Saturday, February 17, 2007

China (CN) Anhui Province Fuyang Region

Fuyang Region (阜阳市 yáng-shì)


Fuyang is a major city with a population of 700 000. The major towns of Jieshou (80 000), Taihe (80 000), Linquan (60 000), Yingshang (55 000), and Funan (45 000) are county seats in the region.

Detailed Analysis

Fuyang Region contains the Fuyang metropolitan area, Jieshou Metropolitan County, and 4 ordinary counties. Its area is 9 979 km² and its population is 8 003 963.

The Fuyang metropolitan area has an area of 1 824 km² and a population of 1 719 057. Fuyang proper has a population of 611 499 in 11 street committees and 1 special street committee. Using a growth rate of 3.5% typical of Chinese cities, the 2004 estimated population is 700 000 corresponding to the measured area of 47 km².

Yingdong District (颍东区 Yǐngdōng-qū) 685 km²

3 street committees of Fuyang, 5 urban townships, 4 rural townships (547 576): 河东街道 51699 新华街道 33937 向阳街道 47008 口孜镇 68100 插花镇 69817 袁寨镇 57736 枣庄镇 38014 老庙镇 36862 正午乡 42278 杨楼乡 32869 冉庙乡 30738 乌江乡 38518

Kouzi (
口孜 Kǒu) has an area of 2.3 km² and an estimated population of 14 000. In addition, Goutai (钩台 Gōutái) in Kouzi urban township has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Yuanzhai (
袁寨 Yuánzhài) has an area of 1.9 km² and an estimated population of 11 000.

Chahua (
插花 Chāhuā) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Yingquan District (颍泉区 Yǐngquán-qū) 643 km²

4 street committees of Fuyang, 5 urban townships, 3 rural townships (589 081): 中市街道 55176 泉北街道 22692 泉颍街道 47118 周棚街道 69728 伍明镇 55798 宁老庄镇 40539 闻集镇 59664 行流镇 41563 姜堂镇 48499 苏屯乡 50422 邵营乡 49647 苏集乡 48235

Yingzhou District (颍州区 Yǐngzhōu-qū) 496 km²

4 street committees of Fuyang, 6 urban townships, 1 rural township, 1 special street committee of Fuyang (582 400): 鼓楼街道 43160 文峰街道 97502 清河街道 44425 颍西街道 68152 王店镇 64517 程集镇 37714 三合镇 31705 西湖镇 41212 九龙镇 37493 三十里铺镇 45711 马寨乡 39907 京九路虚拟街道 30902

Jieshou Metropolitan County (
界首市 Jièshǒu-shì) 667 km²

3 street committees of Jieshou, 12 urban townships, 3 rural townships (640 878):
东城街道 65335 西城街道 56560 颖南街道 37492 光武镇 49822 泉阳镇 33943 芦村镇 25289 新马集镇 40479 大黄镇 30271 田营镇 26095 陶庙镇 47994 王集镇 41389 砖集镇 36819 顾集镇 33168 代桥镇 24367 舒庄镇 24469 邴集乡 27461 靳寨乡 19117 任寨乡 20808

Jieshou (159 387)
has an area of 9.0 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.

Guangwu (
光武 Guāng) has an area of 1.6 km² and an estimated population of 9 500.

Lucun (
芦村 cūn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Funan County (
阜南县 nán-xiàn) 1 929 km²

20 urban townships, 11 rural townships (1 272 431):
城关镇 99827 方集镇 27823 中岗镇 30921 柴集镇 53189 新村镇 45291 三塔集镇 53019 朱寨镇 57836 袁集镇 38626 赵集镇 37992 田集镇 43651 苗集镇 44449 黄岗镇 43182 焦陂镇 49986 张寨镇 43101 王堰镇 39694 洪河桥镇 51370 地城镇 30552 王家坝镇 22982 王化镇 28514 曹集镇 36140 王店孜乡 40485 许堂乡 50341 会龙乡 35665 柳沟乡 32517 段郢乡 45389 公桥乡 40537 龙王乡 23737 于集乡 23169 老观乡 27328 郜台乡 42814 城郊乡 32304

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 5.8 km² and an estimated population of 45 000.

Caoji (
曹集 Cáo) has an area of 2.7 km² and an estimated population of 16 000.

