Tuesday, March 20, 2007

China (CN) Tibet Autonomous Region Lhasa Region

Lhasa Region (拉萨市 Lāsà-shì)


Lhasa is a city with a population of 250 000.

Detailed Analysis

Lhasa Region contains the Lhasa metropolitan area and 7 counties. Its area is 31 662 km² and its population is 474 499.

Chengguan District (城关区 Chéngguān-) 525 km²

6 street committees of Lhasa, 4 rural townships (223 001): 公德林街道 55404 扎街道 26298 吉崩岗街道 30183 八廓街道 15658 吉日街道 32016 冲赛康街道 12160 蔡公堂乡 7152 纳金乡 20454 娘热乡 16537 夺底乡 7139

Lhasa (171 719) has an area of 40 km² and an estimated population of 250 000.

Dagzê County (达孜县 Dázī-xiàn) 1 373 km²

1 urban township, 5 rural townships (24 906): 德庆镇 7382 塔杰乡 2852 章多乡 3965 唐嘎乡 4683 雪乡 2471 帮堆乡 3553

There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.

Damxung County (当雄县 Dāngxióng-xiàn) 12 000 km²

2 urban townships, 6 rural townships (39 169): 羊八井镇 4348 当曲卡镇 4182 格达乡 3719 宁中乡 7879 公塘乡 5147 龙仁乡 3810 乌马乡 5793 纳木湖乡 4291

There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.

Doilungdêqên County (堆龙德庆县 Duīlóngdéqìng-xiàn) 2 679 km²

2 urban townships, 5 rural townships (40 543): 东嘎镇 9359 乃琼镇 7838 德庆乡 5731 马乡 4458 古荣乡 5664 羊达乡 3664 柳梧乡 3829

There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.

Lhünzhub County (林周县 Línzhōu-xiàn) 4 512 km²

1 urban township, 9 rural townships (50 895): 甘曲镇 8111 春堆乡 5118 卡孜乡 5014 强嘎乡 5544 松盘乡 4189 江热夏乡 4705 边觉林乡 4706 旁多乡 4312 阿朗乡 4129 唐古乡 5067

There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.

Maizhokunggar County (墨竹工卡县 Mòzhúgōngkǎ-xiàn) 5 620 km²

1 urban township, 7 rural townships (38 920): 工卡镇 5409 甲玛乡 3043 唐加乡 5715 扎西岗乡 6640 尼玛江热乡 7181 扎雪乡 6264 日多乡 1750 门巴乡 2918

There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.

Nyêmo County (尼木县 Nímù-xiàn) 3 275 km²

1 urban township, 7 rural townships (27 375): 塔荣镇 6082 吞巴乡 2308 续迈乡 5030 普松乡 1947 帕故乡 2979 麻江乡 2219 克如乡 1094 尼木乡 5716

There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.

Qüxü County (曲水县 Qūshuǐ-xiàn) 1 680 km²

1 urban township, 5 rural townships (29 690): 曲水镇 7406 聂当乡 4103 茶巴拉乡 3831 菜纳乡 4400 南木乡 2909 达嘎乡 7041

There are no urban areas with an area of 1.0 km² or greater in this county.

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