Xining Region (西宁市 )
Xining is a major city with a population of 950 000. The major towns of Huangyuan (25 000) and Datong (20 000) are county seats in the region.
Detailed Analysis
Xining Region contains the Xining metropolitan area, 2 counties, and Datong Hui-Tu Autonomous County. Its area is 7 472 km² and its population is 1 849 713.
The Xining metropolitan area has an area of 343 km² and a population of 879 709. The city of Xining has a population of 759 984 in 23 street committees. The 2000 Census gives a population of 825 017 with suburbs. This suggests a 2004 population of (950 000) corresponding to the measured area of 65 km².
Chengbei District (城北区 138 km²
4 street committees of Xining, 2 urban townships (210 265): 朝阳街道 50656人、小桥街道 57733人、马坊街道 20090人、三其街道 27094人、大堡子镇 29449人、廿里铺镇 25243人
Qinghai Daxue (青海大学 ), a university in Nianlipu urban township (廿里铺 ) has an area of 1.3 km² and an estimated population of 12 000.
Chengdong District (城东区 ) 115 km²
7 street committees of Xining, 2 urban townships (270 268): 东关大街街道 30150人、清真巷街道 29483人、大众街街道 36223人、周家泉街道 28218人、火车站街道 34652人、八一路街道 37524人、林家崖街道 24460人、乐家湾镇 17177人、韵家口镇 32381人
Lejiawan (乐家湾 ) and Yunjiakou (韵家口
Chengxi District ( ) are suburbs of Xining.城西区 ) 79 km²
6 street committees of Xining, 1 urban township (225 412): 西关大街街道 37844人、古城台街道 33245人、虎台街道 52036人、胜利路街道 20196人、兴海路街道 29210人、南川西路街道 37406人、彭家寨镇 15475人
Penjiazhai (彭家寨
) is a suburb of Xining.
Chengzhong District (城中区
6 street committees of Xining (148 521): ) 11 km²饮马街街道 26346人、南滩街道 33008人、仓门街街道 18792人、礼让街街道 30818人、人民街街道 15077人、南川东路街道 24480人
Huangyuan County (湟源县 ) 1 609 km²
1 urban township, 10 rural townships (129 814): 城关镇 31042人、城郊乡 3404人、东峡乡 4826人、日月乡 13591人、和平乡 13790人、波航乡 8603人、大华乡 13337人、申中乡 15279人、塔湾乡 7306人、巴燕乡 10992人、寺寨乡 7644人
Huangyuan is in Chengguan urban township (城关 ) and has an area of 3.1 km² and an estimated population of 25 000.
Huangzhong County (湟中县 ) 2 430 km²
2 urban townships, 19 rural townships, 5 ethnic rural townships (2 Tibetan, 3 Hui) (448 465): 鲁沙尔镇 35280人、多巴镇 42687人、丹麻乡 15164人、田家寨乡 14680人、什张家乡 7997人、群加藏族乡 2129人、土门关乡 14705人、升平乡 4402人、总寨乡 33838人、上新庄乡 20226人、马场藏族乡 10003人、西堡乡 21787人、大源乡 11341人、甘河滩乡 11708人、坡家乡 8672人、汉东回族乡 16713人、大才回族乡 22842人、维新乡 10095人、共和乡 15278人、盘道乡 4809人、拦隆口乡 29811人、拉沙乡 13506人、上五庄回族乡 31394人、四营乡 10800人、李家山乡 24316人、海子沟乡 14282人
Huangzhong is in Lushar urban township (鲁沙尔 ) and has an area of 1.0 km² and an estimated population of 3 000.
Zongzhai (总寨 ) has an area of 2.1 km² and an estimated population of 13 000.
Duoba (多巴 ) has an area of 1.4 km² and an estimated population of 8 500.
Shangwuzhuang (上五庄 ) has an area of 1.2 km² and an estimated population of 7 000.
Datong Hui-Tu Autonomous County (大通回族土族自治县 T) 3 090 km²
6 urban townships, 22 rural townships (416 968): 桥头镇 61657人、城关镇 22966人、塔尔镇 19205人、东峡镇 14869人、元朔镇 24978人、黄家寨镇 26059人、青林乡 10441人、青山乡 8359人、多林乡 9193人、逊让乡 12015人、极乐乡 11910人、新庄乡 14066人、西山乡 7675人、宝库乡 10151人、斜沟乡 7560人、良教乡 17023人、药草乡 8954人、向化乡 8183人、桦林乡 14333人、朔北乡 11982人、吊沟乡 5863人、石山乡 7645人、新城乡 20099人、清平乡 10782人、后子河乡 16674人、长宁乡 11163人、景阳乡 13900人、岗冲乡 9283人
Datong is in Qiaotou urban township (桥头 ) and has an area of 3.5 km² and an estimated population of 20 000. In addition, Maojiazhai (毛家寨 ) in Qiaotou urban township has an area of 3.5 km² and an estimated population of 8 000.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
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