Shangqiu is a major city with a population of 550 000. The major towns of Minquan (75 000), Xiayi (45 000), Zhecheng (40 000), Ningling (35 000), Yucheng (35 000), Suixian (30 000), and Yongcheng (30 000) are county seats in the region. The major town of Yanji (40 000) in Yongcheng Metropolitan County is also in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Shangqiu Region contains the Shangqiu metropolitan area, Yongcheng Metropolitan county, and 6 ordinary counties. The area is 10 658 km² and the population is 7 753 844.
The Shangqiu metropolitan area has an area of 1 586 km² and a population of 1 428 983. This area is divided into 2 districts. The city of Shangqiu has a population of 410 648 in 12 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 435 075 with suburbs. The 1982 Census gives a population of 183 430 in 76 km² for the Shangqiu metropolitan area, suggesting about 150 000 in the urban area. This gives a 4.9% long-run growth rate and a 2004 estimate of 550 000 corresponding to a measured area of 55 km². Other estimates in the metropolitan area are given under the corresponding districts.
Liangyuan District (粱园区 Liángyuán-qū) 673 km²
8 street committees of Shangqiu, 4 urban townships, 7 rural townships (674 502): 前进街道 30257 长征街道 27427 八八街道 31453 东风街道 32161 中州街道 25793 白云街道 43373 平原街道 33759 建设街道 32264 平台镇 47900 双八镇 46847 张阁镇 30660 谢集镇 41999 周集乡 24427 水池铺乡 35039 观堂乡 37674 王楼乡 29667 李庄乡 53576 孙福集乡 38296 刘口乡 31930
Zhouji (周集 Zhōují) is a suburb of Shangqiu.
Liukou (刘口 Liúkǒu) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Shuangba (双八 Shuāngbā) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
Suiyang District (睢阳区 Suīyáng-qū) 913 km²
4 street committees of Shangqiu, 4 urban townships, 10 rural townships (754 481): 古城街道 43046 文化街道 34857 东方街道 24006 新城街道 52252 宋集镇 38163 郭村镇 53328 李口镇 45150 高辛镇 45241 王坟乡 47309 闰集乡 46687 冯桥乡 28696 坞墙乡 42192 包公庙乡 36580 娄店乡 32211 毛固堆乡 46259 路河乡 49872 勒马乡 49298 临河店乡 39334
Guocun (郭村 Guōcūn) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.
Wuqiang (坞墙 Wùqiáng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Yongcheng Metropolitan County (永城市 Yǒngchéng-shì) 2 068 km²
8 urban townships, 22 rural townships (1 264 607): 演集镇 72936 城关镇 67077 芒山镇 51544 高庄镇 50666 酂城镇 46680 裴桥镇 55598 马桥镇 49484 薛湖镇 54282 城厢乡 37008 候岭乡 44910 黄口乡 35746 新桥乡 38497 双桥乡 42546 王集乡 29193 李寨乡 31270 卧龙乡 32509 龙岗乡 48298 马牧乡 39510 酂阳乡 44830 十八里乡 26608 蒋口乡 52476 太丘乡 29746 顺和乡 36661 陈集乡 52347 滦湖乡 21621 条河乡 46613 刘河乡 39340 陈官庄乡 19579 苗桥乡 31385 茴村乡 35647
Yongcheng is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.1 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.
Yanji (演集 Yǎnjí) has an area of 7.0 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Mangshan (芒山 Mángshān) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 14 000. In addition, an unidentified urban area 2 km W of Mangshan has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
Cuoyang (酂阳 Cuoyáng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
Xuehu (薛湖 Xuēhú) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
Huicun (茴村 Huícūn) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Minquan County (民权县 Mínquán-xiàn) 1 222 km²
5 urban townships, 14 rural townships (805 063): 城关镇 94755 人和镇 51161 龙塘镇 54917 北关镇 66969 程庄镇 59118 伯党乡 19141 花园乡 25887 尹店乡 58810 孙六乡 35949 野岗乡 46440 双塔乡 31263 林七乡 36960 胡集乡 17464 褚庙乡 34035 李堂乡 18734 老颜集乡 36763 顺河乡 30722 王桥乡 51678 王庄寨乡 34297
Minquan is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 11.5 km² and an estimated population of 75 000. In addition, Laocheng (老城 Lǎochéng) in Chengguan urban township has an area of 2.0 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.
Shunhe (顺河 Shùnhé) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Beiguan (北关 Běiguān) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 7 000. In addition, Liguan (李馆 Lǐguǎn) in Beiguan urban township has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Yindian (尹店 Yǐndiàn) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Bodang (伯党 Bódǎng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Chumiao (褚庙 Chǔmiào) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Longtang (龙塘 Lóngtáng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Wutun (吴屯 Wútún) in Wangzhuangzhai rural township (王庄寨 Wángzhuāngzhài) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Zhaolaojia (赵老家 Zhàolǎojiā) in Sunliu rural township (孙六 Sūnliù) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Yuzhuang (于庄 Yúzhuāng) in Chengzhuang urban township (程庄 Chéngzhuāng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Ningling County (宁陵县 Nínglíng-xiàn) 786 km²
4 urban townships, 11 rural townships (562 794): 城关镇 38400 张弓镇 38993 柳河镇 52905 逻岗镇 44427 黄岗乡 34281 华堡乡 29398 楚庄乡 22803 刘楼乡 36957 程楼乡 33373 乔楼乡 39282 城郊乡 32132 阳驿乡 45542 石桥乡 45125 孔集乡 32818 赵村乡 36358
Ningling is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 6.2 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Zhanggong (张弓 Zhānggōng) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.