Huanggang (
黄岗 Huánggǎng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Xulou (许楼 lóu) in Gongqiao rural township (
公桥 Gōngqiáo) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Linquan County (
临泉县 Línquán-xiàn) 1 818 km²

23 urban townships, 10 rural townships (1 690 872):
城关镇 83664 杨桥镇 56303 鲷城镇 50415 于寨镇 26815 邢塘镇 37043 谭棚镇 55582 老集镇 53561 滑集镇 61051 吕寨镇 44092 单桥镇 44129 长官镇 65921 宋集镇 66935 张新镇 44295 艾亭镇 60267 陈集镇 50701 韦寨镇 66945 迎仙镇 58595 瓦店镇 55638 姜寨镇 57213 庙岔镇 58037 黄岭镇 59167 白庙镇 46338 关庙镇 56168 牛庄乡 35670 高塘乡 48613 范兴集乡 31698 土陂乡 52266 谢集乡 38541 杨小街乡 41078 陶老乡 35854 田桥乡 54464 张营乡 47041 庞营乡 46772

Linquan is in
Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 7.4 km² and an estimated population of 60 000.

Laoji (
老集 Lǎo) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Yingxian (
迎仙 Yíngxiān) has an area of 1.7 km² and an estimated population of 10 000.

Yangqiao (
杨桥 Yángqiáo) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.

Xingtang (
邢塘 Xíngtáng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Wadian (
瓦店 diàn) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Changguan (
长官 Chángguān) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Songji (
宋集 Sòng) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Tongcheng (
Tóngchéng, XZQH has 鲷城) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Weizhou (韦周 Wéizhōu) in Weizhai urban township (
韦寨 Wéizhài) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Yangzhai (
Yángzhài) in Jiangzhai urban township (姜寨 Jiāngzhài) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Taihe County (
太和县 Tàihé-xiàn) 1 882 km²

24 urban townships, 7 rural townships (1 371 482):
城关镇 131423 旧县镇 59480 税镇镇 37495 皮条孙镇 21091 原墙镇 49059 倪邱镇 47127 李兴镇 59572 大新镇 47592 肖口镇 48043 关集镇 42972 三塔镇 59177 双浮镇 39625 蔡庙镇 25648 三堂镇 42806 苗老集镇 40577 赵庙镇 49877 官集镇 36689 坟台镇 70732 洪山镇 55673 清浅镇 33741 五星镇 36018 高庙镇 20571 桑营镇 35710 大庙集镇 40375 胡总乡 20574 赵集乡 37951 郭庙乡 39252 马集乡 35962 二郎乡 27543 阮桥乡 38894 双庙乡 40133

Taihe is in Chengguan urban township (
城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 10 km² and an estimated population of 80 000.

Jiuxian (
旧县 Jiùxiàn) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Shuizhen (
税镇 Shuìzhèn) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Yuanqiang (
原墙 Yuánqiáng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Niqiu (
倪邱 qiū) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Qingjian (
清浅 Qīngjiān) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

Pitiaosun (
皮条孙 Pítiáosūn) has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 6 000.

Yingshang County (
颖上县 Yǐngshàng-xiàn) 1 859 km²

18 urban townships, 12 rural townships, 1 ethnic rural township (Hui), 1 special urban township (1 309 243):
城关镇 54362人、谢桥镇 70838人、南照镇 41757人、杨湖镇 42657人、江口镇 60448人、润河镇 50473人、新集 镇 35656人、六十铺镇 51199人、耿棚镇 64365人、半岗镇 42663人、王岗镇 32538人、夏桥镇 50475人、江店孜镇 44400人、陈桥镇 39047人、黄桥镇 49880人、八里河镇 43103人、汤店镇 33712人、西三十铺镇 35487人、颍河乡 66123人、建颖乡 54216人、十八里铺乡 42737人、五十铺乡 30739人、红星乡 29065人、盛堂乡 32253人、关屯乡 24667人、垂岗乡 18838人、赛涧回族乡 19717人、刘集乡 45633人、鲁口乡 29565人、黄坝乡 30570人、古城乡 32420人、谢桥煤矿虚拟镇 9640人

is in Chengguan urban township (城关 Chéngguān) and has an area of 6.8 km² and an estimated population of 55 000.

Jiangkou (
江口 Jiāngkǒu) has an area of 3.1 km² and an estimated population of 19 000.

Bangang (
半岗 Bàngǎng) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.

Jianying (
建颖 Jiànyǐng) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Xieqiao (
谢桥 Xièqiáo) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.

Xinji (
Xīn) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.

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