 46201 沫河口镇 38558 小溪镇 26988 双忠庙镇 34323 小圩镇 39402 东刘集镇 33775 头铺镇 30975 大新镇 25179 武桥镇 25413 长淮乡 26023 朱顶乡 42750 安淮乡 16909 临北回族乡 24193 曹顾张乡 24711 皇庙乡 26228 园集乡 24136 张集乡 24689 申集乡 35312 沱湖乡 35858

Wuhe is in Chengguan urban township
(城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.6 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.

Anhuai (
安淮 Ānhuái) has an area of 3.6 km² and an estimated population of 18 000.

Xinji (
新集 Xīn) has an area of 3.4 km² and an estimated population of 17 000.

Daxin (
大新 xīn) has an area of 3.0 km² and an estimated population of 15 000.

Toupu (
头铺 Tóu) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Qianliu (前刘 Qiánliú) in Shuangzhongmiao urban township (
双忠庙 Shuāngzhōngmiào) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Sanpu (三铺 Sān) in Mohekou urban township (
沫河口 kǒu) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

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