Liuhe (柳河 Liǔhé) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 9 500. In addition, Houzhao (后赵 Hòuzhào) in Liuhe urban township has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Huanggang (黄岗 Huánggǎng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
Yangyi (阳驿 Yángyì) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Suixian County (睢县 Suīxiàn) 920 km²
7 urban townships, 17 rural townships (757 080): 长岗镇 34733 平岗镇 35623 周堂镇 33445 蓼堤镇 43676 西陵镇 25296 城关镇 45968 潮庄镇 32799 后台乡 22031 范洼乡 24173 河集乡 46485 孙聚寨乡 41708 白楼乡 32261 河堤乡 36578 白庙乡 31182 胡堂乡 21017 尤吉屯乡 35115 帝丘乡 17008 董店乡 35080 涧岗乡 33479 榆厢乡 18963 匡城乡 25120 尚屯乡 37728 城隍乡 25807 阮楼乡 21805
Suixian is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.1 km² and an estimated population of 30 000.
Chaozhuang (潮庄 Cháozhuāng) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Changgang (长岗 Chánggǎng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Xiayi County (夏邑县 Xiàyì-xiàn) 1 470 km²
8 urban townships, 17 rural townships (1 033 519): 城关镇 56216 会亭镇 46313 马头镇 39483 济阳镇 34353 李集镇 40884 车站镇 55672 杨集镇 44612 韩道口镇 43443 曹集乡 42770 胡桥乡 41467 歧河乡 40619 郭店乡 38817 业庙乡 49720 中峰乡 26490 罗庄乡 32483 桑固乡 44083 何营乡 30587 郭庄乡 23922 王集乡 35921 刘店集乡 31010 骆集乡 43896 太平乡 52558 孔庄乡 48984 火店乡 44347 北镇乡 44869
Xiayi is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 7.1 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.
Chezhan (车站 Chēzhàn) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Sanggu (桑固 Sānggù) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Huiting (会亭 Huìtíng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Yangji (杨集 Yángjí) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Handaokou (韩道口 Hándàokǒu) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Jiyang (济阳 Jìyáng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Yucheng County (虞城县 Yúchéng-xiàn) 1 558 km²
9 urban townships, 22 rural townships (1 025 261): 城关镇 46618 界沟镇 38736 营廓镇 27195 杜集镇 47003 谷熟镇 34831 大杨集镇 30258 贾寨镇 26081 利民镇 9471 张集镇 37557 黄冢乡 38438 沙集乡 33874 店集乡 38654 站集乡 40398 闻集乡 40059 芒种桥乡 35659 小侯乡 25513 刘店乡 25938 大侯乡 26165 营盘乡 24648 城郊乡 50508 郑集乡 29833 李老家乡 48043 稍岗乡 35859 镇里固乡 25741 古王集乡 30631 八里堂乡 21065 利民乡 37907 三庄乡 24606 刘集乡 38715 乔集乡 29788 田庙乡 25469
Yucheng is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.7 km² and an estimated population of 35 000.
Jiazhai (贾寨 Jiǎzhài) has an area of 1.5 km² and an estimated population of 7 500.
Gushu (谷熟 Gǔshú) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Zhanji (站集 Zhànjí) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Duji (杜集 Dùjí) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
An unknown urban area 7.5 km E of Jiazhai in Balitang rural township (八里堂 Bālǐtáng) has an area of 1.1 km² and an estimated population of 5 500.
Zhecheng County (柘城县 Zhèchéng-xiàn) 1 048 km²
7 urban townships, 16 rural townships (876 537): 城关镇 47365 陈青集镇 42012 起台镇 42256 胡襄镇 40627 慈圣镇 48187 安平镇 38333 远襄镇 39766 邵元乡 34572 张桥乡 36314 梁庄乡 40279 洪恩乡 30217 老王集乡 35315 大仵乡 38247 马集乡 32373 牛城乡 42761 尚寨乡 23547 小吴乡 21387 伯岗乡 45739 岗王乡 51199 申桥乡 45846 李原乡 43202 皇集乡 35315 铁关乡 21678
Zhecheng is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 6.6 km² and an estimated population of 40 000.
Yuanxiang (远襄 Yuǎnxiāng) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Anping (安平 Ānpíng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 5 000.
Dongmayuan (东马园 Dōngmǎyuán) in Shaoyuan rural township (邵元 Shàoyuán) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 6 500.
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